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Topics - kamikazekeeg

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« on: December 24, 2019, 03:41:39 am »
With the big Star Wars push this year, it's super invigorated my love for the series and I thought it would be fun to just have a general discussion thread for Stars Wars, talk up some fun nerdy stuff and so on.  That said, I would really like it if we kept the more argumentative talk sorta out of the thread as much as possible.  Everyone is gonna disagree on Last Jedi and Rise of Skywalker and even other movies like the Prequels, so lets just all be on our best behavior for that kind of stuff.  We can bring up that we don't like something, but lets not rag on folks for having different opinions.  It serves no purpose and isn't fun.

Also keep the spoilers on the down low, or at least heavily marked when it comes to Rise of Skywalker or Mandalorian at least for abit, because they are still very new and some folks I'm sure haven't gotten to them yet and if this thread sticks around, this will be something to keep in mind for any future games, movies, series, etc...Fallen Order has been out long enough for that, but there isn't a real ton of stuff to spoil in that other than maybe one or two parts.


To start it off, what are some of you folks favorite aspects of Star Wars?  For me, even since the beginning as a kid, some of my favorite aspects, were not the obvious stuff like Jedi/Sith, which are still cool, but I was always a bigger fan of the regular people.  Like I thought the Smugglers and Bounty Hunters were so cool (Big Boba Fett fan for his look), and I'm a huge fan of the Imperial side of things for their style and they get most of the badass vehicles.  Storm Troopers have such cool armor, as completely useless as they are (I mean really, they literally stop nothing, there might not be a more pointless, yet awesome looking, set of armor in the entire world lol), and I also love the armors that have come out after the original movies (I love the look of the Death Troopers and the First Order armor and Sith Armor variants are quality stuff. 

I like them so much, I've started a Black Series collection focused on all of them and the Mandalorians.  I even plan to cosplay an armor set someday when I'm able to. Clone Trooper armor I'm less big on, I find the helmet design feels wonky compared to Storm Troopers, but there are some variations that work better and Commando's are badass.

So what about you folks? You all about the force and those sick lightsabers? Big fan of the rebels? Are you in it for the cool spaceships? Maybe the weird aliens and worlds?

Off Topic / Favorite Movies of 2019
« on: December 19, 2019, 04:31:05 pm »
The end of the year is here, the last big one is about to release with Star Wars, so figure its a good enough time to figure out our favorite flicks of the year.  No numbers, just the stuff you enjoyed the most.

Godzilla: King of the Monsters - My absolute favorite of the year, no contest.  It's what I wanted from the 2014 film.  It's kinda crazy that I got both my favorite Godzilla and what is one of my least favorite Godzilla movies (Godzilla: The Planet Eater) in the same year lol The fights are great, Mothra, Roda, Godzilla, and Mothra all look so good, and I'm so excited for Godzilla vs Kong next year.

Dragon Ball Super: Broly - I think this is easily the best Dragon Ball movie they've done.  Dragon Ball Z had a mixed history of movies, with some great stuff to not so great stuff, and while the previous two films of Gods and Z were good, this one has the best story.  They made Broly actually likable beyond just a super strong crazy guy and the animation is incredible.  I still don't like the multiple styles of animation in the fight, it was a bad decision, but it all looks good, so it doesn't bother me.

Avengers: Endgame - A great finale to the end of that era of Marvel films.  It's a great time and I really enjoyed it.

Hardware and Tech / Having PC issues...
« on: November 25, 2019, 11:41:25 pm »
So this started this past week, but I've had some general issues for awhile now.  Previously I would get these weird freeze ups, not often, but once in a blue moon, my computer would just freeze and then recover.  Sometimes I'd get what felt like my PC crawling, and I thought I noticed in the task manager that maybe my hard drive performance was maxing out.  In the past week though, I've twice had a blue screen with the whole ":(" face on it and then get the restart and it would come back fine.  It's never when I'm doing a lot, like I can game totally fine, but these issues sprung up with just general computer use, watching stuff online and doing other normal things.

I run a SDD setup for windows and regular program stuff and then most of my game installs and files are on a bigger HDD, so is it possible something like that is having issues?  Like I wouldn't mind switching to a full SDD setup, honestly something I should've done the first time I built this PC, but I wanted to save a few bucks and maybe that's biting me in the ass.  I just don't know what exactly is wrong.  Speccy isn't showing anything overheating and like I said, I can game just fine.  Just not sure how to start troubleshooting this.

General / Halloween Games
« on: October 04, 2019, 06:08:02 am »
It's that time of year for the spooky stuff so I was wondering if people had any plans for this month involving these types of games for the season? I figure we could use this thread to just talk about these kinds of games in general too just for fun, new and old.

I'm currently trying to find something newer to play for this season.  Last year I played SOMA, which turned out to be way better than I was expecting and highly recommend it (I say this as someone that isn't really into the run and hide horror games like Amnesia and Outlast).  The year before that was the Friday the 13th game, which was a good idea, it just had problems and I don't recommend it because the game is technically dead now.

Drawing a blank on this year, though I thought that maybe the Ghostbusters Remastered game could be the right choice.  I loved the game when it came out on Xbox 360, so once I hear the reviews on it to see if it's a good update, I might go with that.  Open to other stuff too, though I generally only like horror games if they have action to them...Resident Evil 7/RE2 Remake, Evil Within 2, Dying Light, Dead Space 2, etc, though it's not a requirement if the game is interesting in other ways like SOMA, because that game doesn't drag out the hiding and sneaking stuff and everything else about the game was super cool.

A backup I did think of would be dragging out the 'ole Xbox 360 and playing the Splatterhouse remake, because I actually liked that game and been meaning to go back to it lol Or Lollipop Chainsaw, a game I never got around to beating.

Modern Video Games / Monster Hunter
« on: September 17, 2019, 05:29:36 am »
I believe I did a thread for this back when Monster Hunter World first launched, but since Iceborne's release, I've been hard at it and loving the game once again.  This thread is for just general chatter with Monster Hunter, any version, though with Iceborne, it's still early enough for spoilers, so no talk about anything that wasn't shown off beforehand. No details beyond generic talk of what comes after Namielle at least for a little bit longer as I don't know if anyone else is playing it right now and I'm still not completely spoiled on everything in the endgame either.

Speaking of Namielle, trying to build up my gear to more properly handle it as it might be one of the tankiest fights I've done in the game.  I'm sure there are numbers that say otherwise, but even my faster second run at it, I still was pushing like 35 to 40 minutes (49 minutes on my first try, it was so close) or even more for taking it down.  It's a fun boss though and the gear it has is super cool looking for females (It's basically just Splatoon for the beta option lol).  Mostly focusing on it to get the currently highest defense gear I can (Other than Damascus maybe with the defense boost), which I need for the final story boss, which I've failed 3 or 4 times now.  It gets nuts towards the end.

Modern Video Games / Nintendo Direct 9/4/2019
« on: September 04, 2019, 07:33:10 pm »

A somewhat lowkey direct, but had some good stuff.

The Smash stuff was great and it's funny how excited I get for a game that I really don't play much lol Banjo-Kazooie is out today and I'm jumping back in just for that.  Terry Bogard was confirmed with a great trailer playing to its roots for a November release.  Also in the Smash Demo after the Direct, they confirmed a Sans from Undertale costume that looks just like Sans and a new Megalovania arrangement by Toby Fox (Who is also doing the music for that Town game, which is the only thing that interests me in it).

Later on was the expected SNES games reveal and it looks cool.  I'm way more excited to play SNES games than I was NES games, so there's stuff I actually want now.  Might even grab the SNES controller.

And the only other notable reveal for me was Xenoblade Chronicles getting remastered/remade as they are using brand new models to make the game actually look good compared to the kinda rough state it was in.  I actually tried to play the 3DS version of the game, but it's really bad lol

That was all for me, but it was nice.  All this did was suddenly overload me with stuff to play this week as I'm going through Astral Chain, I'm playing Monster Hunter World tonight with the new armor they are adding so I can try to beat Behemoth, there's like 20 SNES games coming out tomorrow, and MHW: Iceborne is out on Friday.  And for others, they are updating the Tetris 99, there's a new Daemon x Machina demo, and there was some other stuff dropping this week to I think.

Banjo-Kazooie is great, they are that all around quality character where they have good mobility, some range, and good hard strikes while not being particularly complicated.

Selling my backer copy of Bloodstained on Switch.  Comes with the Bloodstained branded box it shipped in (I peeled off the shipping sticker on the other side pretty smooth, so there isn't much damage to the box)  , the backer exclusive sleeve, the game, and an unused digital code for the DLC.  Selling it for $50 bucks, free shipping, paypal only, and only shipping in the USA.

Modern Video Games / The General E3 2019 Discussion Thread
« on: May 19, 2019, 04:01:23 pm »
We are coming up on E3 once again, a time of new game goodness, so figured we could talk about what we are excited to see shown off, possible wishlist items we'd like to have revealed, just whatever we'd like to talk about.

This is going to be a slightly odd E3 this year, as one of the big companies, Sony's, won't have their big showcase, being that they are readying for the PS5, but there is still a lot to look forward to.  I'll post up the known conferences right now and maybe some stuff I'm looking forward too...

Microsoft - With no Sony, Microsoft is probably the biggest one to look at this year.  Not really for their 1st part offerings (Other than maybe Halo Infinite, I have not been an Xbox fan this gen at all), but like last year, they were doing great with showing off multi-platform games coming up, so like we could see whatever the new game Capcom has planned, stuff like that.  It's weird being excited for a Microsoft conference lol They could show off something for their new Xbox, but I'm not sure on that one yet.

Bethesda - After the horseshit they pulled with Fallout 76, I probably won't even watch it this year.  I know we'll get Doom Eternal gameplay, which will be great, I wouldn't be surprised if we see Starfield revealed, probably some other good stuff, but man I think they pushed away lot of their fanbase with Fallout 76 and they are gonna have to work extra hard to build things back up, because that was a disaster. 

Devolver Digital - They always have their really silly, Adult Swim-esque, conference, and it'll be worth watching for that alone, but as a company, they are pretty fun with the smaller games they put out.  Would be nice to get a date for Metal Wolf Chaos XD so I can check out that goofy game.

Ubisoft - Ubisoft is Ubisoft, so not sure what to be interested in for this.  Maybe we see another Nintendo crossover, I know we aren't going to see anything on Skull & Bones, they could talk about the Splinter Cell game they hinted at, and there isn't much I'd personally be interested in with them.  Maybe they'll surprise me with something.

Square-Enix - This event is all about Final Fantasy 7.  Hopefully the reveal of Tifa, more gameplay, release date for the first part of the game, this is the excitement right here.  Hopefully there's other good stuff planned, but this is the only thing anyone is watching this for lol

Nintendo - I'm personally not very excited for it this year.  Normally I am, but the stuff likely to be shown off isn't personally something I'm not crazy about.  We'll probably get Animal Crossing reveal, which will probably just be what you expect out of Animal Crossing.  We'll get more on Pokemon, which will probably be what you expect out of Pokemon.  We'll see more on Link's Awakening, which will be nice even though I'm not a huge fan of the visuals.  I wouldn't be surprised if they announce Wind Waker and Twilight Princess for Switch, but thats not really big or important news.  We'll also get a Smash Bros character reveal guaranteed.  What I am excited for is Astral Chain and hopefully Bayonetta 3, making this event more about Platinum than it is Nintendo for me personally.

Marketplace / Selling Sekiro on PS4
« on: April 06, 2019, 10:41:40 pm »
Just finished the game and looking to sell it off, so it's still in perfect condition.  Asking 40 dollars for it, which includes shipping.  USA shipping and paypal only.

Off Topic / That Thing You Miss
« on: March 16, 2019, 04:14:32 am »
I'm gonna try to make this not sound too odd, but I'm sure everyone sorta has something they might miss, whether it's something they did in a different place, or it reminds them of their childhood, and it's just not around anymore for whatever reason.  Like this isn't the "Old Tech You'd Want Again" thread from before, this is more chill and general in concept.  I'll try and lay out mine as an example.

Rain.  I miss totally normal rain.  If you've never been to Florida, this won't make sense probably, but in Florida, at least in Southern Florida, rain doesn't work like it does in other places.  Growing up in the Pacific NW, rain could last for days, getting lighter or heavier, but was generally consistent.  That tended to be an issue at times, but we are ignoring that part.  In Florida, particularly during the summer, rain exists for like 10 to 20 minutes at most in the afternoon or at night, coming down so hard, your wipers can't get rid of it fast enough, and then it's gone.  You could get hit with a downpour while driving, and go through what feels like an overhang, and the rain is gone and you can see the line of rain behind you.  It's ridiculous and always unpleasant.

I miss just that gentle patter of rain outside a window, something light that can last for awhile and it's become this oddly soothing thing where I have some background scenery stuff I use for a wallpaper, that have rain in it, because even the visuals of rain can feel soothing.

The same is also for snow.  Of course no snow here, but back home, when you get that big fluffy snow, no wind, it's not a blizzard, just a gentle layering of snow that builds up, it's night time, there's a glow from the streelights, and it's quiet because I think literally the snow acts like this sound dampening feel.  That could be wrong, but that's what it always felt like to me, especially with people not driving around at night (I lived in a small town), and it's a feeling I haven't had in years.  I use to like just hanging out on the porch for abit when I was younger to kinda just take that in and I really miss it.

So yeah, hopefully that doesn't sound weird or confusing, just some odd late thoughts of mine as I was browsing for some new chill desktop backgrounds.

Off Topic / The Toy Collectors
« on: February 18, 2019, 05:31:26 am »
The other collection thread has gone fairly unused for quite awhile, so figured we could just open a brand new one with a focus on toy collecting as I casually pick up stuff as sorta my second collection after what I get with video games.  This isn't just a pickup thread, you can post your current collection or maybe something you plan to get, or maybe just talk about new stuff you are excited for.

I spent the weekend selling at the flea market with some friends and while I was trying to make a few bucks, I found a few things pretty cheap for myself.  I'm not a huge KH fan, but I wanted this alternate Sora, the Final Fantasy 8 stuff is a neat find and because the packaging is so yellow, I'm just going to open them up, and then this one shop had literally 4 (maybe more) of this House of the Dead zombie figure, and I bought 2, because they were 5 bucks, and my friends bought the other two.  I'll open one and either keep the other or give it to a friend.

I'm someone that isn't a huge fan of playing all the fighting games, but I love watching a lot of them and I love when characters from different properties join the fray and create fun potential as crossovers.  Akuma in Tekken, Cloud in Smash, 2B in Soul Calibur, Halo Spartan in Dead or Alive, these tend to add some fresh new possibilities to games and I thought it could be fun to talk about characters we would love to show up in current or upcoming fighting games.

Smash Bros Ultimate
Sub-Zero - In the fighting game scene, Mortal Kombat has a long of a history and with Mortal Kombat returning to Nintendo with MK11 this year, I think the blue frosty ninja is a great pick and possibly a an easier choice compared to having Scorpion show up.  His design would be very traditional, much like we saw of Scorpion in the new trailer, but he would have his new MK11 design, and the rest of his looks would just be the different classic ninja colors like Ermac, Smoke, Scoprion, Reptile, etc...The only possibility of this not happening would be due to every character having Japanese origins, the only possible outlier being K.Rool, but that was still a Nintendo property.
Banjo-Kazooie - This is literally my most wanted characters.  I've always been a huge fan of the games, the first game being an all-time favorite, and with their history on the Nintendo 64, I think they are an important choice.  They also aren't of Japanese origin and aren't something Nintendo owns, but I think this is the biggest addition they could have to the game and they have been a big hope by a lot of people.
Monster Hunter - We got a Rathalos, so why not put in a hunter from the game? It's a massively popular Japanese property that got a popular new entry, and it's a character that they've made work in Marvel vs Capcom: Infinite, so just bring that over.  The character can be male or female like Robin and could have a few different armor sets and weapons based on the gear.  A traditional Rathalos armor and whatever else is considered iconic for the series.

Mortal Kombat 11
Doom Slayer - I've seen people say they'd love to have Doom Guy or "Doom Slayer" as he is known now in Smash and I personally think that's a complete waste.  For a game known for its brutality that only hit new levels with the reboot of the series, I can't think of a better game for Doom Slayer to show up in.  The only problem could be his projectiles with guns, as that's been shown to be an issue in NetherRealm games in the Injustice series, but I think they could tone that down now due to him in the new game having a sword and maybe keeping his projectiles a little more close range like his shotgun and shoulder flamethrower, and he would have the best brutalities, X-rays, and fatalities.  Honestly my most hoped for choice in MK11.
Spawn - This has been a request for the series for awhile now and knowing the character, it makes a lot of sense.  Seeing what they've done with Injustice 2 characters (Hellboy, TMNT), I think it's more possible than ever now, especially with a Todd Mcfarlane teasing it and Spawn getting abit of a revival with an upcoming new movie.  Plus who wouldn't want to see Spawn tearing people apart with his chains and supernatural cloak? Plus in MK11, with the gear system, he could be customized to look like different versions of the character as people know of how varied Spawn could be.
Ash Williams - Mortal Kombat has a history of horror icons in their games such as Freddy, Leatherface, and Jason, so why not Ash from Evil Dead?  I could maybe see it not happening due to Bruce Campbell not wanting to see basically himself get brutalized horribly, but I think if they could get him to allow it and do the voice acting, this could be amazing.  It could also make for amazing interactions with certain characters like Johnny Cage with their back and forth.  Honestly rivals Doom Slayer for me in most desired because I just don't think there are other worthwhile horror icons that would be good and interesting, the only other one being Michael Myers who is boring as hell and wouldn't be much different from Jason.  Apparently the guest characters are supposed to factor into the story, so Ash would be the best fit, especially when they can factor in the Necronomicron and Deadites into the setting so easily.

Off Topic / Favorite Movies of 2018
« on: December 31, 2018, 03:46:27 am »
What was the favorite movies you watched this year?

Annihilation - It's been awhile since I've watched a very dark and intense scifi movie that I really liked.  The idea of it, the atmosphere, the horror is done real well and you get really engaged. 

Pacific Rim 2: Uprising - People give this one a lot of shit, and in aspects deservedly so, as it's not nearly as good as the first movie, but I had a lot of fun with the film.  Del Toro would've made a much better film with the same kinda heft and impact as the first, but in terms of giant monsters and giant mechs, it's a good time.

Rampage - Now this one is not a good movie, but dammit I enjoy it lol It's The Rock at his "Rockiest" and you can feel the fatigue setting in on him, but once you start getting giant monsters attacking everyone, it gets fun.  I love the whole finale as nonsense as it is.  Thinking about it, it could be my favorite videogame movie ever perhaps...Not a high mark to reach, but it's still an achievement.

Avengers: Infinity War - For what is the culmination of 10 years of movies, I think this is a great beginning of the end for this era of superhero movies.  I don't think Marvel can ever hit the same high ever again and they don't really need to.  We'll still get some good films though and this one and the next one will be a good one to go out on.

Deadpool 2 -  Ryan Reynolds kills it as this character and these movies have just been great.  Doubt we'll get anything like this again with him going to Disney, but at least we got two fun Deadpool films.

Incredibles 2 - Just as fun as the first one was to me, making both of them two of my favorite Pixar films.

Train to Busan - I still enjoy zombie games and movies and this is probably one of the better zombie films I've seen in years.  I kept worrying it would become World War Z with its zombies, but it never does and the concept of confining survivors to locations can work really well.  I also like how the zombies were very animated as it makes them stand out from other types of zombies we've seen before.

The Night Comes For Us - It's The Raid and The Raid 2, just with a mob setup and lots of violence.  LOTS OF VIOLENCE.  I don't feel like this is quite as good as those two, but it's super violent as fuck and crazy with how far they take it lol

Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse - This and the game are the easily two of the best forms of Spider-Man media we've gotten.  While I don't love some of its art style decisions, everything else is just wonderful.  A really fun time.

Off Topic / Favorite Music of 2018
« on: December 22, 2018, 06:06:56 am »
It seems like with this year after grabbing Amazon Unlimited, I've been coming across more stuff I've overlooked, so I actually didn't have tons of new music that drew me in, but there were some definite good listens.  I actually got kinda hooked on some of the 80's retro stuff that's become popular, listening to actual albums from the 80's like the Bubblegum Crisis OST's, or more recent with Carpenter Brut's album, and another thing or two here and there.

Judas Priest - Firepower - I liked Judas Priest's last album, but this has much better production and it's just some quality heavy metal.

Ghost - Prequelle - I don't love this one as much as Meliora, lacks the same punch, but it's still an overall real good album.

Carpenter Brut - Leather Teeth - I don't love everything about the whole retro 80's synth revival that has been going on now, but certain things that mix with metal or are more aggressive, really do it for me, which makes this album very good, as its very aggressive compared to a lot of the other 80's stuff going on.  Real pounding bass and drums to it, though it does have some chill songs.  I've listened to this album quite abit and will probably be considered my favorite of the year, which is abit crazy as someone who is a big metalhead lol

KOSM - Cosmonaut - This one is currently kind of an honorable mention as I just found it the other day and haven't figured out if it has staying power, but it's some solid prog metal with Lovecraftian themes.

Off Topic / Toy Pickups
« on: December 15, 2018, 11:44:58 pm »
I'm sure there are a few folks who's collecting delves into figures/toys, and while I don't collect a lot of game stuff these days, I do like to pick up the occasional Dragonball figure, something videogame related, or Godzilla toy.

Today from a friend at a flea market sale he was doing, he just had this random baggie full of Megaman figures.  Three are clearly Mega Man X toys, the Axel one was super busted and required me super gluing the leg on, and then I broke his arm which free swings in the socket now.  Then the one on the left is a Megaman NT Warrior figure that is actually kinda neat.  The bottom half of the limbs can be removed, so you can mix and match armor parts.  I also got like parts for nearly 4 or 5 sets of other armor, but unfortunately this saw blade guy is the only complete one to wear.  Helmet is rubbery, so it just slips on over the head.  Really neat, would love to get like another random batch of this and put together more figures.  Don't anything about this version of Megaman, but I like the idea as a toy.

Also got from that friend the Reactor Glow Godzilla from NECA, though this is technically a bootleg of sorts from China, pretending to be official, but my friend said it was definitely not the real thing.  Not a big deal to me as otherwise the toy is indistinguishable from the real thing other than maybe the eye paint being a tad off.

And not long ago I managed to get a full set of these Dragon Ball Z Movie Collection figures.  I had the Krillin already, but not with the cooler full of onigiri.  I really want to get the first set of figures too that have Lord Slug, normal Cooler, SS Goku, and Piccolo.

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