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Messages - klanksmash

Pages: [1]
Video Game Database Discussion / Re: Different versions of DOS games?
« on: July 29, 2015, 08:00:31 pm »
Thanks. Exactly the info I was looking for.

Video Game Database Discussion / Different versions of DOS games?
« on: July 29, 2015, 04:01:48 pm »
Sometimes there are different releases of DOS games. For example the listing for Police Quest 3 is the EGA 5.25" floppy disk version. The one I have is the VGA 3.5" floppy version. The box looks the same and it comes with the same stuff other than the disks but the UPC and item numbers are different. Should it be a different listing and if so how should I name it?

Video Game Database Discussion / Re: Cart style guide question
« on: July 16, 2015, 08:21:08 am »
Alright, no problem. I'll just submit the front of the carts from now on. Thanks for the info.

Video Game Database Discussion / Re: Cart style guide question
« on: July 15, 2015, 07:10:41 pm »
I can put up a picture of just the cart front if that is the only part you want. There are just a lot of fakes out there so sometimes it is nice to have pictures of the back and board. I know there is not a huge market for these 2 games but still seems like a nice resource to have.

Video Game Database Discussion / Cart style guide question
« on: July 15, 2015, 03:06:14 pm »
I uploaded a few cart pictures and they were rejected. I was not sure why though. There is not really any info in the style guide so I thought I would ask here. Here are the 2 I was trying to add. I know down the road you are hoping to have large image view available and if I was looking this is the type of thing I would hope to see.

I was sad to miss out on the PS4 as well. They were so limited it felt like a bit of a screw you to the fans. I am glad they are going to be selling the controller on its own. Perhaps if they see there is enough interest in it they will pop out a few more PS4s in  that style as well.

Site Feedback / Re: Product Pictures
« on: July 02, 2015, 07:10:48 pm »
Yeah I see your point about the cases. I just went through a whole mess trying to get a few DS games as a birthday gift for someone and it was so hard to find good pictures of the real games to compare. Would be great to have good quality pictures to compare with.

Site Feedback / Product Pictures
« on: July 02, 2015, 12:51:09 pm »
I saw back in Feb there was a post about enlarging box art down the road. I think that is a great idea and it would definitely help to have nice big pictures of everything having to do with the games to help spot fakes when game hunting.

I feel like we could use a few more picture categories though. For cart games it would be great to have a spot for circuit board pictures. It would also be nice if the CD/Cart section could include the inside of the case or if there was a section for just the inside of the case. Fake cases for DS games for example look different from the real thing so having a good clear picture of the real one would help. One other one that might be good is a spot for the front and back of the manual.

Keep up the great work on the site!

Pages: [1]