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Messages - chillphantom

Pages: [1]
Video Game Auction Watch / Re: TimeWalk Games For Sale!
« on: March 21, 2016, 11:42:37 pm »
Ok anyone can go to the very last pic on that Sweet Home game I'm selling and see my username with it. This is a gem of a game in great condition and the only one on ebay right now. I sold the Extra Mario Bros already so I'm guessing this will go quick.  8)

Video Game Auction Watch / Re: TimeWalk Games For Sale!
« on: March 21, 2016, 11:25:37 pm »
I'll be creeping in the other areas of the forum and posting. Also I'll post a new pic on that sweethome with a paper that has my username if anyone has any doubts. New here sorry if my approach was too aggressive.  :P

Video Game Auction Watch / Re: TimeWalk Games For Sale!
« on: March 20, 2016, 07:21:09 pm »
Thanks for disingenuously wishing me luck you're a real friend. The prices I have up right now are just around what everyone else is asking for on ebay atm and I'm accepting best offers. When I first put them up I did over price because they are worth a lot to me and are the only ones. I've priced it out now and see what they go for and what they are asking for. Someone is selling one for over 600 right now and I'm selling mine for 350 and 400 and 125 now. These are for people that have time walk collections with holes in them or people that missed out on ordering these specific games and cant get them anywhere else.  That's not you that's understandable if you just want to play the game you can find it for a lot less. If you want these specific releases from timewalk though I got you and am willing to negotiate price because I'm a chill guy who loves games and gamers.

Peace! ;)

Video Game Auction Watch / Re: TimeWalk Games For Sale!
« on: March 20, 2016, 12:17:44 am »
I was offered $600 for the sweethome one not long ago when I wasn't thinking of selling them. Serious answer here. also its in Canadian currency and best offers are accepted fyi. Peace! Also I'm the only person on the internet selling these particular ones atm.

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