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Messages - bobbyg1983

Pages: [1]
Site Feedback / Digital Downloads
« on: February 13, 2013, 05:48:53 pm »
Hey guys,

My apologies if this has been brought up before but I've been browsing through posting and didn't really see anything on point.

Now that digital downloads of AAA titles has become commonplace (and will likely continue to increase), what are your thoughts about adding titles to your collection?

Obviously most people on this site prefer to collect physical copies rather than digital downloads (that's a separate discussion). But in those instances where a title is available as both a physical retail copy and digital download, what's the best approach? Single entry on VG Collect and then uncheck all of the "disc / box / cart" etc. boxes? Add note to item that it's a digital download only?

Obviously there are plenty of entries for things like Virtual console, PSOne Classics, etc.  My question is specifically about what to do when there is a physical copy as well as digital download of the same title (e.g., New Super Mario Bros. U).

Thanks for your input!

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