« on: November 08, 2023, 12:44:23 pm »
I've just started using VGCollect, after being a Discogs user for my music for some time. Two things I find very handy over there could really improve things here.
First, a duplicate entry button. While putting together my collection on here, I've run into a few things I've got on (for example) both Steam and Epic, but there's only a Steam entry in the database. On Discogs, there's a link to duplicate an entry, which populates the new submission form with all the existing information so I don't need to re-enter all the credits, just change the necessary differences and submit the new entry. For the case where a Steam game gets released on Epic, or vice versa, a quick way to just change the platform and add the new entry without having to copy-paste every other field would be a great feature.
Second, a user-creatable categorization for their collection. Discogs calls this "folders". I'd just like to be able to group items in my collection as I see fit. Maybe its a group for items I've lent out to friends. Or a group for things that I bought through Humble bundles. Or grouping things based on which member of my family actually owns it. Just want me some user-creatable grouping options.
Thank you for listening.