General / Has Skeleton Krew gone up in price?
« on: August 12, 2016, 04:37:36 pm »
I watched a bid not long ago for Skeleton Krew Complete (Genesis), and it surprised me. I've never seen one sell for 152 or near it -- so why a sudden jump? I just purchased a loose cart for six dollars, and was thinking about selling it, but I wonder if the value has changed much for the loose cart itself... it's hard to say since they are rarely up on ebay and are not many to compare.
I watched a bid not long ago for Skeleton Krew Complete (Genesis), and it surprised me. I've never seen one sell for 152 or near it -- so why a sudden jump? I just purchased a loose cart for six dollars, and was thinking about selling it, but I wonder if the value has changed much for the loose cart itself... it's hard to say since they are rarely up on ebay and are not many to compare.