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Messages - argusfrost

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I'm sure that all of you more experienced gamers out there know of methods to expand the HD size on the XBox 360. 

Sure, I could google search all terms and find a more than satisfactory answer, but I want to ask a community of video game collectors about their methods and setups for their XBox 360s as they began to run out of space.

Why ask around here?  Because you all seem very knowledgeable and polite.

I thank you in advance.

My Xbox is my jack of all trade. I use it to stream movies from my computer, as a jukebox and also to play emulators.

Wow.  Just... wow.

Are the emulators pretty spot on, with no loading or skipping issues? 

I'm too afraid of screwing up a mod like that which will most likely alert Micro$oft of my effort, effectively banning my XBL GT.

General / Re: Pretty cool posters.
« on: June 20, 2013, 07:22:59 am »
Good idea, but that doesn't mean you can't do the same thing yourself.  Now if these were items that were not easy to reproduce, such as action figures, props or even handmade items (like Perler Bead Sprite artwork) great.  But they're just pieces of already produced artwork or posters that just happen to not be easily available for purchase.  All that the seller is doing is making/printing copies from originals or digital images and selling them, very similar to what you would find at a flea market or from those 0.99 cent stores that offer 'fake' items such as bootleg DVDs and counterfeit clothing.

I'd say spend the money to make your own re-sized posters.  You'll spend a bit more but at least its something that you'll have made by yourself and you won't have to worry about it getting lost in the mail.

Mommaaaaaaaaaaaaa ooooohooooooohooooooooo
I don't wanna die
Sometimes I wish I hadn't bought that XBone

Carry on, carry on

Cause used games just don't matter...

It's too late.....

The time has come.....

To authenticate your games....

Every day now, this is lame.....

Damn youuuu Microsoft..... and your XBox One.....

You want to leave us all behind than face the truth.......

Mommaaaaaa ooooOOOOOooooooOOOOOO......

Didn't mean to make ya' cry.....

I'l return that XBox One this time tomorrow....... (guitar solo)

For my current generation systems, I have this attitude towards them:

X360 - For anything even remotely close to the First Person Shooter (Halo, Battlefield, Borderlands, etc) and mostly the 3rd person action/adventure/RPG game (Resident Evil, Gears Of War, Walking Dead, Dragon Age, Elder Scrolls, etc) as well as hybrid 3rd/First person game (Mass Effect, etc) genres due to the excellent online matchmaking and ease of use for local and online multiplayer games. Sometimes used to watch Netflix, although the Netlfix interface is a bit awkward to use. Sometimes used to watch Digital Copies of films that I uploaded to my collection of USB flash drives.

PS3 - For any software titles that are purely 3rd person action games as well as fighting games (Bayonetta, DMC, Marvel VS Capcom, Mortal Kombat, Injustice, etc.) Online play is mostly non-existent for my usage due to running into 'mostly' cheaters who hack the games, etc. . To top it off, the PS3 "XMB" navigation is very clumsy to use (finding stuff in the Playstation Store is awkward) when compared to the easier to use X360 interface. The PS3 is also the only Blu-Ray player I have in the house. (Once DVDs are phased out and everything is only on Blu-Ray, I'll make the jump to a stand-alone Blu-Ray player.) Rarely used to watch Netflix or browse the internet due to seemingly 'endless' updates to the firmware or Netflix itself. Also used more often to watch Digital Copies of films that I uploaded to my collection of USB flash drives. (If the X360 can't play the video file, the PS3 usually can)

Wii - Pretty much now only used to stream Netflix due to the very easy to use interface utilizing the Wii Remote and watch some Youtube videos on occasion.

PSP - I'm not interested in a PS Vita (aka a portable PS3) so I still use my PSP on occasion. PSP is mostly used to view movies ripped from my DVD collection.

3DS XL - Used fto play many different games due to the Virtual Console games that are available as well as my vast library of DS and 3DS games. Also used to browse the internet and watch Netflix when I'm too lazy to sit on the couch (mostly right before I go to bed, I'll catch an episode of Star Trek TOS or maybe MacGyver.) :)

DSi XL - Used exclusively for DS games (Pokemon Black, White V2, etc.) as well as the DSiWare games.

So what do you all use your current gen systems for and what will plan on using your Wii U, PS4 or XBox One for, besides playing games?

General / Re: Overrated Games
« on: May 28, 2013, 07:05:29 am »
I'll probably catch some grief for this but....

ANYTHING that has the title "Call Of Duty" in it. 

I tried playing the old games, the recent ones and even the ones released with roman numerals after them.  I cannot find anything to like about these games at all.  They're too fast, you can kill quickly but you also die too quickly and they are a bit too 'realistic' (to an extent) for my taste.  When I play video games, especially FPS games, I want stuff like overshields, plasma grenades, Needlers, rocket launchers (that hold at least 50 rockets) gatling guns, double barreled shotguns and BFG9000s.  I guess I'm too big of a "Halo" and "Doom" fan to appreciate the realism of the "Call Of Duty" series.

General / Re: double your money (this is not spam)
« on: May 28, 2013, 06:54:27 am »
I've more than doubled my money with some of the games I've bought and sold in the past 10 years.

Some highlights:

Paid $15.00 (IIRC) for 2 "Monopoly" and 1 "Blockbuster World Video Game Championships" Sega Genesis cartridges (loose).  Sold the "BBWVGC" cartridge to a collector a couple of years later for $2500.00.

Paid $20.00 for a CIB "Earthbound" for SNES.  Recently sold it late last year to a collector for $800.00.

Paid $40.00 for a set of 6 different Neo-Geo cartridges (first generation old stuff like "Ninja Commando", "Cyber Lip", "Sengoku", "Fatal Fury" and 2 other titles which I can't remember), sold them (3 hours after I picked them up) for $175.00 to a collector.

Paid $12.00 for a bag of 12 loose SNES cartridges from a Goodwill store.  Sold 3 of the games for $46.00 (Super Metroid), $30.00 (Super Castlevania IV) and $15.00 (Donkey Kong Country).

Paid $109.00 for a "Diablo III" collector's edition, pieced it all out and sold all of it for the following prices - Game + DLC codes $140.00, Art Book $70.00, USB Diablo II Skull $40.00, "Making Of DVD" and OST CD $20.00.  (I ended up keeping the box the items came in.)

I'll add other ones to the mix but they are not video game software but are related to them.  I'll put up the info in my next post.  Right now, I'm fighting fatigue and fatigue is winning. 

Time to hit the sack (actually a couch).

General / Re: Ever do something lame?
« on: May 02, 2013, 09:07:14 am »
Define lame. 

Working on your wife's computer just to static short it and fry the mobo.  I forgot I wasn't grounded.

Forgetting to remove the anti-static point from an Xbox 360 laser unit.  Then remembering after it's in, trying to remove while in the drive ruining the unit.

Dropping a $200 dollar MP3 player, that you received as a birthday gift.  Had for 3 days, into a toilet.
Before any ask.  Yes, I dove in after it.  No, it didn't survive.


You're alive though, right?  That's all that matters. 

Still, that is a bummer that we sometimes forget to do things like 'watch where we sit' or even dropping an MP3 player into a toilet and then fishing it out. 

Material things can be replaced.  Us human beings, impossible to replace once we're gone. 

I'll add to what you stated....

I dropped my brand new pager into a toilet as I was taking a piss (it was 1996 and it was one of those snazzy Motorola types that you could read from the side. Plus it had the Timex "Indiglo" style backlight. so cool....).  As it dropped and started sinking to the bottom, I couldn't stop mid-stream so I just finished as fast as I could.  The reason why I dropped it was because I got a vibrating audible page that somehow shook itself loose from the belt clip, which I liked to have located near my front pants pocket.  Imagine the buzzing/beeping noise coupled with a stream of warm liquid over it and then the buzzing/beeping noise being muffled by the constant descent to the bottom of the toilet bowl. 

Did it survive?  Miraculously, yes.  But only after I washed it and let it dry in the sun for a couple of days at the windowsill.

I would define that instance as lame.  I never told my dad what happened.   :-X

General / Re: "T" and "A" thread/discussion...
« on: May 02, 2013, 06:32:23 am »
For a minute there, I thought we were going to start discussing the debauchery of T & A.  (We still can if anyone wants to share pics.  har har) ;D

But for Trophies and Achievements, I personally still find myself to gain more Achievements then Trophies. 

I suppose it has something to do with me getting my XBox 360 first then my PS3 a couple of years later.  Or maybe it has something to do with the game library?  I have way more X360 games then PS3 games (disc and DL'ed) so maybe that's it. 

That still doesn't make up for the fact that I have years of video game backlogging to deal with in terms of playing them. 

Heck, I buy games and don't play them for months or even years later.  I know I'll eventually open up that "Alan Wake" collector's edition or finally play Mass Effect 1.  *sighs*  I think I'll continue on my lonely road to the Pokemon League. 

*turns on DSi XL, starts up "Pokemon Black"* (I'm only 30 hours in and I bought Pokemon Black on launch day.)   :-[

General / Re: Intro thread
« on: May 02, 2013, 06:23:18 am »
I guess I will have to start somewhere.  Sorry I didn't notice this "Intro" board first. 


My name is ArgusFrost and I really like the idea that this website is doing a very good service for video game collectors alike.  I've previously been lurking around the 'net at various other gaming websites under different handles so video games are definitely nothing new.  :)

I'm very sure that the people here will be as cool as ever.  I have yet to have any beef with other forum users anywhere.  I just want everyone to be chill and cool like a nice glass of watermelon juice on a hot day. 

Thanks for making me feel welcome in advance.  All of you are in a different level of reality because of your love for video games. 

Take care, everyone.


General / Ever do something lame?
« on: May 02, 2013, 06:15:52 am »

I just sat on my pair of Gunnar Optiks.  Man, do I feel stupid.  Luckily I didn't "plop" down onto my computer chair like I normally do.  Otherwise it would have been worse than bending back one of the arms that came apart. 

The funny part?  They actually fit better now than they did 30 minutes ago. 


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