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Messages - drokkul

Pages: [1]
VGCollect for Android / Re: Android app update?
« on: February 04, 2014, 10:29:47 pm »
SOOOOO Glad to have this back up and working again!  Thanks!!!

Classic Video Games / Re: Craziest Stories Hunting Classic Games
« on: August 14, 2012, 01:26:20 am »
I was out on a game hunting trip one time and decided to stop in at a Salvation Army.  I looked in the glass case and saw a few n64 games (of which there was only 3 that I really wanted to get, but they were nothing major).  I decided to look around the rest of the store a little and then come back and ask to see the games.  The guy at the counter pulled them out for me and I looked thru and got the 3 I was wanting and said I'll take these.  About that time a lady that worked there asked me if I was looking for more games like these.

Of course I said yes.  She told me they had a box of games that they had just priced, but they were older than those (referring to the n64 carts)  She said she was pretty sure they were for the original system.  She told me to wait and she would go get them and bring them out.  I was excited with the thought of looking thru what I was expecting to be a shoebox full of games.  About that time she re-emerges from the back with a MOVING BOX that she was obviousy having a little trouble holding.  I went over to help her and set them up on the counter.  I anxiously opened the flaps to reveal a gold trim Game Genie and...66 nes games with sleeves.

I almost pooped myself ;)

Each game had a sticker on it marking it $1.99.  I was just looking thru the box happily marveling at a great stroke of luck.  I already had several in the box in my collection, but there were also a lot I didn't have.  I was thinking about just buying the whole box and had begun doing the mental calculation of cost when the guy behind the counter said "Kind of makes you want to buy all of them doesn't it."  I looked at him and said I was seriously thinking about it.  He then told me that if I wanted to get the whole box he would sell it to me for $90.  I didn't even hesitate.  I then asked him so $90 plus these three to which I held up the 3 n64 games.  He replied "Throw those in there too."

So 66 nes, 3 n64, and a game genie put me at about $1.28 per piece.  I added 39 nes games to my collection that day the most notable of which value wise was probably Wacky Races.  Still a lot of good games very cheap, SMB 3, Zelda, Contra, Super C, Castlevania's 1-3 etc etc.

The funny thing was I was about to give up on the day after that, because nothing was going to top it and I was about 80 miles from home.  I was going to just drive home and enjoy the rest of my day off.  I decided to go ahead and hit the rest of the places I had mapped out.  Then three stops later I picked up Demon's Crest for SNES for $2.50

So this probably goes without saying, but I have not had this good of a day since.  But I hold out hope everytime I start the car!

Hardware and Tech / Re: NES to Famicom Converter in NES Carts
« on: May 14, 2012, 11:49:38 pm »
I'll get some imports some day, but it was more about having one I guess.  I have a Gyromite with converter and one without in my collection.  I continue to look because I figure they would make good trade stock.

Hardware and Tech / Re: NES to Famicom Converter in NES Carts
« on: May 13, 2012, 09:17:47 pm »
I've looked thru probably 50+ gyromite carts in the wild and only ever found one.  Puchased it for 3.99!  I have looked thru quite a few black box five screws and have yet to find one.  Good haul on converters!!!

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