Author Topic: Should i sell my Wii U or hold onto it?  (Read 5576 times)

Should i sell my Wii U or hold onto it?
« on: April 12, 2016, 04:25:45 pm »
When wii u came out I got mine for 300 dollars, I bought the New Smash Bros Wii U and Mario Kart 8 for it for 60 each, 420. With NX coming out I know wii u will drop its prices but I am debating if that is a bad thing for me or a good thing.  The obvious con would be that my Wii U will be worth like 80 bucks after I paid 300 for it. But the pros would be that the games would drop to around 20 dollars on sale and I could horde all of them. Do you think I would be better off selling it right now and getting something else even though right now I would be looking at either gamestops offensive offer of 80 dollars. or a shady man on facebook who is offering 120. Do you think I should accept either of these or just hold it. I don't want to take a huge hit on it but it appears I already have no matter what. Probably better off putting it away and hoping for a sky rocket in price in 10 years like what happened with cube. I am not sure though.


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Re: Should i sell my Wii U or hold onto it?
« Reply #1 on: April 12, 2016, 04:33:47 pm »
Personally, I'd hang on to it.  It's not like the games are going to go bad.  They'll still be fun next week, next month, or next year.  I wouldn't look at it like an investment.

If you think you'll ever play it again, keep it.  In my opinion, it's better to let it collect dust than to give it away for $80


Re: Should i sell my Wii U or hold onto it?
« Reply #2 on: April 12, 2016, 04:35:00 pm »
Keep it, the Wii U is a fun system. Many games I would replay in the future for sure.


Re: Should i sell my Wii U or hold onto it?
« Reply #3 on: April 12, 2016, 05:32:44 pm »
isn't a wii U console worth more than 80 - 120 dollars?

Gotta be worth 150 - 200.

Unless you have the 8 GB version that is or no regular wii u controller aside from the console wich are expensive.

At least in my country, 120 seems a bit low I can't get a wii u console for that price even if I tried to.
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Re: Should i sell my Wii U or hold onto it?
« Reply #4 on: April 12, 2016, 05:40:22 pm »
Remember you're asking a bunch of collectors. We're gonna be a bit biased.  ;D
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Re: Should i sell my Wii U or hold onto it?
« Reply #5 on: April 12, 2016, 06:23:54 pm »
Why are you look at it like an investment...? We arn't here to give financial advice, you either enjoy the system or you don't, sell it or keep it depending on your answer. :)


Re: Should i sell my Wii U or hold onto it?
« Reply #6 on: April 12, 2016, 07:09:57 pm »
$80 seems way too low. Unless you want to sell it to me, that is. I'd love to get a second unit for that price. Seriously though, I'd hang on to it. It's unlikely that the Wii U price will get as low as the GameCube ever did on the secondary market. That was the first time that Nintendo had backward compatibility with both software and hardware (controllers).  People didn't see a need for their GameCubes at all, since the Wii did everything and more.  The Wii would have likely suffered the same fate, but since Nintendo didn't seem to want to market the Wii U at all, it wasn't nearly as popular.  Only recently have Wii prices come anywhere near GameCube prices, but are still higher.  With all the rumors that the NX will be a clean break from anything done before, I'd wager the Wii U will retain its value better than the two systems before. People won't be selling bare systems with no games or controllers than can be used on the new system...  Hopefully.
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Re: Should i sell my Wii U or hold onto it?
« Reply #7 on: April 12, 2016, 07:28:19 pm »
Put me in the "keep it" column. Nintendo games are always highly re-playable.


Re: Should i sell my Wii U or hold onto it?
« Reply #8 on: April 12, 2016, 08:25:39 pm »
Don't sell. Doesn't make sense. It's not very valuable, and in a few years down the road, everyone is going to want one. Everyone, including you probably, once you start to miss the games you played on it. Probably going to be one of the most hoarded consoles and collection sets eventually, just because the library is small, the system is quirky, and a lot of people didn't own it.

Re: Should i sell my Wii U or hold onto it?
« Reply #9 on: April 12, 2016, 11:05:54 pm »
I'm in the 'keep it' camp too. Nintendo games almost always hold their value in the long run, don't dump it during the one point it's going to actually be cheap.

Also- maybe don't buy consoles based on their resale value. Systems rarely hold their value long-term, unless you intend to sell within a year and you have no reason to expect a next-gen replacement during that time, you're going to be out a good chunk.


Re: Should i sell my Wii U or hold onto it?
« Reply #10 on: April 13, 2016, 12:16:27 am »
I'd suggest to keep it. There's a huge amount of quality Nintendo exclusives, and its defenitely going to increase in demand just because of the way Nintendo stuff is. Look at how Bayonetta 2's first print doubled in price just from the smash announcement and is now highly desireable, not to mention how some of the other titles did not get huge print runs like Wii Sports Club, etc.


Re: Should i sell my Wii U or hold onto it?
« Reply #11 on: April 13, 2016, 01:22:22 pm »
Keep it. It sounds like you'd regret letting it go.


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Re: Should i sell my Wii U or hold onto it?
« Reply #12 on: April 13, 2016, 02:38:48 pm »
Keep it, every system and games i ever sold i regretted. That is why i do what i do now, recollectining!
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