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Messages - blackhearted

Pages: [1]
General / Re: Game Room Pics
« on: August 10, 2016, 05:35:37 pm »
I don't really have a "game room" per se, but i guess i'll show my current gaming set up(aka desk) anyway.

So this is where i usually game(unless playing handhelds), and while it was taken with my crappy phone camera last year, not much has changed since then. Also, yes, i'm one of those weirdos whos consoles and pc share the same monitor at a desk. One day i'll change that.

General / Re: Do you play with Normal Or Inverted camera controls?
« on: August 10, 2016, 05:14:01 pm »
"Normal/standard" camera controls. Inverted camera controls are terrible and confusing. Oddly though, i need up and down to be inverted in games that have swimming(playing majora's mask 3d and being zora recently reminded me of that).

PC is pretty much already there. Console will be too, eventually. It's only a matter of time. And that's kind of a shame as i like my shelves of physical console games.

I live in a big city.

We have 2 (technicallly 3, but the 3rd is restricted to traditionally spanish speaking areas and I know nothing of the service) ISPs.  AT&T with 45Mbps 300GB data cap.  TWC with 300Mbps and no data cap.  TWC will burn through AT&T's data cap in 8000 seconds.  That's a little over 2 hours.

I wish we had options like that here. Where i am the best we can get from TWC, or from any ISP for that matter, is 50mbps.

I'll be shocked if this ends up being the case. Both companies are touting these new systems as being only for "hardcore" gamers who also own 4k TVs. They aren't pushing them to the general public, and the price is probably going to reflect that. So devs would be insane to put out games that ran that poorly on the current hardware. And to your New 3DS example, Hyrule Warriors was a first-party Nintendo title, no 3rd parties have made anything that ran like that on the old 3DS. Heck, correct me if I'm wrong but I think Nintendo themselves are the only ones so far that have put out games that actually take advantage of the specs of the New 3DS.

Hyrule Warriors is developed by team ninja and omega force who are parts of koei tecmo. Nintendo was basically there to handle publishing duties and to tell them what they can and can't do with the zelda name. So it kind of is a 3rd party title.

There is no talk of the PS5 or the Xbox Onemoresuckyconsole. What is being talked about is a midway system. It is not required to play any of the upcoming games. Only for the people who are really into all the specs and what not, it allows you access to play games in pure 4k. No one complains when they releases another phone every year ... car companies put out the same car every year with 1-2 changes in whatever. But game companies release an updated system and the world starts to slowly implode.

It may not be required, but i don't think you'll want to play new ps4 games on an original ps4 after neo comes out. All the years consoles have existed have shown us one BIG thing: console makers have absolutely no standards when it comes to performance. They'll greenlight anything for release no matter how badly it runs. And that's why some people are worried. Have you seen hyrule warriors on an old 3ds? It's borderline unplayable. And that's what i expect many games to be like shortly after neo and scorpio come out unless we get some kind of miracle and sony/ms start requiring games meet a minimum level on both versions.

Modern Video Games / Re: Current gen or previous gen so far?
« on: August 04, 2016, 07:38:35 pm »
I'm a complete idiot. It's still early days, as said, I've no idea why everyone's referring to this as 'the halfway point' for this gen - we're only getting the proper second wave of releases this Christmas since it takes so long to develop games these days.

Everyone's saying we're far into this generation cause the 8th gen started near 4 years ago with the wii u(whether some people want to agree with that or not, that IS when it began). And the typical console generation is 5-6 years, with the last gen being the only exception. That and the fact that all 3 consoles are about to be replaced with in the next year or so also shows we're not really in the "early days" anymore.

Modern Video Games / Re: Current gen or previous gen so far?
« on: July 31, 2016, 05:32:42 pm »
This generation has been pretty poor tbh. Between the flood of those lazy cash grabs known as remasters, and the fact that almost everything(including japanese games) is coming/will come to pc nowadays, there's been extremely little reason to buy any console aside from the wii u.

General / Re: PSP and Vita or 3DS and DS?
« on: July 19, 2016, 04:45:35 pm »
I only own a psp and 3ds(and i guess technically ds too, cause back compat), but i'd have to go with nintendo. There's just more that i want to play there that i can only play there. I've considered getting a vita but any time i do i remember the excessively overpriced memory cards and get a bit turned off. Not only that but the vita is a bit heavy on ports/multiplats, many of which are inferior(visuals, performance, image quality, etc) to the original version on other platforms. And in those cases, why play it there?

Classic Video Games / Re: Mario Kart 64 or CTR (PS1)?
« on: July 16, 2016, 01:45:32 am »
Definitely CTR. I'd also say it's still the best non-mario kart racer

General / Re: Recently completed/finished
« on: February 29, 2016, 07:31:19 am »
Completed The Witch and the Hundred Knight(ps3) a few days ago. Also the first platinum i've gotten. But that's only cause after getting the bad ending(which is actually the better ending in this games case) i only had a few really easy trophies left. So i said... "eh, why not?".

General / Re: Nintendo NX and Achievements/Trophies
« on: February 07, 2016, 07:16:02 am »
If they'd make a system where your achievements can actually get you some kind of rewards, sure. But if it's like the rest of these systems where all you get for the grind is a useless pile of points or icons, then no. That time would be better spent working on implementing something else more worthwhile.

General / Re: Games that Everyone Loves Except You
« on: January 26, 2016, 07:53:19 am »
For me one(or technically multiple) would be anything made by Naughty Dog since last console gen. They were great in the old days(ps1/2) but everything after those days just feels like more of a nice tech demo than a fun game.

Some others like CoD, HL, etc have already been covered so i'll skip those.

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