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Topics - dreama1

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Modern Video Games / What's your thoughts on video game morals?
« on: November 22, 2020, 03:43:42 pm »

What's your thoughts on video game morals?

I would say this encompasses under one umbrella, violence, sexual content, and politics?

Do you think there should be any restrictions, censorship or outright banning on games? 

Personally I wouldn't mind what someone would want to create without any restrictions holding it back.

Classic Video Games / Is the NES going down in price?
« on: September 21, 2020, 06:30:22 pm »
Is the NES going down in price?  I heard a rumour prices are decreasing recently, is it true?


Can you list any games based in China/Japan or have a strong Asian theme? Because I'm interested.

I can knock off some obvious ones.

-Ghost of Tsushima

-Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice

-Dynasty warriors, and samurai warriors.

-Romance of the three kingdoms franchise.

-Jade Empire


What games would you consider objectively some of the greatest ever made? or a top 100.

To clarify I don't mean nostalgic to you, but either if it has objectively excelled in Music and artistic Merit, storyline, or gameplay compared to the rest. If it was to be looked at from a scholarly point of view.

With movies we have Shawshank Redemption, citizen kane, and the Godfather etc.. And most recently the Joker. Etc.. Just to name a few.

And with books with have the odyssey, the divine comedy, east of eden, 1984 etc..

With video games it encompasses much more than either of these formats. So we can't really make one solid list.

So it should it be split into the below.

1. Storyline  - A separate list with the greatest stories ever told in the video game medium.

2. Music and Artistic Merit/ Graphical presentation

3. Gameplay - I think the list would range from old to modern saying it's something that is consistent with video games.

I could suggest some candidates for a hypothetical list.


- Halo
- Starcraft
- Silent hill 2 (perhaps)
- I have no mouth and I must scream

Music and Artistic Merit/ Graphical presentation

- Skyrim
- Oblivion
- Sekiro
- Street Fighter 2
- Chrono Trigger
- Silent Hill
- Ico
- Final Fantasy X


-Pac man

Hmm.. There's a lot.

Classic Video Games / What's your breaking point with a video game?
« on: February 08, 2020, 05:25:43 pm »
What's your breaking point with a video game? How many hours would you consider reasonable or honourable before you quit/drop it?

Has anyone actually hated a game but sunk maybe 10+ hours into it and actually ended up loving it? or it's just some sunken costs fallacy.

How do you think video games would be if modern technology was lost, but the knowledge learned was kept? (Experience as well)

If the 8 bit Generation was reset and transitioned forward again 8-16-32-128 etc.. with modern Knowledge/experience and Financial budgets?

And if the games would play out more or less the same as they did originally, or play much more modern and fresh.

What do you think makes someone sell their 'whole' collection?

I don't mean downsizing but selling the entire thing.

Also other than a serious financial crisis, this is excluded for obvious reasons.

Do you believe they actually cared originally or it was something else? A passing interest? Another poster mentioned hoarding or addiction rather than passion for the games?

Off Topic / Question for dashv and Masamune
« on: August 31, 2019, 07:17:02 pm »
Since when?

Would you agree game story narrative is inferior or has been retarded/stunted compared to the film industry or books in it's current state?

As much as I love some stories in video games it might well be true, but to be fair engrossing stories is relatively new for video games.

Maybe only till the 90's has it started to show some depth. It hasn't had over a century to craft and mould like the film industry, and millenniums like books have had. Which is probably why books are often better than their movie counter parts even if each medium offers perks to enhance the experience of story telling, (Music,moving pictures, gameplay*, Art*, first person prospective simulated* etc..)

Just one example.

The metal gear solid series, Kojima has been criticised for being a terrible writer not that it makes the games bad or anything.

Classic Video Games / How fragmented do you think the gaming community is?
« on: February 13, 2019, 11:47:26 pm »

How fragmented do you think the gaming community is?

What I mean is gamers sticking to a certain genre of game rather than experimenting into more niche genres. 

And why would anyone stick to purely one genre strictly without any branching?

Modern Video Games / What's everyone think of the new Nintendo President?
« on: January 06, 2019, 05:57:23 pm »
What's everyone think of the new Nintendo President? Seems he's made quite a stir lately.

What are your top 10 JRPGs? I should add it's probably smart to separate it into top 10 for each generation.

I.e Top 10 8 bit JRPG;s, Top 10 16 bit JRPGs, 32 Bit, 128 Bit? etc.. or 3rd,4th,5th,6th,7th Generation.

It doesn't have to be in english. Fan translations or no translation at all is allowed as long as you can prove it has some merit or quality.

Modern Video Games / What's the current state of the VR? -March 2018
« on: March 09, 2018, 02:41:49 pm »
What's the current state of the VR? Has it taken off yet? Is it failing? Any quality games on it yet?

Classic Video Games / How is retro game pricing as of Feb 2018?
« on: February 18, 2018, 01:12:44 pm »
How is retro game pricing as of Feb 2018?

Classic Video Games / What video game had the best ending for you?
« on: January 11, 2018, 11:56:43 am »
What video game had the best ending for you? or the most touching/inspiring/satisfying.

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