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Messages - blackarachnid41

Pages: [1]
Classic Video Games / Re: Why do many retro gamers hate on the Xbox?
« on: December 20, 2017, 04:35:22 pm »
Personally, I actually love the original Xbox, and I wouldn't understand any hate for it either. I will admit, I do largely prefer playing my Nintendo and PlayStation consoles, but that doesn't take away from what is available on the Xbox. In fact, I would argue that the original Xbox has a very unique library compared to both the Gamecube and PlayStation 2 (in fact, all three 6th gen consoles had very unique libraries).

Compared to the Gamecube and PS2, the Xbox had way more western RPGs and more ports of PC games (in fact, both seem to near non-existent on the other two platforms outside of a few exceptions). Plus, as blasphemous as it may sound, some consider the Xbox as the Dreamcast 2.0 because of how much support it received from SEGA after they dropped out of the console race. Many of those SEGA games were actually exclusive to the Xbox (including, but not limited to, Jet Set Radio Future, Panzer Dragoon Orta, and, in the U.S., Shenmue II). Plus, the original Xbox served as the console debut for many developers who primarily only worked on PC games prior, including companies such as Bethesda and Bioware.

The original Xbox has plenty of amazing gems, and I certainly recommend giving it a chance.

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