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Messages - soera

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I would have paid 300 for the pair myself! Nice grab.

Off Topic / Re: CD's, Vinyl (etc) Music Collectors Unite
« on: August 14, 2022, 07:55:38 pm »
I personally think CDs have the best sound quality. I agree completely. My whole family gives me crap cause I picked up a 10 disk changer that I want to add to my Fiat cause "you can just listen to digital stuff from YouTube or whatever."

If there’s any WWE music anyone is looking for, I can probably get it for you   Aww man, this is freaking awesome. Are they available on Spotify? I use that when I gym and nothing would be cooler than Goldberg or DX entrance music when you are pushing weights.

Marketplace / Re: My stuff available
« on: July 08, 2022, 02:16:29 pm »
Going to bring eyes back on this. Wanting to actively start selling off stuff.

Off Topic / Re: VGcollect nostalgia
« on: April 29, 2022, 06:56:02 pm »
Its been a while for sure ... and this thread made me realize something. This will be the 10th year of the VGCollect Secret Santa!

My taste is kinda weird. But that doesnt just describe my music tastes.   :o

Anyhow, my number one has been and will always be Celine Dion. Her voice is magic.

My favorite rock/metal band is Sevendust.

My favorite pop/rapper is Eminem.

My favorite country singer is ... no one. Its garbage.  :-X

General / Re: Consoles/Handhelds That You Hate
« on: April 18, 2022, 05:15:11 pm »
Ahhhh. I agree with so many comments on here.

That being said ... how has the 360 not made its way onto here till now? The fact that RROD is a thing is based on the absolute crap that is this console. I have actually met people who have told me that they are on their 6th/7th/8th/higher 360 cause their previous one has died and gotten RROD. Like what the actual F*@#&? How can you support such garbage? What does that console offer that would make you want to keep getting another one? 90% of its library (that's being generous honestly ... I'd wager its closer to 95%) is on other consoles. Just a sign that MicroShaft really did not care about its product and only about the revenue it generated. A lack of variety in its genres is yet another reason to take this console (and every iteration since) and toss them off a cliff.

Just bought a purple GameCube in really good condition.
My first time ever owning that console. Really stoked. Until I realised that was just one more system to collect for  ;D

GameCube is probably my favorite Nintendo console. I got lucky to find the one I have. Its the orange Japanese console with a mod to allow it to play US releases.

General / Re: Retro and semi-retro game compilations you want to see
« on: March 13, 2022, 08:44:49 pm »
-Zelda Collection, which would have basically everything that isn't 3D, so Zelda 1, Zelda 2, Link to the Past, Link's Awakening/DX, Oracle, Four Swords, and Minish Cap.

Hell yes!

General / Re: Retro and semi-retro game compilations you want to see
« on: March 13, 2022, 08:07:45 pm »
I have a few I would love to see..

For one -

Here are mine:
Panzer Dragoon Classic Collection
Panzer Dragoon (Saturn)
Panzer Dragoon II: Zwei (Saturn)
Panzer Dragoon Saga (Saturn)
Panzer Dragoon (PS2)
Panzer Dragoon Mini (Gamegear)
Panzer Dragoon Orta (XBOX)

Ys Collection
Ys books I & II
Ys III Oath of Felgana
Ys IV Memories of Celceta
Ys V (first time translated and localized)
Ys VI Napishtim
Ys Seven
Ys vs Trails in the Sky

Phantasy Star Collection
Phantasy star (the remastered Sega Ages version)
Phantasy star II
Phantasy star III
Phantasy star IV

Dragon quest Collection
Dragon warrior
Dragon warrior II
Dragon warrior III
Dragon warrior IV
Dragon warrior V
Dragon warrior VI
Dragon warrior VII
Dragon warrior VIII
Dragon warrior IX

Final fantasy pixel remaster on disk

I can totally agree that keeping up with the sheer number of releases is just a chore. I finally had gotten to the point where I was buying games on a daily basis and a large portion (probably 75% or more) were titles that I had no interest in ever playing.

I feel the same way, is there really no place to keep track of physical releases? Like a website or app to sign up in to be notified whenever a new physical release or reprint is announced?

I actually kept a pretty extensive list of all releases, upcoming releases, all LRG titles, all limited game publishers, etc on the PlayStation Age website before it was bought out and deleted.

Site Feedback / Re: Cart pics instead of Box pics?
« on: February 28, 2022, 07:31:21 am »
I think it should also be limited to items that had a box to begin with; digital games and strategy guides (as an example) just get broken images as a result. Digital games were fine for me because I didn't check the "item" box, but all my strategy guides have broken image links now.

I understand this. Ive wondered why on a lot of items, the first box is "box" instead of item/disk/cart. It should have a universal "item/disk/cart", "box", "manual" for every single entry.

Im going to echo the last few comments. Modern gaming (to me) is so much better than retro. The graphics, the options, the sheer amount of stuff available to do in games now just blows away anything in the past. My personal feeling on retro is that its a nostalgia thing for most people. Like how many people really are completely content playing Atari games or NES games or Genesis titles? Would I revisit them? Hell yeah! Some of the old SNES games are among my favorite of all time. But would I just play those games? Hell no!

At one time, I did have the largest known number of physical ps4 titles in the world. I had gotten over 1100 distinct titles and this was in 2019. I can totally agree that keeping up with the sheer number of releases is just a chore. I finally had gotten to the point where I was buying games on a daily basis and a large portion (probably 75% or more) were titles that I had no interest in ever playing.

I did however stick with my console and controller collection. I'm missing 1 console and 1 controller for me to consider it complete. There are others of both I do not have but its (console wise) just HDD cover differences or (controller wise) a different color of a specific limited edition controller.

Off Topic / Re: The Toy Collectors
« on: February 25, 2022, 06:11:25 pm »
I rebuilt my Dr Strange display!

General / Re: Will you be sad when Gamestop goes out of business?
« on: February 25, 2022, 05:38:02 pm »
I use them all the time. We used to have more local stores like Game Xchange around here ... but they slowly went under. Vintage stock is still in my area but they are way overpriced and never offer any kind of sales or any reason to choose them over GameStop. I worked at GameStop for a while so I am friendly with some of the managers and one of them constantly gives me reasons to go to her location such as pre-orders before they go live, free items, etc cause she knows I actually do enjoy gaming itself.

I also will chime in on missing Babbages and EB. I was one of those people that thought GameStop had so much potential to be more than just a dude-bro game store but the upper crust management doesnt care/want that. I would be willing to wager that they dont even play games themselves. They are just businessmen in the wrong line of work. Ive wondered if it was fixable with someone (me) in charge to turn GameStop around into a place like old school FuncoLand where the staff is knowledgeable and happy and it was an inviting place to be ... sadly digital is going to destroy that dream regardless.

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