« on: December 07, 2017, 04:02:25 am »
While the OG Xbox and X360 have some cool exclusive titles ( Otogi 1/2, Ninja Gaiden Black, CAVE's offerings, JSRF & Gunvalkyrie, & Lost Odyssey come to mind), Microsoft has always been horrible at promoting third party titles for their systems. Competing against PS2 in 6th gen was an uphill climb, and its crazy how it still sold 24 mil units, more than the gamecube. I guess the biggest thing is that nowadays most of its library can be emulated on PS2 counterparts, but the exclusives are still worth it.
However you can easily see the shift in marketing strategy to only certain genres and first party games after 2010. After that ( especially apparent with the XB1), they've relied too heavily on Western genres and first party titles ( while hoping to keep multi plat support), and having the weaker console at the beginning of gen 8 didn't help. As a result, game variety now from Microsoft is pretty poor compared to PS4 or even the growing Switch library, and there doesn't seem to be much of a point in buying a XB1X when the only worthwhile exclusives are available on PC.