« on: December 27, 2024, 05:36:09 pm »
I used to adore PlayStation. Ever since getting the PS2 when I was a kid, playing games like Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back, Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage, Final Fantasy VII, VIII, IX, Bugs Bunny Lost in Time, Kingdom Hearts, Silent Hill, and so much more. There were so many amazing games both third party and exclusive to the platform.
The PS3 had some issues early on, but they retooled their marketing, released a cheaper alternative to the console, and refocused their efforts on a wide variety of unique, interesting, and engaging games that could appease many different types of gamers. PS3's latter half going into the PS4 truly was the *best* time for Sony in my eyes.
PS4 started off great! Lots of those unique games, amazing UI design, unique themes, the introduction of PlayStation VR? There was so much to choose from - but then they started to falter. They focused heavily on the same tired game design - heavily focused on narratives and taking agency away from the player, hyper realistic graphics, increased MTX and GAAS. By the end of the PS4 I was left a bit weary.
PS5 has been nothing but annoyance for me. Bought it on day one, but have barely touched it due to a lack of interesting games. Most third party games I could buy on PC for better performance or on PS4 with almost negligible difference in performance/visual clarity. Their first party games have become so homogeneous and increasingly worse across the board for me. Less interesting games, more generic and shallow game mechanics, increasingly worse writing (though this seems to be an issue with AAA games as a whole). Much like with Disney's 100th Anniversary, the 30th Anniversary for PlayStation has just highlighted how much better they used to be and how much worse they have become.
I want to love PlayStation again - but they seem intent on taking choice away from player's, offering less games as a whole for increased prices, among numerous other issues. It's disappointing.