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Messages - arathana

Pages: [1]
Video Game Database Discussion / Re: Submit new item
« on: August 13, 2018, 05:42:14 pm »
I wasn't saying for everyone to make edits just the author of the game posted being given a small window to edit what they have posted to fix any mistakes that may have slipped through.

If not that maybe a notes window to let the admins know you are trying to fix a typo when you do an edit?

Video Game Database Discussion / Submit new item
« on: August 11, 2018, 10:50:11 pm »
Hi all,

I am wonder if it would be at all possible to make it that if someone publishes a new item they can edit it without having to get it checked by an admin or atleast have a period after submitting like a day or 2 to edit entries? I realize I need to double check everything before submitting but sometimes things like typos do slip through. I dont feel right constantly spamming admins with edits.

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