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Messages - scoobypercent

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Classic Video Games / Re: PAL/NTSC-J Only PS1 games
« on: December 30, 2024, 06:30:20 pm »
I have a few games in my collection/planning on getting which are PAL/NTSC-J only (Any games that came out in the UK, but not the US) and was wondering if people could recommend me any? I have Chaos Break and Mickey's Wild Adventure with plans to pick up Overblood 2 and HellNight. I just think games that came out in PAL regions, but not NTSC are neat.

what's your priority actual pal exclusives or if a jap versions exist jap over pal or vice versa.

Priority would be anything that came out in the UK, but not the US. PAL over Japanese version where possible. I like to look for more niche games not everyone will know about.

Classic Video Games / Re: PAL/NTSC-J Only PS1 games
« on: December 30, 2024, 04:31:13 pm »
Klaymen Klaymen: Neverhood no Nazo and Mad Panic Coaster have been added to my list.

Classic Video Games / Re: PAL/NTSC-J Only PS1 games
« on: December 30, 2024, 04:20:55 pm »
Here are some worth mentioning:

Bishi Bashi Special
Ghoul Panic
iS: Internal Section
Klaymen Klaymen: Neverhood no Nazo
Mad Panic Coaster

Or, you could take an alternative approach and seek out titles published by Ignition Entertainment and Phoenix Games.

Are there any specific genres you're fond of? Or ones you just have no interest in playing?

Thank you for the list! I will have a look at those. My favourite genres are platformers and horror, but would be interested in anything unique.

Classic Video Games / Re: PAL Only PS1 games
« on: December 30, 2024, 01:55:24 pm »
Of the four titles you've listed, only Mickey's Wild Adventure is exclusive to Europe. Do you actually mean exclusive to Europe or just not also available in North America? The other three games were also released in Japan.

Sorry, I meant not available in the US. I'll edit my post a little.

Classic Video Games / PAL/NTSC-J Only PS1 games
« on: December 30, 2024, 01:24:24 pm »
I have a few games in my collection/planning on getting which are PAL/NTSC-J only (Any games that came out in the UK, but not the US) and was wondering if people could recommend me any? I have Chaos Break and Mickey's Wild Adventure with plans to pick up Overblood 2 and HellNight. I just think games that came out in PAL regions, but not NTSC are neat.

Classic Video Games / Re: Can't Stop Buying Repros
« on: December 29, 2024, 08:10:45 am »
I think repros are pretty great if you just want to play the game without the high cost. Video games are meant to be enjoyed however it is that you enjoy them. They're also handy for games that didn't come out in certain regions e.g came out in the US but not the UK. I collect legit games myself, but have no problems with picking up the odd repro here and there.

General / Re: New Low Poly Games?
« on: December 29, 2024, 06:12:41 am »
I plan on getting Crow Country physical through Fangamer next year! Looks really good :)

Awesome! I hope you enjoy  :) I might have to get myself a physical copy if I can.

Hardware and Tech / Re: Sega Saturn not booting games
« on: December 28, 2024, 06:00:46 pm »
Update on the Sega Saturn. Unfortunately after opening it and giving everything a good clean it's still not working. There is a lot of discolouration so it might have just died with age. Thank you all for all your advice it's still very much appreciated.

General / Re: New Low Poly Games?
« on: December 28, 2024, 05:52:22 pm »
I really love this trend of low poly games, I absolutely adore the aesthetic! Some of the games I've enjoyed so far are Crow Country, Fear the Spotlight and Cavern of Dreams.

I played the demo for Crow Country and it was pretty good, and I'm not even a fan of those style of games, specifically the controls and how they played, but Crow Country was very playable, might make that an October game for next year.

I highly recommend it! It was one of my favourite games of 2024.

General / Re: New Low Poly Games?
« on: December 28, 2024, 09:13:08 am »
I really love this trend of low poly games, I absolutely adore the aesthetic! Some of the games I've enjoyed so far are Crow Country, Fear the Spotlight and Cavern of Dreams.

Modern Video Games / Re: The Game Awards 2024
« on: December 15, 2024, 07:36:42 am »
I look forward to seeing more of Sonic Racing CrossWorlds myself. Also it's about time that Okami got another game.

I'm really hoping that Sonic Racing: CrossWorlds is something more akin to Sonic All-Stars Racing, specifically Transformed, which I thought was better than Mario Kart 8 that came out after that.  Doesn't need to be sega properties based, can just be Sonic characters, I just want something that looks better than Team Sonic Racing.

I completely agree. Team Sonic Racing wasn't the worst racing game that I've played by far, but it was very average.

Modern Video Games / Re: The Game Awards 2024
« on: December 13, 2024, 05:11:08 pm »
I look forward to seeing more of Sonic Racing CrossWorlds myself. Also it's about time that Okami got another game.

Hardware and Tech / Re: Sega Saturn not booting games
« on: December 13, 2024, 11:35:02 am »
Try method of operations #3.  My dad is a wizard at it. 

Method of operations #1 - Remove power, wait 30 seconds. Reapply power.

Method of operations #2 - Consult a manual. And do what the manual says if applicable.

Method of operations #3 - Firm slap.  To the side or rump region of the device.  In such to jostle any possible debris, contact corossion or overall knock sense into the device.

95 percent chance it doesnt work. But that 5 percent.... that 5 percent is glorious.

Reality is.  Their is a ribbon cable that leads from the optical disc drive to the motherboard.  Try disconnecting it carefully with electronic foreceps, clean the contacts with isoproprly alchol 90 percent or higher.  Air dry with compressed air.  Then clean any contacts or sections that look dirty with electronic parts cleaner. 

Reattatch the ribbon cable, remove all dust.  Keep power supply removed for about an hour. 

Then if it doesnt work. Probably looking at a blown capacitor or a faulty connection. Which will be problematic. 

Good luck friend.

Thank you for the advice! I will be attempting a fix next week. I will up-date the post if anything changes.

Hardware and Tech / Re: Sega Saturn not booting games
« on: December 13, 2024, 11:33:32 am »
What does a crash look like?

From a cold boot it tries to load the Saturn logo, but just keeps looping the first part of the start-up sound. If you try to load a game from the menu it freezes.

Hardware and Tech / Re: Sega Saturn not booting games
« on: December 10, 2024, 02:04:41 pm »
Thank you. I think that might be the case. I might take it apart myself and see if I can find any obvious faults.

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