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Messages - wellu

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Ok, thx, il try to make my best attempt using the guidelines  :)

Personally i have also heard promos been called "official copies" meaning copy of the game

To complicate things same releases for example ps3 might be sent disc only or with the cover, theres also retail games that have been marked with stamp or/with cut corners (like music promos are sometimes cut/holes punched etc (collect those also :) ) ) to be promo games, games that have covers marking them as promo but inside its the normal retail disc and instructions, nokia n-gage promos are marked "Gold master Review kit" and they might have games marked "proto" or different versions etc.etc. so collecting this stuff is interesting

I collect promogames, presskits and also all kinds of media etc. material (and of course normal retail games)

Video Game Database Discussion / Promotional copy - Not for resale games
« on: November 06, 2017, 03:13:51 pm »
Hi, new one here

I just started making a database of the games i own and thought first to list all the promotional games i have (games that were sent to review, usually marked "promotional copy - Not for resale") so i put about 250 games up just using the regular retail releases (they are all promo releases) and made few new ones in just to try it, now how should i mark them? since i have made few new ones and marked them all "Game (Promo)" i have had some changed and some not, one was allowed as i put it, one was changed to just "Game" and one was changed to "Game - Promo Only (Not for Resale)"

So what should i use?

I still have about 300 promogames to list and of course in time i would like to make separate releases with pictures (i suck at taking them, so we will see how well that goes"

I also have presskits, some came with game others not, would these be a new gategory? what should i use? "Game - Presskit" ???

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