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Messages - grigon23

Pages: [1]
Off Topic / Re: Your favorite amusement parks and rides
« on: July 18, 2019, 09:42:08 am »
Europa Park - Rust, Germany - A fairly large park with some strong "knockoff" Disneyland vibes. They've got a large sphere like Epcot does, a teacup ride, and a cool Pirates of the Caribbean style ride called "Pirates of Batavia", with Asian pirates. There was a really nice Mercedes sponsored roller coaster too.

God, Europa Park is definitely my favourite! As you walk into you feel like you are entering a fairytale. I remember  when I've been there for the first time. I was 5 years old and we travelled to Rust with my family. My father had to fly to Berlin for one week and search for a commercial property in Berlin for some business related issues and my mother used this opportunity for taking me and my brother to Europa Park because it was really boring in the city center. Still I'm taking my kids there for summer vacations.

Winona Ryder is my celebrity crush and I must admit that I'm watching the show just for her  :D

Off Topic / Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« on: July 18, 2019, 09:16:32 am »
Watched Matrix again last night. It's funny to see these strange visual effects now  :D

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