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Messages - radiosilents

Pages: [1]
A+ advice, thank you so much for the time you took to type that all up and for sharing your experiences. I appreciate you. Looks like I have a project ahead of me!

What methods has everyone used for cleaning used game cases like the PS2 DVD-style cases? We all have techniques for sticker removal (goo gone, eucalyptus oil, rubbing acohol, etc), but I'm talking more about the general film of crud these things have accumulated in the years before I acquired them. My wife semi-jokingly says she doesn't want to actually touch any of the cases because "boys are gross" (by which she means cheeto-fingers, residual stickiness, etc). Almost all of my collection has been acquired second-hand and if the sleeve, manual, and disc are all included, the condition of the plastic case itself has never deterred me from picking up a title I needed for my collection.

So now what? I'm nearing 500 of these things and I'd like to do this as far removed from "by hand, one at a time, with a damp towel and soap and water" as I can. Can we run empty cases through the dishwasher? A tub soak with a small percentage of bathroom cleaner / windex / something else added to the water?

I've seen sales on bulk empty "new" PS2 cases, but the cheapest I tend to see them is about a dollar per and I'm disninclined to spend $500 on case replacement.

VGCollect for Android / Re: I can't even log in on the app...
« on: November 03, 2016, 10:04:04 pm »
I made some further progress today, but still not all the way there yet.

Thank you! Another user here, same issue. We appreciate you looking into it! As others have mentioned, the fast list ability of the app is invaluable when we're out searching shelves. I know you're probably hating it and wrestling with it currently, but it's a great tool for the community and we're grateful for your efforts.

Video Game Database Discussion / Re: Listing Errors 2015
« on: April 11, 2015, 10:35:47 am »
duplicate/misnamed item :

correct :
incorrect :

this doesn't appear to be a valid item :

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