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Messages - ioanuk

Pages: [1]
Don't you mean 'Mega Drive'? That's what I call the system, and what basically everyone outside the USA calls it (there may be exceptions).
oh wait i need to add a game to the list

28. Collums

Well, it did suffer from the 'Third Console Curse', which basically makes the 3rd console of a company be complete garbage. This is why the N64, Sega Saturn, Xbox One and Wii U were commercial failures at first. While the PS3 and Xbox One did go on to become successful in their own generation, the rest were left in the dust.

Yeah, most were expecting to get every bit of detail out of the console, and expectations were high. Guess we might need to wait until CES or E3 to get our first taste of PS5's design.

The video even has over 99K dislikes. I can see why.

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