Yo TrippyD (don't smack me)
Shouldn't we remove the word "Amiibo" from the listing given that it is the Amiibo category now? Did we have this conversation already?
amiibo does not need to be in the item title anymore.
It needs to be in the alt name field however. This is because the search does not search the category names. So if you were searching for Yoshi amiibo, you may not be able to find it and then add a dupe.
It is a stop-gap solution now to put search terms in the alt-name field.
So alt-name is like keywords/tags now?
I use alt-name for both actual alt names, and any important keywords for searching. For example, we can cut down on dupes if we were to put common search terms in for titles that most people get the names wrong for. It isn't as the field is designed but it doesn't hurt nor does it clutter up the item title. The only other option would be to ask for an additional field just to put those search terms into, and then get that field also added to the default search order.
It is something to think about when you find a dupe and it is a common title issue. Like Megaman vs Mega Man. It may be worth submitting an edit on the original entry to add something to the alt-name field for things that we see often as a dupe issue.
Also it makes sense for the amiibo listings (or anything similar in nature) because the search does not look at category names. Such as, if the Mario amiibos had no amiibo in the title or alt-name, if you searched for Mario amiibo, the site does not search the amiibo category for items called Mario, as well as the title and alt-title field searches. It should perhaps be something it was capable of with the search bar without using the advanced search, but since the advanced search exists, there is not a high priority to doing that. In other words, it would not be
impossible to find a Mario amiibo if all those entries did not have amiibo in the title or alt-title.