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Messages - hawk767

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General / Re: What are you playing?
« on: March 09, 2018, 10:13:12 pm »
I did the same thing back in I think 2016 when I finally played through this, got the hardest celestial weapons to get, shitty race and lightning dodging included, but when faced with the idea of still having to play for 10s of hours, I just couldn't get myself to set into that end game grind. I just went in and finished it and rolled through the final boss so easily thanks to being well over-leveled lol.

I just found out about the easy as crap AP thing from the Monster Arena.... so i've been a little inspired. I think I might actually give it a go. never got a platinum before so this was be awesome for a first one.

I definitely considered it looking at that but it still looked like a bit more of a grind than I was into, go for it though it would definitely be a solid first platinum.

General / Re: What are you playing?
« on: March 08, 2018, 07:07:41 pm »
I've been playing Final Fantasy X HD remaster, working on the celestial weapons, I had everything except Tidus's cause of the damn chocobo race! shit is that hard. I had tried for several hours over the course of a week and this morning after about 40 minutes of trying I told myself I was going to try for like 10 more minutes and then just give up and beat the game. Right after that I got it. Almost threw the vita across the room in sheer excitement. so happy to be done with that point... but after doing that... I kinda almost want to go for Platinum on it.... am I crazy?

I did the same thing back in I think 2016 when I finally played through this, got the hardest celestial weapons to get, shitty race and lightning dodging included, but when faced with the idea of still having to play for 10s of hours, I just couldn't get myself to set into that end game grind. I just went in and finished it and rolled through the final boss so easily thanks to being well over-leveled lol.

Most tvs have some sort of indication to use that input in place of traditional AV connections, its not a secret hack lol.

@hawk767 I can totally understand the issues you have with Twitch. Thankfully, not all channels do callouts for donations/subs. Most of the ones I watch are thankful for subs but never ask for them, and others I know purposefully choose not to monetize at all.

Its not so much the getting money/subs its the methods different streamers use to acknowledge them. Still totally get it, I'd be psyched too if I was getting donations/people subscribing to my content in real time its what drives that whole thing, its always been more of the loud popup sounds, especially on bigger channels it gets so repetitive and breaks the flow of content a lot of the time.

The handful of people I'll watch on twitch at this point tend to be people I followed on youtube who have moved the majority of their content onto Twitch, Epic Name Bro and A German Spy are the 2 that come to mind atm. Another big aspect of it is the difference in quality settings between streamers, some I can view fine but others I can't due to my trash internet, youtube is a more constant and accessible source in that case.

I watch a lot of youtube content, more often then not I'll put on a lets play of a game I'm playing while I'm playing it seeing their takes or how they might be doing things differently, usually that's more for games with replayability, and especially if I can learn more about the game from them off hand. I very rarely watch twitch just because I don't have much interest in being involved with the chat aspect and the constant callouts for donations and subscriptions get grating sooner rather than later.

I did youtube for a few months years back now, right around the time the 10 minute video limit was raised. I had well over 100 videos of Diablo 2 LOD, Age of Empires 2, and I feel like there were a few others. I never managed to finish any of the games and due to being young and still living at home, dealing with school, and parents and their crusade against my gaming time, I fell off and haven't been able to try again since due to my now shitty internet. Its something I've always liked the idea of doing, and doing youtube that short period that I did, really helped boost my confidence with speaking and my ability to speak fluently, going into my senior year of high school this was great for a lot of the presentation projects that came with that.

I watch anything from traditional lets plays, to review content, to the much longer form discussion videos, retrospectives, or more academic approaches to game and gaming culture reviews. Pretty much anything gaming that isn't a squeaky high octane and high energy 15 year old, or adult emulating a 15 year old, I will at least check it out.

Accidentally bought a French copy of Pokemon Heart Gold on ebay so reselling that and hoping to reorder an English version here soon. Also have the Crash trilogy remaster coming from my employer rewards program, also a copy of Yakuza Kiwami the steelbook edition. Start of this month I also got a copy of Picross 3D for DS.

General / Re: What are you playing?
« on: February 26, 2018, 02:39:51 pm »
Few games ongoing currently. Just bought the new 2DS XL to replace my older 3DS XL so have been playing games on that again. Making my way through Super Mario World, playing Pokemon X, and restarted Monster Hunter 4U a bit. On ps4 I am working my way through Monster Hunter World still, finished Inside recently, and that's about it. Nothing ongoing on pc besides playing Mudrunner Spintires off and on as a good relaxation game. Interested in starting Final Fantasy IX on pc soon but going to wait as I also have Pokemon HeartGold coming soon so want to wait and finish some smaller stuff before I dive into another big game.

General / Re: Recently completed/finished
« on: February 26, 2018, 02:36:47 pm »
Played through Inside over the past 2 days, got that last year some time but forgot about it, seen it in my ps4 library and decided to launch it to finish it off. Really enjoyed it, did not go for the collectibles besides 2 I think. Interesting ending.

Very close to finishing Monster Hunter World but haven't gotten back on it in about a week or so, planning to jump back into that to finish up the story at least.

Off Topic / Re: Holiday plans?
« on: December 22, 2017, 11:42:20 pm »
I have 3 day weekends as my normal schedule and Christmas lands in the middle of that weekend this year so I work tomorrow then have Christmas eve until the 26th off then back to work. All of my usable vacation time was used up from sick days in October so can't extend that out at all. Will be doing family stuff, buying too many games off of Steam, and getting some new appliances, probably some home maintenance as well if I can find the time.

Off Topic / Re: Favorite Album of 2017
« on: December 17, 2017, 06:41:26 pm »
Father John Misty - Pure Comedy

Kendrick Lamar - Damn

N.E.R.D - No One Ever Really Dies

Big K.R.I.T - 4eva Is A Mighty Long Time

Been spending most of my time getting into hip-hop and rap over this past year, helps that there's been some solid releases. Kendrick's Damn isn't perfect but a number of the songs I can play over and over and not get bored of. The Big Krit album I enjoy front to back, not many tracks there that I'll skip or dislike. The new NERD album that just released is my first time listening to them, and I was in from the release of the single Lemon. The beats are groovy and fun and the album is just a fun and bouncing listen.

My favorite release would probably be Father John Misty's Pure Comedy though, I love this album, and its a perfectly depressing stamp on this year.

If you just want a headset with a mic I'd imagine anything with decent reviews should be fine, most of those sets all have similar sound quality. I haven't used anything with the "surround sound" features since one of the early Razer headsets that had virtual surround and they were terrible. Anything else that lands in the headset range around the $100 mark is going to be similar sound quality wise, just check reviews for decent mics.

I've used plain stereo headphones for a while now and would never go back to "gaming" branded headsets. If you are listening to music these are definitely the way to go and plenty are more than affordable if you check out different audiophile lists based on price. I've personally owned Audiotechnica M50s and they were great, paired with a soundcard or just straight into your mobo they provide great sound a good bass, they aren't the best set you can get and have competition at the price point but I enjoyed them. Getting into anything pricier and you'll be looking at wanting/needing some sort of desktop amp to power them so if money is a worry as you mentioned then sticking to that $100 range should work fine. If you went the stereo headphone route as well you'd want to get a mic which would either mean a modmic clip, or getting a desktop mic, I've had a Blue Snowball for a few years and its also worked great, though I have the space on my desk for it.

General / Re: Remasters are cop outs? Agree or disagree?
« on: December 12, 2017, 10:39:28 pm »
I mean, no matter how its spun these are businesses trying to make money, if they have existing tech and assets they can reuse or rework into a money making project, more power to them. It puts money into the industry and allows that money to go towards other projects and paying devs and publishers. Whether its a "ploy" seems pointless to think about, its not a distraction so they don't have to put something new out, that's ridiculous. 

I will build myself a modpack to play a couple times a year typically. I got the game similar to others in the thread when it was in its early stages, Beta stage officially I believe for me. I loved the game early on and was right in there with the craze. I'm lukewarm on where development is now with the game. I still play the Java version over the Windows 10 version because of the mod compatibility even if its still not a greatly optimized game, especially loaded with mods. I wish more focus had been put into the modding community a long time ago though to allow for easier integration and movement between versions as with each update to the main game it can lead to long waits for mods to update and many get left behind.

General / Re: What are you playing?
« on: November 29, 2017, 09:21:09 pm »
Picked up Hitman GOTY edition and Rainbow Six Siege been playing those, only have played the first tutorial missions of Hitman but love it so far, such a goofy game, R6 has been a blast. I've played a lot of Call of Duty and more recently Counter Strike and R6 feels like a great combination of those good aspects of gameplay plus its own unique spin with the environmental destruction.

General / Re: Who Plays any of "The Sims" People Simulator Games
« on: November 27, 2017, 01:33:09 pm »
I played up to The Sims 3 same as a couple of you. I played a fair bit of Sims 1 growing up, Sims 2 I got into right around the time I was also pirating a lot of games so would invest the time in getting all of the xpacs, something I never could have afforded at the time, and played that a fair bit as well. Sims 3 I've barely played and again it mostly comes down to just not having the xpacs. I've always enjoyed The Sims series I've just always been averse to investing in the expansions and even after a sequel comes out they remain fairly high in price, especially now with it all mostly being digital. Also the trend of locking more and more content and their handling of content release with 4 has really turned me off on continuing with the series.

My favorite aspect of the games has always been the building, to the point that I'd often get my family made and homes built and not be too interested in the game itself. For gameplay I played The Sims 2 on ps2 a whole lot, also played some of the offshoots on GBA I believe when I was younger, The Urbz?

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