Author Topic: What is the most hype you've ever seen for a game pre release/launch day?  (Read 1821 times)


I don't actually spend that much time in gaming forums so I don't really see the full extent of how much hype games get outside of fanbases I'm already a part of. Other than that the only hype I really hear is my own my friends'.

I can tell you though that the hype for Persona 5 in the leadup to its release day among the fanbase was out of this world. If it was released any later I'm fairly sure that I myself would have had a nervous breakdown. When I got that knock on my door from the postman on that fateful day. Hoooooooohohohohohoo. Wow. I was a happy boi.
(I got my preorder a day early too, so from official release date onwards I was among like 1% of players that were getting the trophies, nice)