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Messages - scar04c

Pages: [1]
Awesome, thanks so much for the assistance.  I'm working on it whenever I have a spare moment - would love to help make grow the database in any way possible.

I had one other question - why is it that sometimes I add something to the database and it's instantly viewable, and other times it doesn't appear in the "browse" list?  It shows up in the "recently added" queue on the right, but not the general database.  Just wanted to make sure I wasn't doing something wrong before I kept going, haha.

EDIT: Just tested it, and the games do still appear when searched for, just not in the browse function. 
EDIT 2: Found the problem, submitted edits to the games in question to fix it.

Video Game Database Discussion / Re: Duplicate Listings 2015
« on: August 14, 2015, 12:28:18 pm »
Wolfenstein: The Old Blood on Xbox One [NA] --

That's what I was thinking - just wanted to see what others thought since I'm new to this scene.


I'm new to this site, and loving it - I'm currently adding my collection, while editing and cultivating the Xbox One database.  I just had a quick question:
If a game has a special edition that is only available digitally, and is no different than the retail/normal release other than, say, a season pass, does it get added to the database on its own anyway?

For example, the Destiny Digital Guardian Edition is the same as the regular Destiny release, except it came with the last two DLCs, and had "Digital Guardian Edition" on the box art in the store - so does this warrant its own entry?  Other examples would include Battlefield: Hardline "Deluxe Edition" and many others. 

A similar question would go for digital only two-packs - like the recently released Prototype two-pack, or the Wolfenstein two-pack.  They bundle games together digitally, have different cover art, but are the same once purchased.

Thank you!  Love the site :)

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