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Messages - devancowan

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 19
General / Re: Interest for Secret Santa 2016
« on: October 19, 2016, 08:30:55 pm »
If its not to late to join, I would like to join. I had a blast last year doing it!  :)

Second batch is live! Go get em! :)

So I picked up the ps4 version of octodad and don't even have a ps4. If anyone wants to trade for the vita version that would be amazing!  :)
Vita version is still available I think if you want to pay $20 for a tie.

I would do that but I already picked up the ps4 version thinking it was the vita version after paying. Fml

So I picked up the ps4 version of octodad and don't even have a ps4. If anyone wants to trade for the vita version that would be amazing!  :)

To date, I've not been able to make any of the releases because I work 2nd shift and I'm either asleep or at work when the games go live.  :-\

They'll be doing another flash sale of the remaining Oddworld and Futuridium items soon (from cancellations, etc), so let me know if you'd like me to try to pick something up for you.  Not sure what the limit will be, but I didn't buy any Futuridiums earlier this week.

Has there be a confirmed time & date of this. I would love to her Futuridium to keep my Limited Run vita games complete!

I don't think that they allow a person to buy more than one.

It's possible that someone bought a PS4 and Vita copy and doesn't feel the need to hold on to both. I didn't pick up either this time, devancowan - wish I'd known earlier so I could've helped you out.

No worries! I just know it is going to be close to impossible to get it now unless I resort to the 80+ I assume people want for it on Ebay.

If anyone grabbed a Vita one and doesn't want it or just got an extra, I would love to buy it off you  :)


The only reason I would buy this one would be to have something tangible to burn. I *hated* this game. :P

I actually really enjoyed it! I thought it was a challenging, tough, quick little game   :)

Limited Run Games just announced Xeodrifter to be release on the Ps4 & Vita sometime within June.

General / Re: The Pay It Forward Thread
« on: April 26, 2016, 09:04:46 pm »
Purchased this months humble bundle for the 3DS games but don't have a WiiU. So if anyone wants the two WiiU codes, they're all yours just send me a PM  :)

Affordable Space Adventures
Shantae and The Pirate's Curse

She's live, hope everyone who wants one gets one  :)

All good on paying retail for Suikoden II. I did the same!

With the tax return I figured now was as good a time as any since it probably won't get any cheaper!

Picked up a few games at a thrift store yesterday. Surprised to see any original Playstation stuff there. It's actually the first time I've even seen it there even if it was just a few sports games. Grabbed Bioshock for the ps3 as well. Played that a while back but never actually got around to finishing it.

But the real news here is I finally can add Suikoden II to my collection again after owning it as a kid and somehow losing it  :)
Pretty much paid retail for it but I don't even care. It looks like it's brand new and I've wanted it for so long. I can't wait to start it up again!

Picked up this beautiful thing today! Easily the nicest collectors edition I have to date. Can't wait to get start playing it!  :D

General / Re: 52 Games Challenge *2016*
« on: April 13, 2016, 07:54:45 pm »
Finished up The Wolf Among Us today. Probably my favourite TellTale game so far with an ending that made me immediately google if there was a "Season 2" come out!

Games Completed in 2016
1) Fallout 4 (XBone) - 01/11/2016
2) Tomb Raider Definitive Edition (XBone) - 02/09/2016
3) Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest (3DS) - 03/29/2016
4) Life Is Strange (XBone) - 04/03/2016
5) The Wolf Among Us (XBone) - 04/13/2016

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