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Messages - linkboss

Pages: [1]
Classic Video Games / Re: What is the oldest game you own?
« on: September 22, 2016, 05:53:11 am »
My oldest game is not very interesting, it's Super Mario Bros. for the NES. But for the sake of completeness, I'll put here my oldest games by system :

- NES : Super Mario Bros.
- SNES : Super Mario World
- N64 : Super Mario 64
- Gamecube : Sonic Adventure 2 Battle
- Wii : The Legend of Zelda : Twilight Princess (putting Wii Sports would be a bit of a shame for me)
- Game Boy : Super Mario Land
- Game Boy Color : Wario Land 2
- Game Boy Advance : Super Mario Advance 2 - Super Mario World
- Nintendo DS : Super Mario 64 DS (also, Metroid Prime Hunters: First Hunt demo)
- Nintendo 3DS : Pokemon Y
- Sega Genesis/Megadrive : Super Thunder Blade
- Sega Dreamcast : Sonic Adventure
- Playstation : Final Fantasy 7
- Playstation 2 : Ridge Racer V
- Playstation 3 : Sonic The Hedgehog
- Playstation Portable : Breath of Fire 3
- XBox : Dead or Alive 3

And I see that quite a lot of these titles are launch titles for their respective console.

Classic Video Games / Re: sonic collections
« on: May 11, 2016, 07:17:24 pm »
I too really love Sonic 2. This was the first game I ever finished back when I was young (8 yo or so ?). I had it on the Sonic Classics cartridge, that I still have today. But now, I also got it in standalone on european, NA and JP cartridges. I love it so much that I even started speedrunning it. And now, after about 3 runs, I come to hate it. But then love it again. This is a complicated relationship.

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