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Messages - twdnewh

Pages: [1]
Site Feedback / My suggestions
« on: August 05, 2013, 04:44:59 am »

I just stumbled upon this wonderful site, and would like to to make 3 quick suggestions.

1- As I've seen mentioned already, the ability to import your collection automatically through steam, Xbox Live, and PSN.

2- Being able to edit the status of your game progress and filter your collection accordingly, for example completed, currently playing, sold, stopped playing, etc. Then being able to sort our the games based on status making it easier to manage a back log.

3- Goes hand in hand with the previous point, being able to create a 'game plan' or schedule of sorts. Set the games you want to play first and move on to others; again to help manage a back log.

Hope others share my suggestions to improve this great site, and I apologize of these have been mentioned earlier.

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