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Messages - marvelsofindustry

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A few of Vita version still available.

Thanks for splitting this up. Just like dashv I wasn't up for the first round of the sale. Ordered the Vita version and then figured might as well grab one for PS4 since that one will probably have more of a chance for updates and/or DLC for the apparent additional episodes (besides Steam), since the Vita is pretty much cooked.

General / Re: Games Lost in Development
« on: December 30, 2015, 05:30:13 pm »
Tomba 3  :'(

General / Re: Retro VGS System Returns as the Next ColecoVision Console
« on: December 18, 2015, 03:12:02 am »
Way to make an already too niche for mass production product even more niche.

General / Re: December 2015- Tis the Pickups thread
« on: December 07, 2015, 01:48:43 pm »
Cyber Monday I got a used copy of Shovel Knight 3DS CIB for $18 on Amazon Warehouse. Didn't know that it had a digital code for the soundtrack at the time but the code was unused so everything worked out. I think it's "Name your Price" on Bandcamp anyway but still.

Steel thy Shovel on repeat forever.

General / Re: Gaming Resolutions for 2016
« on: December 07, 2015, 01:42:28 pm »
1920x1080 ;)

General / Re: November 2015 - The Calm before the Holiday Storm
« on: November 15, 2015, 10:14:35 pm »

Last Cowboom Console Flash sale I ended up with a *New* 3DS XL Black. Not sure how I feel about it though, compared to my import "normal" sized 3DS. It seems too heavy or something, comparatively. Luckily they updated all the 3DS homebrew channel shenanigans allowing me to load it in a more substantial way so I can't get locked out of the Region Free option when Nintendo decides to patch things and not push a firmware update.

I'll probably go back and forth between them for a little bit to decide which to keep, but I am leaning towards the "normal" sized one, as the 3DS XL is too big for me to (eventually) 3D print my own faceplates. Seems the XL has less plate options too as it only seems like you can replace the backplate and not both sides like on the "normal" size (I could be wrong though, if I am let me know). I just wish they'd release the normal sized one here already in a non-bundle capacity but I'm not holding my breath for Nintendo to do anything that makes sense.

Also got a White PS4 controller from Amazon Warehouse for $34.

Hardware and Tech / Re: N64 - No video output
« on: November 09, 2015, 04:05:26 pm »
I'd try seating and reseating the jumper/expansion pak first before taking it apart. It might not work the first time and take a few cartridge resets, but its better than the one time I took the time to take one completely apart (no security screwdriver at the time either) opened it up, looked at it to found nothing so just put it back together for it to work fine. ::)

General / Re: November 2015 - The Calm before the Holiday Storm
« on: November 08, 2015, 03:05:00 am »
Some more Vita finds for me to start off the month.

Gohastings had a varying percentage off sale on used games, so I got 4 games for the maximum discount of 40%, which of course they sent the 4 games in three different packages.

Hot Shots Golf World Invitational $6
Akiba's Trip: Undead and Undressed $15
Wipeout 2048 $6
Muramasa Rebirth $15. Looks like they forgot what "used" means here as this one is still sealed, despite what that sticker is telling you.

Also was able to grab a copy of Breach and Clear on the second go though. Glad they cancelled that jerkass order of 100+ from that one person so more people had the chance to grab it.

...and with Breach and Clear, that puts me up to 20 Vita games! Not a bad start since I started picking them up this September after my PSTV purchase.

Off Topic / Re: What are you doing for halloween?
« on: October 31, 2015, 09:37:52 pm »
I didn't go anywhere but I 3D Printed a plumbob for a Sims costume.


Picked these games up from the Gamestop 4 for $10.
Twisted Metal PS3 (they even upgraded the generic case copy they had out on the floor that I originally grabbed)
Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe PS3
Midnight Club Los Angeles PS3
Kirby's Epic Yarn Wii, no manual on this one but still a good price regardless.

They weren't feeling it on Warioland Shake it, which is what I actually wanted the most, and Bayonetta, which I just grabbed to originally fill out the 4. Their list was a lot smaller than the internet master list I was going off of, so I guess my mistake was asking about it for some reason previous to the checking out process and instead of asking if the games didn't scan correctly so whatever reason. Dude said he scanned the other 2 games that "weren't part of the sale" according to their list, but I doubt it. No big deal though, enough gamestops around to hit up a few more and keep my mouth shut.  ;)

The Masterlist I was going off of is here for those that want to check it out. As always, they had standup displays marked 4 for $10 but all the "good stuff" was still mixed in against the wall where they usually are.

Picked up a couple of 3DS games this week.

Smash Bros was $17.99 from Gamefly, case and manual and all inserts look great but the cartridge is kind of bubbily. Not bad, should have expected from a formal rental. Also got Adventure Time: Hey Ice King, Why'd you steal our Garbage? for $9 from Amazon Warehouse.

Nothing needs to be said about Smash Bros of course, but I have to say Adventure Time: Hey Ice King, Why'd you steal our Garbage? is a pretty good game despite having the worst name for anything ever. It is very "Zelda 2" in it's mechanics, from the way it handles gameplay from items and weapon upgrades from progression, fetch quests and dungeons (towers) to overworld maps. I know almost next to nothing about Adventure Time and I'm still enjoying it, so I imagine then experience to be that much better if you knew more about the universe you are immersed in, but its certainly not a prerequisite. Might be a Hidden gem, for those that wouldn't consider it otherwise on account of not following the franchise.

I found a wired Afterglow 360 controller for $3.99. Works great but just needs new analog sticks as you can see, which I'm unsure of which to get to replace them; either keeping it stock grey/black or going with a translucent colored replacement or something. It's the Blue LED model, and they are pretty bright and kind of annoying to have on all the time lol. There's an "active" mode along with on/off so maybe that triggers the LEDs when the rumble is activated. I tested the controller on my pc with a retro Steam game so no rumble there lol. 

I hope that New 3DS model will somehow make it to NA shores; I like how simple and sleek it looks compared to the animal crossing model.

You could just replace the faceplates on the Animal Crossing model. A more widespread, standard edition release would be nice to see though.

That's definitely going to be my problem, wanting all the faceplates. I am working on something sneaky right now though with trying to 3D print some so we'll see...


While perusing Amazon Warehouse, I found a cheap *new* Nintendo 3DS, the "normal" sized not XL model. Looking to upgrade from my 2DS I quickly purchased it, only later to realize that this was a Japanese Import and not a US model, which I guess only comes in the Animal Crossing Iteration so far. I'm sure we've all operated on the "Buy First, Ask Questions Later" method, and easy returns if I was too dumb to do anything with it from not being able to read Japanese so kept the order.

When it arrived (on a Sunday, no less) it was basically Brand New! I'm wondering if it wasn't a "dinger" model as the box edges are a little bent as you can see but nothing inherently awful. Looks like all the papers are there, the AR Cards still sealed and the 3DS was in the foam bag/package. (the top faceplate was also separate in a bag, not pictured because I attached it already lol)

I had a little bit of a problem setting it up at first (accidentally updated the firmware, oops, but it turned out not to be an issue), but luckily importing this model was a common occurrence on account of it not shipping right away with the XL models to the US, so there was a lot of documentation on setting up the eShop and etc. Thankfully all the menus are the same as well and I copied off of my 2DS when needed.

After all that kanji, I somehow managed to get the homebrew launcher installed via the youtube app in order make it Region Free so I can play my current collection of 3DS games. Not sure what imports to get yet or anything, will probably just look over a list of english friendly 3DS imports first, and check out a few demos of games that come out before the US versions.

I also street passed myself from my 2DS account. Seems kind of awkward lol.

I'm not sure what I'll eventually end up doing with this after I play around with it for a little while. I basically just bought it as an upgrade to my 2DS and was looking at the normal sized model over the XL, for whatever reason. The imports are cool and all but I can easily just put Homebrew Launcher on a US model. Kind of silly but the fact I have to restart streetpass is the most upsetting, and I do have a digital Pokemon X copy on my US Account so we'll see. Might try to eventually trade this straight up for someone who's actually interested in imports and hopefully upgraded from a *new* 3DS to a different LE model. All in all I'm happy with the purchase though, just coming in at slightly over $100, a steal for any *new* 3DS regardless of model or region.


From Goodwill & Amazon Warehouse, from check it every so often for a cheap Wii U Deal lol
Mario Kart Super Circuit $7.88 (AW)
Advance Wars 2 $2.99 (GW)
Capcom Classics Mini mix $2.99 (GW)
Castlevania Circle of the moon $2.99 (GW)
Tetris DS $4.99 (GW)
Sonic the Hedgehog GG (GW) $1.99
Ico & Shadow of the Colossus Collection $13.48 (AW) was "like new" came sealed, but I'm almost positive it's a reseal for some reason, feels flimsy. Doesn't matter since I'm opening it to play SotC anyway.

Vita care package from the Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin Target. 
Need for Speed Most Wanted $9.98
Batman Arkham Orgins Blackgate $9.98
Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 $9.98

Had a friend pick these up at the Target near him. At the time these games were ringing up $5.98 at other Targets but were also not
anywhere near me so definitely still worth it at this price.

Pretty productive month for my Vita Collection overall, I'd say. Perfect time to get into the console too with the PSTV whitelist bypass exploit just released.

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