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Messages - PimpernickleBag

Pages: [1]
General / Re: Can you plan to start collecting?
« on: November 01, 2013, 11:47:53 pm »
I fall into the boat of Stupid people who traded in a bunch of games because I grew slightly bored and later when i want to play those games and regret trading them in.

Now I regret having sold off my game collection, especially some of the NES / Super NES / N64 games I had back in the day when I see how much they are to replace NOW that I want to have them again.

General / Re: Your best gaming deal
« on: October 29, 2013, 04:30:54 pm »
I score awesome deals all the time, in fact I don't think I ever paid more than $15 for a vintage console, including a Super NES.

However, recently on craigslist I saw a PS2 steering wheel on the "free" section. I decided to pick it up on my way home from work one day. When I got to the house, they had tossed about 20-30 PS2 games in the box with the wheel — which I immediately noticed was a Logitech force feedback wheel for the Xbox 360!

So, the next day the person sent me an email APOLOGIZING to me because they realized the steering wheel was for the Xbox 360 instead of the PS2 — and that they had the PS2 wheel if I wanted to stop and pick it up! When I got there they had tossed in a few more PS2 games in the box!

In the end, the Logitech wheel needed a power supply which I could only find online for about $10 — and the PS2 wheel had a broken pin in one of the connector cables associated with the foot pedals. I was able to find a replacement pedal set on Ebay — which also had a broken part inside for about $7 and I was able to fix that one with the parts from the broken pedal set I had from the free one I picked up.

So in the end I got a logitech Drive FX wheel, a Cobra TT wheel for the PS2, and about 35-40 PS2 games for $17 which isn't bad at all.

I don't have a good table or rack to clamp my wheels to for playing racing games right now so they are collecting dust until I find something I can deal with — but it was still a fun find.

Even though it is fun, I am WAY better at racing games with the analog sticks than I am with the wheels, even if I have the sensitivity set correctly.

General / Re: Can you plan to start collecting?
« on: October 29, 2013, 04:21:00 pm »
I was addicted to games as a kid. I am old enough that I had an original PONG, Atari 2600, 7800, NES, etc when they came out back in the day.

After college I gave up games (for the most part) because I wanted to get things done around the house instead of plopping on the couch all the time to crack out on games.

My ex girlfriend a few years back wanted a Wii — and I felt like it would be okay since I am not a huge fan of the "get up off the couch and flail my arms around" kind of gaming. I did pick up a few games that I liked for it though and was semi-addicted until the fun of having a new game wore off.

When I broke up with her, and started a new job I absolutely hate over a winter — I started feeling nostalgic and picked up a few vintage consoles and games I used to love. That snowballed into having over 14 vintage consoles, all the new consoles, thrifting and craigslisting for games, and the game collecting has become as much of a "game" to me as the games themselves (and I even like my Wii now LMFAO).

Right now the game collecting is somewhat of a "coping mechanism" for my mindset after leaving the crappy job (something fun to do) — and I buy 5X more games than I actually play. Half of my collection are games I've yet to play once since picking them up.

That is mainly because I have limited time to sit down, and games like GTA V are so involved I might spend a month playing one or two games.

Right now I have 16 consoles hooked up to an HDTV with switch boxes and fairly nicely done (my girlfriend has no idea how to even watch a TV show with the myriad of switches and remotes involved) — and I am in the process of boxing loose games and making it a really nice "showpiece" kind of a collection as I go.

My focus has been mostly "re-claiming" all the games I loved as a kid, and picking up complete sets of games / or themes I like — such as "Star Wars," "Grand Theft Auto," "Racing," "Soccer," "Any Games with Adult humor I wasn't supposed to have as a kid" etc etc.

Site Feedback / Re: v2 Beta bug report thread
« on: October 22, 2013, 02:28:21 pm »
I would assume it is an — (em dash).

Looks fine in my browser but if the characters don't get converted to their ascii equivalents (— or &8212;) then they sometimes look weird in certain browsers. I also know certain hosting platforms will cause this when characters are not encoded with their html ascii counterparts.

Site Feedback / Re: Small bug I noticed with the android app
« on: October 20, 2013, 09:00:49 pm »
The one thing I did notice is that if you "edit" the game in your collection and delete "none" and save it — it still replaces the blank text field with the default "none" but then in the android app, the word "none" no longer appears under the game title on the list view.

Site Feedback / Re: v2 Beta bug report thread
« on: October 20, 2013, 08:59:31 pm »
I did notice the box artwork image on the right would replace itself with a loader gif image at the same time the error popped up — and then it would quickly load the description page for the game, as if there were no error.

Site Feedback / Re: Feature suggestions
« on: October 20, 2013, 08:57:32 pm »
That's cool. I know everyone has their own way of organizing things, and fully know you can't please everyone and need to limit your focus to what you can do in the period of time you have and the resources available.

I like to tell people — if you run around trying to please everyone, you just piss off the people (like myself) who can't stand those who try to please everyone, and therefore it is impossible to do.

I stumbled upon the site while looking for "organization tips" for my collection (actually things like bookshelving / universal cases / how people display their collections in their "man caves" etc) and thought the site was really cool.

Another random idea would be to "tally" the estimated values of people's collections based on the estimate figure in the game descriptions. That would be a fun thing to see (even if it is just estimated) — so long as people aren't advertising that to potential burglars!

I'll most likely use my spreadsheets to keep my collection organized (used for making sure I don't buy duplicates mostly) but this is cool, especially when looking for variations of packaging, special editions etc., that I may not know about.

The wikipedia of video games :-)

Site Feedback / Re: Small bug I noticed with the android app
« on: October 20, 2013, 08:50:16 pm »
I am primarily a front-end developer / designer with traditional graphic design experience — and manage projects like this but usually leave the heavy-lifting back-end work to people who specialize in that.

Site Feedback / Feature suggestions
« on: October 20, 2013, 02:39:28 pm »
I played around on the site for the last hour after signing up and already see some things I'd like to see on here even though I think this site is pretty awesome.

The only real reason I keep my games in a spreadsheet is so I don't end up with duplicates (which has happened to me several times when I see a vintage game at a thrift store, etc. that I didn't think I already owned).

Also, I tend to organize my games by Genre, and then in chronological order (or basically, "however I feel like it") LOL...

I keep all "Star Wars" games together regardless of Genre or platform — Grand Theft takes a special place on my mantle (my favorites of all time) — and I have pretty much every console version of the Call of Duty / Medal of Honor series along with all other military FPS shooters, then any OTHER fps shooters in the same place, but "space" ones together (like Halo) etc etc.

I don't really have a set system.

It would be really awesome if there were other sorting options for viewing your collection, such as by genre (instead of just platform / alpha).

The "completely awesome" thing to do would be to allow users to have a "my bookshelf" option for a list view, and allow them to manually sort their collection to their liking. Maybe even "groups" to allow users to categorize their own sub-collections.

I could see a sweet ajax list where users could drag their titles in the order they want (like put the GTA titles in the order they were made vs alphabetical). It probably wouldn't be terribly difficult to implement by adding a "group" and "priority" field to the collection table for each user in the database. Grouped games would be able to be dragged as a unit. Could use checkboxes to drag multiple games around etc.

Just ideas. I can see myself using this site to organize my collection — but I do have them in a google spreadsheet and on my bookshelves in a certain way that makes them easier for me to see the genres and collections I have "holes" in to fill.

However, my simple spreadsheet is getting to be a pain because of how big my collection is starting to get.

Site Feedback / Small bug I noticed with the android app
« on: October 20, 2013, 02:24:58 pm »
When you select "cart/disc, manual, other inserts, other inserts" when adding a game to the collection, or after hitting the "edit" button — in your game list on the associated app, each game will then display "None" under the title, which is kind of annoying. I wouldn't say it is a deal breaker for most, but I guess I'm just anal (as a developer myself).

Video Game Database Discussion / Re: NEW Duplicate Listing Thread
« on: October 20, 2013, 02:01:28 pm »
LMFAO — Very first game I added to my collection after signing up today and found a duplicate...

Grand Theft Auto Collector's Edition Box Set

Site Feedback / Re: v2 Beta bug report thread
« on: October 20, 2013, 01:40:33 pm »
The error happened to me in FireFox for OS X and didn't happen when I switched to Safari.

Site Feedback / Re: v2 Beta bug report thread
« on: October 20, 2013, 01:37:35 pm »
I just signed up for an account — really nice site by the way...

I can also verify the flash of the "Failure" error message when clicking on a game title from the "my collection" page. It happened the first time I added a game to the list while I was poking around seeing if this is a better way to list my several hundred game collection vs the Google spreadsheet I keep them in now.

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