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Messages - tlrtheory

Pages: [1]
Site Feedback / Can we get an EU/JP section for PSP games?
« on: February 26, 2011, 12:24:46 pm »
Finally decided to get started on my imports... only to find that the "types" do not exist :/

Site Feedback / Re: Auto approve entry updates?
« on: February 26, 2011, 12:29:20 pm »
Ah, okay... if that's the case, then everything's fine the way it is :)

Site Feedback / Re: Auto approve entry updates?
« on: February 25, 2011, 04:36:54 pm »
I also wondered about this.

I thought that the reason would be something like avoiding instances where someone would do something immature or stupid (like updating a game with false/joke material or pornographic box art)... but then we can add something to the database without it having to be approved.

I dunno... I like it where we can add games to the database without it having to be approved because it massively reduces the hassle and makes things simple (in a VERY good way)... that's actually the reason I'm here, and not some other site like backloggery... but the extreme simplicity and the aforementioned risk come hand-in-hand. does raise the question of why we have to wait for approvals of edits, but can add games to the database without any kind of approval though.

Site Feedback / Re: I do like the way this website works!
« on: February 24, 2011, 09:18:04 pm »
Actually, I think it's fine the way it is. With such inconsistent universality in PSN titles, I think adding any more separation would just create convolution. The way it is now has a sort of balance such that PSN-purchased titles can go into any category by a user's discretion - with there being a PSN section only for exclusive titles that are exclusive to one system and cannot be gained physically (such as Modern Combat Domination).

Site Feedback / I do like the way this website works!
« on: February 24, 2011, 03:16:16 pm »
Very easy to submit and modify entries. All the other sites I messed with were so much of a hassle that I didn't even wanna deal with 'em. At first I thought the database was in serious need of some support, but it's so simple and painless that I actually don't mind helping fill gray areas in the database. This site definitely has my support, and I'll be adding to the database with every purchase I make. Might even invite some friends to try it out!

I do have a couple suggestions though; ever thought about a "Social" section of this forum? Or is "General" filling the spot that a social forum would fill?

...and when I add a new game to the database, it says that it's been added to my collection as well... but I still have to hit add before it shows up. Not sure if that's a bug or not, but It's kinda nice that way, since there's not a 100% guarantee that people adding to the database necessarily mean to add to their collection.

PS: I like the badges system, how many of them are there?

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