General / Re: Value Increase of Games Lately
« on: July 16, 2020, 11:14:30 pm »
I'm making over $1500 a month selling video games on Ebay over the past three months. Gamecube games are selling for more than I paid for them new. Being paid $75 each for Mario Party 4-7, Zeldas and Resident Evil games has been an easy trade to make. If things in my collection are worth exorbitant prices to people these days I will gladly sell them. Goodbye Chibi RObo! Hello $125! Goodbye PS2 Clock Tower 3! Hello $80! I think I got $120 for my Gamecube Paper Mario, its ridiculous.
I don't need a game room to post pictures of on Reddit to try to validate myself as a human being but I love taking these fools money. All of this stuff can be played via emulators and it looks better and these fools can give me all their money while they brag about their CRT sony TVs! I grew up with that stuff. Good riddance and goodbye suckers! Give me hdmi and HD any day...and all of your stimulus checks!
I don't need a game room to post pictures of on Reddit to try to validate myself as a human being but I love taking these fools money. All of this stuff can be played via emulators and it looks better and these fools can give me all their money while they brag about their CRT sony TVs! I grew up with that stuff. Good riddance and goodbye suckers! Give me hdmi and HD any day...and all of your stimulus checks!