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Messages - baileykun

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General / Re: VGcollect Checking In Thread (May 2019 edition)
« on: May 09, 2019, 11:04:25 am »
I'm moving half way across the country in July. So I'm going to need to pack up. Also means I have to watch my preordering and shove over the location on the one I'm sitting on: Catherine Full Body. I'm already packing away some of the lesser used consoles and games so I can kinda just do this at a leisurely pace and not be rushing later. Hopefully one I settle down I'll be able to buys games in person though. That'd be cool.

My odd little focus right now is working on my Japanese to get to play more games I want. I might get a hiragana+katakana only game or two soon for practice. DoraemonxBokumono is on my radar right now. I have a soft spot of Bokumono and farming language doesn't seem like a terrible thing to work on. (If you have any other suggestions though I'm totally open!)

Modern Video Games / Re: What Season Passes have you bought into?
« on: May 08, 2019, 10:29:19 am »
I got the smash season pass recently since I tend to play it with friends and would rather just have a full roster so everyone gets whoever they want to play. I also got the built in season pass with Travis Strike Again. The third and final pass is for Fire Emblem Warriors, probably cause I was playing a ton when it came out and I really wanted Niles.

I'm fine with the DLC if it feels optional. Not too many games I pick up even have DLC though. The line where I'd be pushed away from a game with DLC is if the story content got locked.

Depends; usually normal or hard. I tend to look up reviews of the difficulty if I'm unsure where I want to start. Also depends on the game type. I feel a lot of modern JRPGs are too easy. However, older games run harder. I try to make an educated guess and adjust from there.

General / Re: Suspected rare PS3 games?
« on: May 02, 2019, 04:18:52 pm »
Limited/Collector's editions are a given usually. After that I'd say Japanese games with low print runs tend to sometimes get pricey. The Yakuza games have been climbing for instance. I think interest in that franchise is suddenly growing in the west.

General / Re: Your Most Reliable Gaming Devices
« on: April 27, 2019, 12:22:17 pm »
I'd say most of my stuff has been very sturdy however, I burnt out three GameCubes (all new ones) before my fourth one finally survived. Also, broke 2 fatty DS hinges off. Everything else is pretty pristine though. Even notoriously easily broken things like my Wii U Gamepad and Joy-cons.

That's rough. I don't have anything impressive either, but I would say one thing if push comes to shove. Try to tightly pack up the collection if possible. Maybe see if you can find someone who will hand on to it for a while until you can get it back?

Also, for extra cash, side gigs. Before I got married I had no employment, but one these days can definitely find a few odd jobs in a pinch. I dropped out of high school, but I found it sufficed to just learn random skills from YouTube and then help people who couldn't be bothered themselves.

General / Re: What game do you have the most copies of, and why?
« on: April 22, 2019, 11:30:49 am »
Yeah, I have 3 copies of Super Mario World. Snes, Super Famicom, and Wii U Virtual Console. I got all of them free or bundled in with the console.

I play table top RPGs and board games. I also write and draw. Then I indulge in some anime and manga. Rinse and repeat. I can't sports much where I live right now. Too gross outside.

The Switch is my baby now. I love it. I tend to get a lot of my multi-plats here.

1. Splatoon 2 (215 hrs)
2. Dragon Quest Builders (60 hrs.)
3. Zelda: BotW (40 hrs.)
4. Smash Bros. (25 hrs.)
5. Let's Go, Pikachu!(25 hrs.)
6. Mario Odyssey (15 hrs.)
7. Fire Emblem Warriors (15 hrs.)
8. Travis Strikes Again (10 hrs.)
9. Super Mario Party (10 hrs.)
10. TWEWY (10 hrs.)

Favorite Games:
1. Dragon Quest Builders (Finally! Minecraft with good graphics and a plot.)
2. Splatoon 2 (I basically got the switch for this.)
3. Travis Strikes Again (A blast, I played co-op all the way through. Had a good time. I'm going to play again soon now that all the DLC dropped.)
4. Nelke and the Legendary Alchemists (It's new so it didn't quite break into my top playtime list, but I'm loving it. Turn based city builder w/a heavy focus on alchemy.)
5. Super Mario Party
6. Let's Go Pikachu! ( I want to like this game more, but it's a little tedious.)
7. Smash Ultimate
8. Little Dragon's Cafe (Cute and Simple. I enjoy chilling and exploring then cooking.)
9. Mario Odyssey
10. TWEWY (I just wish the controls were better. I loved this game on the DS)

I didn't like BotW. I really tried too. The scaling difficulty, breaking weapons, and lack of direction slowly destroyed my soul. My husband got a bit further than me... I didn't want to get there. Lyonels everywhere. I can't handle the grind. I completed the four guardians then gave up.

General / Re: How Many Hate It When A Game Is Not Working
« on: April 17, 2019, 12:49:43 pm »
I was fortunate enough to have a tech lab in my middle school where we learned the basics well enough but I used this guide when I recently got back into to soldering and maintaining old games and systems. There are also countless hours of YouTube videos too, I recommend Voultar as his ideas and techniques are incredible, plus you can learn a thing or two watching him mod a console.
Thank for the rec. Yeah, I need to figure it out. TBH, I keep meaning to ask my husband if he knows how; I know his dad is an electrical engineer. Then I could even get some help if he does. That and I need the fancy proprietary screwdrivers to open anything. I'm slowly getting everything together since I only kinda recently inherited all the old family consoles and games. I've been replacing controllers, wires, etc. left and right lol. Eventually I'll get everything good as new.

General / Re: Your Video Game Bucket List
« on: April 16, 2019, 11:43:52 pm »
Some small ones include getting a capture card to record/stream for funsies and an upscaler for my old consoles because they don't like my fancy new TV. So blurry.

1. Get more than 1 game for my Super Famicom.

2. When I finally move into a house I'm making a game room for myself since my husband can't stand how disorganized everything is right now XD. It'll also probably be to store my anime and manga from future kiddos too but, whatever.  I can make it work.

3. I'd love to branch away from Sony and Nintendo consoles. Not sure where to start though. Something from Sega maybe?

4. Collect BokuMono's English release games. Also, Rune Factory and the other offshoots. Except popolacroisxSoS. >_>

5. Get better with my Japanese so I can play all those sweet import games.

General / Re: How Many Hate It When A Game Is Not Working
« on: April 16, 2019, 11:27:08 pm »
My consoles are fine, even the notoriously fickle ones, but I think the harsh climate here (Hot and humid) does have a tendency to wear down batteries a little quicker. My Actraiser died years ago as well as old games I got rid of like Oracle of Ages and Pokemon Ruby. No one here, not even the retro store in the city, does battery replacement services so I'd have to learn to do it myself. Maybe when I have space... but the tools would need a home and I'm short on space until I move again. In the mean time I emulate the games to be able to save.

P.S. I did break one DS when I was young. I had the OG Fatty and that tiny hinge broke really easily.

Off Topic / Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« on: April 11, 2019, 03:51:29 pm »
Last Movie I watched was Naked Gun. Pretty funny, but I don't know if it lived up to all the hype.

My last anime? I'm working through season 2 of Banana Fish. Loving it so far.

Off Topic / Re: Studio Ghibli movies ranked
« on: April 11, 2019, 03:46:33 pm »
I won't rank them all, also haven't seen a few yet due to availability. Top 5 though?

1. The Wind Rises
2. Castle in the Sky
3. The Princess Kaguya
4. The Secret World of Arrietty
5. Howl's Moving Castle (I wanted to put this higher, but can't due to the kind of lack luster ending.)

Honestly, my least favorite and only one I can never recommend is Spirited Away. None of my friends liked it either. Like some of the cultural stuff is neat, but none of it comes together well.

I really want to see Grave of the Fireflies and Porco Rosso soon. Although even if they were playing I can't justify travelling an hour and a half to see them.

Yeah, I don't feel like I get enough stuff to be interesting. All I got so far this month was Nelke and the Legendary Alchemists and a couple amiibo reprints. I'm trying not to buy too much stuff until I move later this year.

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