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Messages - teknophyl

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 5
Modern Video Games / Re: Xbox SmartGlass
« on: June 11, 2012, 03:52:48 pm »
I agree that tablets aren't a fad, but I don't think they'll ever be a replacement for a good desktop/laptop PC.

They arent supposed to be replacements. I bought my iPad to help me with a lot of things, but I didn't buy it to develop software on, or write project plans.

Modern Video Games / Re: Xbox SmartGlass
« on: June 11, 2012, 10:26:19 am »
Sorry, but as someone in the IT industry who has over 15 years experience programming on a variety of platforms and devices, both Windows and non-Windows based, I am reasonably sure as a person can be that tablets are NOT a fad. All the data regarding cap ex, developer community ecosystems, and other important metrics is publically available if you are interested in learning why it's not going anywhere.

Modern Video Games / Re: Xbox SmartGlass
« on: June 05, 2012, 11:10:54 am »
windows 8 is crap

what information do you have to base this on? are you running the Consumer Preview?
you have to use it to know why it crap

Somehow I expected that kind of answer. Stock MS trashing just because its MS. Anyway...

User Feedback / Re: Soera
« on: June 05, 2012, 09:53:18 am »
Got the PS1 games this weekend. Thanks again.

Modern Video Games / Re: Xbox SmartGlass
« on: June 05, 2012, 09:49:51 am »
windows 8 is crap

what information do you have to base this on? are you running the Consumer Preview?

Hardware and Tech / Re: Different Xbox variants?
« on: May 29, 2012, 03:50:35 pm »
I knew this existed but I never knew it came in Puke Green. That color is just criminal.

Off Topic / Re: Levi's Corner - Programming Projects
« on: May 29, 2012, 03:49:25 pm »
Checked out Spotify for Growl and saw Lifehouse was Now Playing. Only thing worse is Nickleback :D

What do you develop in?

lol, I guess we have different taste in music. I basically like any pop music..
I know several languages. html is my Kryptonite.

C/C++, C#, .NET framework, VB, javascript, PHP, my ASM is rusty but I can manage my way around.
I prefer PHP for web and C++ for application development though.
I've been meaning to pick up Ruby on Rails but havn't had time.
theres probably a few i'm forgetting but you get the point, i'm well diversed.

Nice to meet another developer. Interesting how gaming and development go hand in hand, even when youre not a game developer.

Off Topic / Re: Levi's Corner - Programming Projects
« on: May 29, 2012, 01:08:32 pm »
This topic is to just kinda show off my projects. Some are completed, most are incomplete.
There are some complete projects I am bound by law not allowed to share because of licensing. So some of those projects may seem
incomplete but that's just because I removed the copyright sections. If there is an interest in a specific project I could reprogram it without the license and release it as some kind of open source GPL license.

Completed List:
Server Status Checker
Description: This little tool in lamens terms is a server status checker.

Spotify Now Playing for Growl
Description: SpotifyNowPlaying allows you to send notifications to Growl about song information from Spotify when the song changes.

more to be added later when I get some time.

Checked out Spotify for Growl and saw Lifehouse was Now Playing. Only thing worse is Nickleback :D

What do you develop in?


Now if only there was a site like this for physical games.

There is - it's not 100% accurate but it is pretty close:

Off Topic / Re: this movie looks awful
« on: May 27, 2012, 11:41:17 pm »
Alan Tudyk in anything is win. If you haven't seen Tucker and Dale vs Evil, please stop reading this and watch it right now on Netflix streaming.

Hardware and Tech / Diagnosing PS1 Dual Shock Controller
« on: May 25, 2012, 07:47:30 am »
Any suggestions on first things to check? Just crapped out on me. No analog light, no recognition by PS1, and upon opening it I dont see anything fried or burned on the board.

The Threads of Fate soundtrack arrived today from Soera, sweetness.

Also, I bought a Wireless N adapter for my 360, so I could take it with me to my folks house. (all because I am hooked on Borderlands again)

If you are around Saturday night and dont mind running with a 16 lowbie, I would dust off my copy. I loved it, but never could find anyone to play with.

Marketplace / Re: My WTB List
« on: May 24, 2012, 08:42:01 pm »
Are you interested in Zelda II for the nes?

I am, but I have to work out a budget for this week :)

Marketplace / Re: My WTB List
« on: May 24, 2012, 05:12:56 pm »
I have a couple extra copies of Link to the Past, cart only. Can't remember how good of shape their in, but if you are interested in cart only, let me know and I'll dig 'em out.

Absolutely! I just started in on NES. Thanks...

Marketplace / My WTB List
« on: May 24, 2012, 03:06:26 pm »
Short because I only have a few minutes and I'm adding this off the top of my head.

Shadowrun for Genesis (prefer complete, but will consider box only)
Gunstar Heroes for Genesis
Comix Zone

Legend of Zelda
Legend of Zelda a Link to the Past
SMB 2, 3

Super Mario RPG
Majora's Mask
N64 Expansion pack
GC Gameboy player with Disc
GC controller

Any PS1 commons, provided they are black label
Any Saturn commons, broken hinges is fine but would like complete
Saturn memory card
OEM Xbox memory card

NES Sleeves
Genesis boxes
PS2 and Xbox cases


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