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Messages - 4cade

Pages: [1]
Classic Video Games / Re: How Many Play Atari 2600 Games In Any Way
« on: April 23, 2020, 12:51:03 pm »
2600 is classic, but I can understand modern gamers seeing them as too simple, but if you take them on their own terms, they can be fun, especially if you can connect with the historical context. And of course they're going to get repetitive after a while, that's why you gotta have a huge stack of carts to swap in and out to freshen it up! Easy to do at those prices...

I missed those PS1 versions (though I did have a PS1, I do remember seeing some at the game store), I effing loved Spec Ops The Line, I like attempts to mix up the typical story narrative for FPS's.

I had a 360, but a friend lent me his PS3 so I could catch up on it's exclusives, but I could never get it to capture footage on my elgato. I finally gave up when he was asking for it back; when it came time to try and get a chance to play those exclusives again, I decided to just get a PS4 instead of trying to deal with the hassle (I had even bought an HDMI splitter to get around it but still never got it working)

Classic Video Games / Re: APF 1000/TV Fun Power Cord Compatible?
« on: September 16, 2016, 06:19:12 pm »
Hey, Gang -

I got a nice response to my above query when I posted it to APF Yahoo group; Lance there said that if the pin and mA match, I should be able to use a third party. (but mA on AFP TV Fun didn't match)

Then I did some searching on the always-indispensable Atari Age and saw another person's thread that indicated that apparently you can use an NES power adapter:

So in case anyone saw this thread but didn't see the resolution at Atari Age, I'm posting that link here as an update. I just ordered an NES cord and will post another update if it doesn't work.

Classic Video Games / Re: What is the oldest game you own?
« on: September 16, 2016, 06:07:38 pm »
Hockey (built-in game) for the Fairchild Channel F - that's 1976, baby

Classic Video Games / Re: Do you hate Greatest hits/Players choice games?
« on: September 16, 2016, 06:00:21 pm »
This is a funny thread - I too have an irrational dislike of these 'greatest' or 'platinum' hits or whatever each mfctr calls them.

I think it's because cosmetically you're taking a creative part of the game - it's cover - and lessening the art in it, converting some of that space to 'greatest hits' branding.

However, I chuck this concern out the window if the cost is a factor; I generally will do what I have to for saving $$, as collecting games is freaking expensive these days.

My one exception is that I love to get ones if they have extra content, like GOTY or special editions, love that. I saw above some posters don't consider that same thing tho

Classic Video Games / APF 1000/TV Fun Power Cord Compatible?
« on: September 09, 2016, 09:42:26 pm »
Hey, all - I posted this in the APF thread, but since that thread is a couple years old, I figured I'd start a new one as well. I just picked up an APF, they said it's tested and works - but it's missing the power cord. Obviously I'm a little anxious to test before too much time goes by, but how?

I figured I could wait for another APF to come up, buy it, cannibalize the cord and re-sell, but they don't pop up often, and they're kinda spendy. And then I suddenly thought about the TV Fun and how they might have used the same power cord - but again, how to find out? So I figured I'd see if any of you experts might provide some advice?


Classic Video Games / Re: My 8-Bits: APF MP-1000
« on: September 09, 2016, 09:36:41 pm »
Hey - I just snagged one of these bad boys off of eBay but it has no power source. Only thing I can think of would be to buy a second (preferably non-working) one and cannibalize the cord and re-sell it.

Then it hit me - I wonder if they used the same power cord as APF TV Fun (or another pong clone if they made it). Can anyone confirm/disconfirm this?

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