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Messages - borjesson16

Pages: [1]
Site Feedback / Re: My Genre Primer for Some Folks
« on: March 22, 2019, 05:22:18 pm »
A game with a customizable hero and and emphasis on completing quests and having a party does not really describe an RPG very well (at least the way people understand RPG video games these days).

More to point, I'd have to say that an RPG has a heavy emphasis on numerical stats, and the game mechanics revolve around these one way or another.

Yes, with (usually numerical) progression as a core mechanic

Probably the same reason why some people sit on their computer and just post on forums

Off Topic / Re: It’s my birthday this month
« on: March 14, 2019, 06:33:36 pm »
Get off the computer for once

General / Re: Will you embrace all digital streaming subscriptions?
« on: February 27, 2019, 03:33:52 pm »
no that is a disgusting future I don't plan on participating in

brb never leave the house for any media
brb never leave the house for food
brb morphing with couch

I think those that happily embrace an all digital future are short sighted or happily ignorant and lazy and dependent of modern systems for the sake of being "connected"...but for what?

I love that my dad shares his collections of whatever with me and I hope to do the same with my children. I have a lot to learn still

Only action and matter is real and permanent, everything else will be lost. After all said and done youre left with nothing except time has passed

modern infrastructure can only last so long

also, being at the mercy of internet service providers for literally everything would be a reality in an all digital world. I don't care how "advanced" you think the service will become, they are greedy corporations who will do everything to fuck you for profit. they don't care about you, you are a number to them and their greed is insatiable.

Modern Video Games / Re: What are your fave games of this gen?
« on: February 26, 2019, 12:12:04 pm »
easily bloodborne, soul calibur 6, ultimate, breath of the wild

General / Re: Favorite games soundtrack(s)?
« on: February 15, 2019, 02:41:42 pm »
Seconding OOT, I have misplaced my CD and it kills me that I cant find it.
Mirrors Edge
Dark Souls
FF Crystal Chronicles
WoW specifically vanilla zones and BC-Cata/MoP

We do live in that world but unfortunately those with power do not want us to realize this. The difference is most people buy into their world.

Grow most of my own food, maintain my home far away from cities, learn to use modern/antique weapons, play games every now and then through charging solar panels until hardware cant be maintained anymore :p

Off Topic / Re: CD's, Vinyl (etc) Music Collectors Unite
« on: February 07, 2019, 11:28:34 am »

Sorry to hear that your local record shop is now closed for good :(

Luckly you can still buy a ton of music new and cheaply off,, at Walmart you can get a lot of good pop and rock as well as metal music cheaply going usually for US$5 (new) or more a piece. plus free shipping if you buy more then US$35 worth of merchandise  as of date of this post

Walmart only really carries albums that are churned out as shitty reissues/remasters, and cost nothing to make. Helping independent stores is infinitely more meaningful to everyone involved in the making/distribution of the music than buying from a shitty corp like Walmart

Modern Video Games / Re: Super Smash Bros Ultimate: Opinions?
« on: January 21, 2019, 12:00:44 pm »
You...dont pay for characters. They all unlock for playing, the way all fighters should work.

DLC? In 4 you had to pay for dlc chars, I am pretty sure that's the case

Modern Video Games / Re: Super Smash Bros Ultimate: Opinions?
« on: January 18, 2019, 03:15:21 pm »
Its not Melee but still pretty fun once you learn the characters more. I am not interested in the story mode and would rather do 1v1s with friends or tourneys. Still a lot of characters I have yet to try. Pretty good game but I wouldn't play it solo

Constantly paying for new characters is bullshit though, although I don't own the game my brother does :p

Classic Video Games / Re: The top 5 games that defined your childhood
« on: January 18, 2019, 03:04:59 pm »
Starting with earliest:

Ratchet Deadlocked
Rock Band 2

I still play Melee to  this day, I am not sure if I put more hours into Melee or Brawl as a kid I would have to check but I don't have all my memory cards I don't think. I looked forward to R&C Online every day after school but I think I played Deadlocked more than UYA. Never hit max in Vanilla but did in TBC, and is still probably my biggest game time sink all together although I don't play on live servers any more. Guitar Hero  1-3 and the first two Rock Bands I think fucked my hands up but definitely introduced me to a lot of school music and helped start to shape my taste. I think I played MW2 more than the first but the first is too good.

I would like to think more about this in case I am forgetting.

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