Author Topic: XBox Scorpio Will Be an Entirely New System, Not Another XBox One Model?  (Read 667 times)


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This article here seems to insinuate just that:

It focuses on how the XBox Compatibility team is trying to make all XBox One titles compatible for the XBox Scopio, and how much of a challenge it will be.

Well, if this is a focus for the XBox Compatibility team, then logic would suggest that means they are making all-new games for the Scorpio as well. Which would make a next-gen console, and not just a new model of the XBox One, correct?

Am I reading too much into this? Because it makes sense to me.

Well, from a technical standpoint, if a game is developed with the exact specs of the Xbox One in mind, it might have issues running on the Scorpio simply because the Scorpio has different parts.  So in development of Scorpio and the OS that will run on Scorpio, they need to make it so that Xbox One software running on Scorpio will behave as it should even though it's different hardware.  This is not necessarily emulation.

In application, this might actually be a really simple process if the hardware is similar, but if they are going to tout that all X1 games will run on Scorpio, they need to verify it, and that is the job of the Xbox Compatibility team.


They have said that the only games that won't run on both systems will be the VR games.

But this *is* Microsoft, so they'll change the message many times before the system releases. ;)
"When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed
if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I
became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the
desire to be very grown up.” ― C.S. Lewis