Author Topic: Help with Indie Games (Wii U, 3DS & Ps3)  (Read 1492 times)


Help with Indie Games (Wii U, 3DS & Ps3)
« on: May 26, 2015, 11:51:44 pm »
I just bought the Humble Bundle for Nintendo 3DS & Wii U, and I started The Fall, since it was the game that caught my attention in the HB video announcement. (Great package BTW, you guys should hit that. I hope they will repeat the offer in the futur, despite the "Only in America" frustration of the PAL territory. It probably won't happen again.)

I have player an hour an a half as of now, and I am so impressed. That atmosphere! It reminds me of that Futuristic/Creepy/Isolation/Dark first Super Metroid playthrough feeling. I was searching for that same kind of feeling for a while now

That discovery made me realize that I quite neglected the Indie scene, and that I need to dig through the past indie releases. Do you guys have suggestions in term of must play indie titles?
(I want to be aware of the classics of any genres, but I particularly love these heavy atmosphere games.)
(Wii U & 3DS, can do PS3 & 360 also.)

*No Spoilers plz.
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Re: Help with Indie Games (Wii U, 3DS & Ps3)
« Reply #1 on: May 27, 2015, 02:22:21 am »
The 3DS had a series of games called the Guild.  You can google Guild 01 or Guild 02 to find more info about them.  They occasionally go on sale and are an interesting bundle of games (you buy them as standalones) marketed as more niche/indie titles by developers known for bigger names.

Moon Chronicles will be 5 episodes, I think? so that should give you a little more playtime with that title if you enjoyed it.

Shovel Knight is a go-to indie title for folks who love Mega Man games.

I'm sure there are more :P With the popularity of the eShop, there are a nice group of indie games out there.  I enjoyed the Pushmo series personally, but I like puzzle games.
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Re: Help with Indie Games (Wii U, 3DS & Ps3)
« Reply #2 on: May 27, 2015, 04:17:14 pm »
I heartily second the Guild games on the 3DS, specifically: Crimson Shroud, Attack of the Friday Monsters and The Starship Damrey as they are all quite atmospheric games and The Starship Damrey in particular sounds very similar to The Fall (/Metroid) that you describe (sorry haven't played The Fall myself).  Weapon Shop de Omasse and to a lesser extent Liberation Maiden from the Guild series are good games, but not sure if they really fit your criteria.

Art of Balance on the WiiU is a good puzzler, but isn't a "classic" per se.  It's also just a series of puzzles so obviously not a whole lot of atmosphere ;).

Azure Striker Gunvolt and Shovel Knight are both really good Mega Man-style platformers.  Shovel Knight is similar to the older NES Mega Man games, while Gunvolt reminds me more of the SNES Mega Man X games.  I think Shovel Knight is the better game for what it's worth. 

Both of the Gunman Clive games on the 3DS are two of my favorites for the system.  They control really well, have a unique art style and they're both super cheap (and short).

Cave Story is also available on the 3DS (I'd just get the cheaper non-3D game, I don't think it adds that much for the jump in price) is a pretty good Metroidvania-ish game.  Guacamelee is also a solid, similar style platformer that is on the WiiU (and maybe PS3/360? I don't remember).  However, the best Metroidvania-style game on the consoles you listed is Shadow Complex (XBox Live Arcade) and is fairly similar in tone to the Metroid series.  SteamWorld Dig is yet another Metroidvania on WiiU and 3DS but I think Shadow Complex is your best bet here.

Bastion and the developer's more recent game Transistor are phenomenal games.  I'd maybe give the edge to Bastion as it is definitely one of the crowning achievements of indie scene.  Bastion is available on X360 but not sure about Transistor are available on X360 or PS3.

Brothers - A Tale of Two Sons is a pretty, atmospheric, story-driven game.  I enjoyed it quite a bit and I believe it's available on both the 360 and PS3.

Child of Light on the WiiU is another atmospheric RPG with great art style.  The combat is turn-based and plays like the ATB system from the older Final Fantasy games.  The rhyming gimmick in the game is obnoxious and not very well-written, but doesn't detract too much from the game.

Journey on the PS3 is fantastic game that is all about the atmosphere.  Same with Flower although that one is much more of a casual, pick-up-and-play for a few minutes relaxer.  Avoid fl0w, however, that is from the same developer.  I loathed that game.

Fez, I haven't played much of but I enjoyed the short amount I did play.  It's most certainly one of the most recognizable indie games.  It's available on just about every platform.  Same with Braid; these two are considered two of the classics.  Limbo is also another readily available retro-platformer-with-a-unique-gimmick that I unfortunately haven't delved much into.  All 3 games have a pretty good sense of atmosphere.

Super Meat Boy is a great, hard platformer that is based around 30 second to 3 minute long stages that you are constantly killed on until you finally beat the stage >:(.

Protect Me Knight is a fun multiplayer game that is similar to old top-down Gauntlet.  The first game is available on X360 Indie section for like $1 or whatnot.  The sequel was supposed to be coming out for the 3DS but I haven't heard anything about it for a while now.

Binding of Isaac is a Zelda-style top-down dungeon crawler.  I haven't been able to get into it myself, but it is a very popular and well-received indie game that I believe just got a release on the WiiU??  It's from the Super Meat Boy team.

Rogue Legacy is amazing.  You should buy Rogue Legacy.  Everyone should buy Rogue Legacy:D

Spelunky was too hard and esoteric for me, but is well-regarded for those that can.

The Swapper is a great puzzle/platformer with oodles of atmosphere on the WiiU.  Teslagrad is also another pretty good puzzle-platformer as is the Trine series (although the latter is more of sidescroller beat-em-up/puzzle fusion).  Both are on the WiiU as well.

Terraria is like a 2D Minecraft.  Not personally for me, but it (again) is incredibly popular and should probably be given a look.

Luftrausers is a fun arcadey schmup with really good music.  It's on PS3.

The Shantae series on both 3DS and WiiU are popular, but I haven't tried them myself.

The Unfinished Swan on PS3 is one that I just started playing and it definitely is a game that the main goal is exploration and atmosphere.  I've quite enjoyed the few hours I've put into it so far.

Those are the cream of the crop from my perspective from what I've played (and heard).
« Last Edit: May 27, 2015, 04:18:50 pm by krelyan »

Currently Playing: Rocket League (PS4), Fire Emblem Fates, The Witness (PS4), Puzzle & Dragons (Mobile)


Re: Help with Indie Games (Wii U, 3DS & Ps3)
« Reply #3 on: May 27, 2015, 06:18:06 pm »
First, thanks slipknotsam for bringing the current Humble Bundle to my attention. I had started ignoring them because I don't game on my PC anymore. Grabbed this one both for the games and to support console HB's.

Many of the ones I would mention have already been mentioned, so let me second Bastion, Rogue Legacy and FEZ (the last one not from my own experience but from my wife's, she adores that game - she also wrote a review for it, here: ).

There are some that haven't been mentioned yet tho - believe it or not. :P Super Stardust HD is in my top-10 games of last gen period, indie or otherwise. It is a phenomenal twin stick shooter on the PS3 that had me absolutely hooked when it first came out, and is also one of the few indies that keeps me coming back to it years later.

World of Goo is another recommendation via my wife. It's available on the Wii, as well as any mobile device. Here is her review on that one:

Double Dragon Neon and Hell Yeah! Wrath of the Dead Rabbit are another couple I thoroughly enjoyed.  Hey, I used to write reviews on my own site too, not just my wife! So here are those:
"When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed
if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I
became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the
desire to be very grown up.” ― C.S. Lewis


Re: Help with Indie Games (Wii U, 3DS & Ps3)
« Reply #4 on: May 27, 2015, 06:28:41 pm »
Thanks guys, I looked at some of the games you proposed, and there definitely are some great ones I need to try in there!

Desocietas, I will look into the Guild series. As for Shovel Knight, it was one of the indie titles that I already discovered, and I almost finished it. Awesome Game  :)

Krelyan,  Thanks for taking the time to write the list! The screenshots I have seen of The Starship Damrey seems good. Shadow Complex and Bastion, along with Transistor, also appeal to me. Guacamelee and SteamWorld Dig were included in the HB bundle, so I will give them a try for sure. I have heard a lot about the Super Meat Boy and Binding of Isaac duo, (mostly during the Awesome Games Done Quick Event), and they seem fun!

For the screenshots and the gameplay that I have seen as of now, the next Indie title on the pile will have to be Child of Light along with Journey. I love the art style, and the atmosphere that goes with it. ;)
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Catherine (PS3) - Working towards the platinum.
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Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble (SNES)


Re: Help with Indie Games (Wii U, 3DS & Ps3)
« Reply #5 on: May 27, 2015, 06:34:14 pm »
The only game I can recommend (since I'm a PC guy) is Magicians & Looters: Think a medieval Metroidvania with humor. It's short, but fun.


Re: Help with Indie Games (Wii U, 3DS & Ps3)
« Reply #6 on: May 27, 2015, 06:51:22 pm »
Argyle, I heard of Super Stardust HD before, and I know that I would like this kind of game. I will take a look at World of Goo in the futur as well.

Foxhack, I will give it a shot, any MetroidVania deserves to be played. ;)

Thanks to you guys, (including Argyle's wife :) ) for the suggestions!
« Last Edit: May 27, 2015, 06:54:18 pm by slipknotsam »
Now Playing:
Metal Gear Solid (PS1)
Catherine (PS3) - Working towards the platinum.
Ni No Kuni (PS3)

Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble (SNES)