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Messages - 7thLeveLReviews

Pages: [1]
Marketplace / Re: Limited Editions for sale!
« on: February 10, 2016, 10:57:57 pm »

Just got my tax return too. Ah well.

Marketplace / Re: Limited Editions for sale!
« on: February 10, 2016, 07:50:50 am »
What you asking for Lunar 1,2 and Arc The Lad?

I fear GS is calling it a physical release but at 14.99 we're just gonna get a case with a dlc certificate in it, not an actual disc.

General / Re: Game Room Pics
« on: December 27, 2013, 01:08:07 pm »
Hello all.

First off I'm greatly impressed with the pics in here. And so perhaps you all could help me with some planning.

I own a home. It's a 3 bedroom 2 story house. No basement. Right now, my game collection is split into three areas: A Uhaul storage unit, my living room, and my son's room. Why storage? This was initially intended to be my starter house, with the intention of turning it for a profit and upgrading to a house with a den that I could turn into a primo gaming room. Then the 2008 housing crisis hit and I was out of work for a good while (I worked for Etrade at the time, and they took a big hit in their banking division, almost took them out of business), and took me a while to get caught up after that. So for the time being, this house is what I have to work with.

The living room is my primary gaming space. However, with a couch, loveseat and chair, along with my current gaming rig, I don't have much room for displaying my collection. My TV takes up almost the entire far wall (Mitsubishi DLP 3D 1080p 73 Incher.) The right wall is taken up by the couch. the love seat sits opposite the TV, the left side is dominated by the single seat and a side window. The backwall has two windows facing the front yard, but I do not use those windows. I currently have two large bookshelves that once held my Stephen King hardback collection and other books sitting in front of these two windows, and this is where the games that aren't in storage currently reside. Again, these shelves are the kind you'd see in a livingroom and were not built to store games. So currently everything is just stacked on top of each other, and it just doesn't look very cool.

What I'm planning to do this year is convert my livingroom into a gaming room/mancave deal. I intend to ditch the furniture I currently have and get four recliners: a two seater in the middle where the loveseat currently is, a recliner where the couch currently is, and another recliner where the sofa chair currently sits. This would free up most of the right and left walls for additional shelving.

My entertainment center only has shelving for three components, which is currently my Xbox One, my PS4, and my PS3.  I have my wiiu sitting caddy  corner on the shelf the TV sits on, with my cable DVR on the other side.  I have nowhere else for my other consoles, so the ones my son isn't using in his room (his own PS3, a ps2, a wii, and the xbox 360) are currently stored in plastic bins when not in use.

So, I'd like some advice on what type of shelving to buy which will allow me to maximize my free space while allowing me to customize the shelf size to hold different game formats, plus shelving for game collectibles and boxes and such, and most importantly, some kind of shelf unit I could set to the left of the TV to hold as many of my consoles as possibly but in a confined space, so it would need to be more vertical than horizontal.

I know that's a lot of text. I'll post pictures later so you can get a better idea of what we're talking about here. Thanks for the help in advance.

General / Re: PSN, Gamer Tag, Steam, and Friend Code Exchange
« on: December 27, 2013, 11:47:26 am »
PSN: The7thLevel
XBL: The7thLevl (that's not a miskey, had to misspell Level because someone else had claimed it already)

I'm not a fan of Nintendo's network so I don't know what my friendcode is or what you'd need to connect to me on WiiU LOL

General / Re: Intro thread
« on: December 27, 2013, 11:39:01 am »
As for PSN, my id is The7thLevel. I'm a level 23 at 95% with over 5000 trophies and 42 plats. I don't keep track of my XBL score because I own those more for the collection than for actual playing. I'm mostly a Sony guy XD

General / Re: Intro thread
« on: December 27, 2013, 11:21:39 am »

What's folks, 7th here.

Most people know me from my Youtube channels, The7thLevl (which is now an archive) and 7thLeveLReviews. I'm also on Twitter @The7thlevel.

I'm a console gaming collector. My collection is not as big as it once was. It used to stretch all the way back to the Fairchild Channel F but due to several boxes of stuff being mistakenly sold in a yard sale whilst I was doing fieldwork on the other side of the state, I lost a good chunk of my collection in 2004 and didn't start buying the stuff back until 2009. I got to looking through what I have on the shelf last night (a good chunk of my collection is in a Uhaul storage unit) and decided I needed to find a good place where I could catalog everything I had on display so I could keep better track, and show it off to people who are constantly asking me for videos updating my collection.

Right now my biggest issue is I want to do retro reviews of TG16 games, but I don't have a PVR that'll handle RF, and the prices for TurboPros add-ons and TurboDuos are ridiculous.

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