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Messages - helpmepl0x

Pages: [1]
Site Feedback / Can't log into forums
« on: August 14, 2016, 07:01:38 am »
Hey, so I made a thread about this about a year or so ago but I lost internet for a while when I was trying to get it resolved and by the time I got it back I forgot about it, then when I remembered I hoped it would sort itself out over time but it still isn't working.

Basically I can't log into the forum on my main account (LeJason). When I'm logged into the main site and I click the forum link, it says I'm not logged in. When I click login at the top of the forum page, just takes me back to my collection page and on this page I will be logged in. If I click on forum again from there, it'll take me back to the forum where I'm not logged in. Click login, back to my collection page, logged in.

It isn't a problem with my computer, I tried getting onto the forum on other computers and it does the same thing. I have a new computer now and it's still doing it on this one. And I can get on the forum on other logins i.e. this one just fine.

Help :(

Pages: [1]