« on: October 08, 2017, 02:41:19 am »
I definitely have in the past but typically the game came with something. When I bought my PS4 used off ebay it came with a few games I have had absolutely no interest in. Another reason I will buy games that I won't play is because I am a greed, heartless, capitalistic, scum. Joking aside I will buy games because I think I can turn a profit! I have wasted sooooo much money doing this lol. Finally another reason I will buy a game is because it is simply so cheap! There will be a shit game going for 60$ on any mainstream store. Gamestop, walmart, target, ect. However there is some poor sole that for some reason bought this piece of trash and is looking to make ANY kind of money on it! I have never played Evolve but I got it barely used for 7$ such a steal!