Modern Video Games / Re: Do you think Rockstar rehashing GTA 5 instead of making 6 is a cop out?
« on: January 03, 2022, 04:50:24 pm »I think Rockstar has become a pathetic shell of what it once was as a developer. Even back during the PS1 era when they were primarily PC oriented, they still had more games on console than they did for the PS4. What they did was basically focus almost entirely (save for RDR2) on GTAV's multiplayer. That's now their cash cow. It's made them incredible amounts of money because the masses are stupid.
I understand liking a game and wanting to support it, but the way GTAV online is set up... it's not made to benefit the consumer in any measure. They charge you real money for insane things like car insurance for a videogame car. Serisouly?!... and people will be buying the game again for the third time on PS5 when it releases.
Rockstar is basically no longer a dev IMO... but you can't entirely blame them when their user base keeps supporting their BS. Without their dollars, without the masses supporting this shallow as hell game... we'd have more and better games from Rockstar as they would have moved on from that model.
I don't think it's fair to call the people that enjoy the game dumb, it is a fun game. And honestly I'd wager that most people paying for extra stuff are young. But still, you have a point about the fact that it is their cash cow and they're gonna milk it until it runs dry. The optimist in me wants to say that they're using the extended life of V to make 6 even better, but I doubt that.