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Messages - creag4

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I'd never go around saying people are wrong, lol I didn't think anyone like that was in the community, but there's always bound to be a few, no biggie.  I mean, he's practically looking for a fight if he's going after me for 1-2 words, lol.  I will however say that the #FE Wii U title was receiving some decent~mediocre reviews, so I wouldn't call it trash.

#FE is in my backlog after putting about 15 hours into it.  Solid enough RPG, though a tad on the boring side kinda due to the dungeon design I feel, and would be on the boring side for those not interested in modern Japanese culture and J-Pop.  I also don't play Fire Emblem, so I have no draw towards that, but it's a spinoff collaboration game, so it's harmless when it comes to the series as a whole.  Looking to see if I can't push through and get it beat before Final Fantasy XV releases this month.

I wonder what I can even get out of the way before XV... very excited for that as well.  I might even try to pickup #FE if it ever goes down in price, but I doubt it will go down much.  I haven't bought retail for modern in a long time, only for a few releases.  I've been retro for a pretty long time, so it's kind of difficult switching back and forth between consoles (with all of these cords and such...even my current setup is all over the place).  I'm not a fan of J-Pop or Japanese culture either, but I figure I'd at least give it a shot. 

I can fairly say I collect amiibos, and I'm probably 5-6 short from a complete set w/out Cloud & Bayonetta.  A year ago it was more of a hype thing, and a massive majority of fans were collecting.  It was much easier trying to find amiibos on release, or waves, to which a series was produced and put on the shelves.  Very early on, supply was very low and demand was very high.  Some of the early series/wave amiibos were rare for quite some time, until they started to reprint some of the rarer ones as of late.  I'd say if you wanted to start collecting them go for it!  You can either collect the characters you like specifically, or try to go for a whole set, but keep in mind, even though the shelves are well-stocked now, you will more than probably have to go on the internet to buy the ones you are missing.  I believe there are still a few pricey amiibos out there.  If you have any questions let me know!  I can probably help you out!

There are collectors who prefer to open their amiibos, but I keep mine in the box... don't know why lol.  Just making it harder for me to display all of them... they take up ample amounts of space when you start to collect a bunch.

The original .hack quartet on PS2. Sadly the fourth game was released in a super limited quantity for whatever reason and people want outrageous sums of money for it ><

Yea, what's with that?  I've been hearing about this .hack series for awhile now, and am starting to get interested.  Is it a 4 part series for the PS2?  I've seen a few in the wild, but never even considered picking them up. 

Sorry if this post "offended you", I'm not looking to start a fight, just to have friendly conversations, but you did come across as "aggressive" in your opinions.  I think starting a post with, "This is wrong..." is a bit harsh, don't you?

Don't mind Sword, he's gotten into more than a few arguments around here with folks lol  Most of us are alot less hostile than he can be sometimes.

I'd never go around saying people are wrong, lol I didn't think anyone like that was in the community, but there's always bound to be a few, no biggie.  I mean, he's practically looking for a fight if he's going after me for 1-2 words, lol.  I will however say that the #FE Wii U title was receiving some decent~mediocre reviews, so I wouldn't call it trash. 

Got Atari Flashback Classics for XBox One and a Pit amiibo.

Did they ever say when they were releasing the Cloud / Bayonetta amiibos?  I've been behind in a bunch of the newer releases.  I did see they restocked a bunch of nicer ones recently though!  Very Nice!

Welp... here I am... been a collector for years and didn't know there were 12+ different Fire Emblem titles... lol.  I knew there were a few released in Japan only, but didn't think there were that many.  I thought I was lucky to even pickup my Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn copies.  Not too many people want to let go of theirs anymore.  A very nice collection to have though!  Fire Emblem is always sought after!

This is wrong, plenty of people want to sell it, there are plenty of them on the open market so there is no excuse. I guess you mean that nobody wants to let it go for a low price. two different things in my opinion. But than again if you knew the value would you do the same thing and sell it for a very generous price? I can imagine doing so to a friend but to anyone else I highly doubt it. The list is way to long for people looking for a cheap copy.

Out of the three sentences you bolded, I'd say 2/3 of them are pretty accurate / correct statements, but I guess that means I'm wrong.  My bad lol.  Didn't think anyone would have the nerve to pick apart my posts word for word.  Maybe a better worded statement would have been: "Not too many collectors want to let go of theirs anymore." (given the fact they don't pick up an extra somewhere).  I will say that although many copies may be listed online, most of them are online scalpers, which list above retail in hopes of maximizing profit (especially around Christmas-time with quantities low and demand high).  I will say in the past few years the demand for these games has definitely skyrocketed, and with a higher demand deems a higher possible listing price.  Sorry if this post "offended you", I'm not looking to start a fight, just to have friendly conversations, but you did come across as "aggressive" in your opinions.  I think starting a post with, "This is wrong..." is a bit harsh, don't you? 

Haha, yea I've been playing through EVO for these past couple of days... hard as hell... idk how many times I've seen the Gaia game over screen... Ragequit count at this moment is roughly 7... stupid yeti's... lol

Wow, nice pickups, the .hack is pretty rare to find out in the wild as is, but a very solid lot as it stands.  Saturn stuff is rarely seen too nowadays (especially out by me), I have yet to find a single game, but at least have my console... lol

Idk if I'm an alien, but I may be the only person in the world to not be a diehard Zelda fan.  The first Zelda I played as a kid was Wind Waker, which I enjoyed, but it never really caught on with me.  I tried Twilight Princess too, but never really got to the older 8-bit/16-bit releases.  I own a copy of Link to the Past, and Ocarina of Time, but never got around to playing them.  My bad lol!  Almost everyone I know is a big Zelda fan, I've seen some really nice standees and displays be purchased over the years as well, just never been as interested.

I've never heard of the Wizardry Series, sounds interesting though!  I might want to take a look and see. 

Welp... here I am... been a collector for years and didn't know there were 12+ different Fire Emblem titles... lol.  I knew there were a few released in Japan only, but didn't think there were that many.  I thought I was lucky to even pickup my Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn copies.  Not too many people want to let go of theirs anymore.  A very nice collection to have though!  Fire Emblem is always sought after!

Ah at this point I'd be happy to complete a collection of anything lol.  I've been so off-track when it's come to collecting recently, I usually just grab anything that interests me when I run into it.  As of late I've been picking up a bunch of random RPG's, but am really close to a completed Castlevania collection.  I think all I need now are the N64 titles, Castlevania Legends for the Gameboy, and Chronicles for the PS1.  Other than that I just picked up a loose disc of Rondo of Blood for the Turbografx CD, which was shocking even to me since it's pretty rare to find one.  Overall, I'm a big Final Fantasy guy too, but after collecting all of the main titles, there's really not much more.  I did play through Dirge of Cerberus not too long ago, it was one of the titles I actually dragged my feet playing, it practically sat on the shelf for a few years lol.  Just been collecting too much... not enough time to play as of late. 

As for the series you were interested in, I would recommend the Xenosaga and Tales of Series, but I haven't played the .Hack series, so I wouldn't know.  I recently gave up my copy of Xeno III, but still have the first two.  As for tales of it really depends on the system you're looking to play, I played through Xillia and enjoyed it a bit.

I would without a doubt recommend Metal Gear Solid for the PS1, probably one of my favorite titles on the system.  It shouldn't cost you very much either, maybe $5-$15 depending on the seller.  Definitely a game you should pickup.

Just last weekend I went to a smaller convention / swap meet with a  few of the buddies I sell at flea markets with.  Turned out to be maybe 8-10 collectors just trading and selling games.  One of the vendors actually had a copy of EVO for the SNES, which was one of the titles I was chasing for awhile, wasn't cheap but I ended up making a deal for it.  Then on the way home, Halfpricebooks was feeling generous and marked down a mint copy of Persona 2 for the PS1.  All-in-all not too bad of a weekend!  Guess I have a few more games to play now lol.

My best deal was probably my almost complete Vectrex CIB collection for $100.  I typically help clean out/move people into their new homes or get their home ready to be put on the market.  It was pretty ironic, but the weekend before at the one flea market I went too, one of the buddies I sell with picked up a loose Vectrex for $100 off a random vendor.  Before this, I have never seen or known of what it was before, and he told me a bit about it's rarity and collectability.  I have always been a big time SNES/Gamecube collector so it was fairly new ground for me.  Anyways, i'd like to say 2-3 days later, I was helping a gentleman remove the contents from his crowded basement, and saw a huge box with a CIB vectrex on the top (It's so hard to try and hide excitement when these kind of things happen).  I looked through the box to see what I thought was maybe 20 or so CIB Vectrex games.  I immediatley asked him if he was willing to sell it, and he responded with "It's my son's and I think he wants to keep it.". I responded with an offer of $100 for the lot of it, and after a bit of hesitation took the offer.  I didn't even know what I had until I came home afterwards.  The box was so damn heavy, I needed my brother to help me carry it inside.  In the end it ended up to be 2 Vectrex, one CIB and one broken (won't power on), a CIB 3-D Vectrex Imager (Which apparently is super-rare), and maybe 6-8 games short of a complete CIB collection.  Ever since then I've been a pretty decently big Vectrex enthusiast.  Not to mention The retro store I goto is actually owned by Sean Kelly, and I see him on a daily basis.  The world is a crazy place...

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