Author Topic: The General E3 2019 Discussion Thread  (Read 9780 times)

Re: The General E3 2019 Discussion Thread
« Reply #30 on: June 09, 2019, 05:41:00 pm »
Actually kinda underwhelmed by Microsoft's show.  Not that it was bad at all, but I thought we were gonna get more big third party stuff announced...The only big reveals were Elden Ring (Which was leaked on Friday)...Oh geez, that was it wasn't it...Like getting dates and more for Cyberpunk 2077, Outer Worlds, and Ori was cool, but was a more basic show to me.  The biggest pop for me was Cyberpunk 2077 getting a release date with Keanu Reeves in the game and that was for a game I've known about for awhile now lol

Re: The General E3 2019 Discussion Thread
« Reply #31 on: June 09, 2019, 05:54:28 pm »
Microsoft 2019 Conference: C

So that was...interesting. First off I really appreciate Microsoft showing off so many games at their conference, despite half of them being throw away, generic looking trash. As for everything else, it was mostly all stuff we were already aware of since last year, particularly the exclusives like Halo infinite and Gears 5. As for everything else, the new DBZ game looks meh, and Elden Ring has promise, but I really don't know what to think of it yet based off the trailer. The only highlight and the only time I genuinely was excited was during the Cyberpunk 2077 segment where we FINALLY got a release date! Now that we have a release date, I have a deadline window for when I need to build a new PC gaming rig ;)

And then let's talk about the elephant in the room, Project Scarlet. Beyond getting a bunch of buzzwords thrown at us and performance claims that have nothing to quantify the them, we know exactly what we knew prior to this conference; Microsoft is developing a new console. Considering they plan on releasing it in a year and a half, I'm assuming that it is 90% designed and I almost wonder if this is a game of chicken with Sony for them. Despite Kamikazekeeg's claim that it will have physical media, I'm thinking Microsoft wants to reveal this thing without it, but they're worried about 2013 repeating itself and the XBOX looking like the villain of gaming, while Sony looks like the hero. Essentially if Sony does physical media, which I'm pretty sure they will, MS will too. I am also betting that we'll actually see the PS5 console and know its specs before Project Scarlet gets its official unveiling too. Regardless, we know exactly what we knew prior to the conference about the XBONE successor, nothing really.

Not a great conference, but certainly not the worst either. I'm sure if you're an XBOX fan it had mostly what you wanted, but for others outside that group, the conference was okay at the very best.


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Re: The General E3 2019 Discussion Thread
« Reply #32 on: June 09, 2019, 06:15:51 pm »
Ori looks good
Psychonauts 2 is interesting to me
Tales of Arise looks Gorgeous (also it's probably the first time i can think of where a trilogy kept going backwards in time)
Cyberpunk 2077 holy shit Keanu Reeves

Literally nothing was said about the next xbox outside of a project name

As of writing this I'm listening to Rerez post conference and there was a rumor that miyamoto was supposed to show up... they just said the reporter who said that apparently mistook Keanu for miyamoto

Re: The General E3 2019 Discussion Thread
« Reply #33 on: June 09, 2019, 07:32:10 pm »
Phantasy Star Online 2 is coming to the US on Xbox One.

Re: The General E3 2019 Discussion Thread
« Reply #34 on: June 09, 2019, 08:06:48 pm »
Phantasy Star Online 2 is coming to the US on Xbox One.

It's also on PC.  I'll check it out, but personally not too excited for it as I have no history with the series and that this is originally a 7 year old Vita game, but maybe it'll be alright.

Re: The General E3 2019 Discussion Thread
« Reply #35 on: June 09, 2019, 09:58:21 pm »
The audience made the Bethesda event miserable.  Normally I like it when the crowd is into the whole thing and it seems like genuine excitement, but dear god this audience.  I don't know if they were drunk or entirely bethesda employees or or just ridiculous fans, but they were cheering for damn near anything said.  It made everything feel way more manufactured and cynical than I'm sure a lot of these things are.

At least we got a possibly interesting game from Tango Gameworks with Ghostwire: Tokyo and that Deathloop game from Arkane Studios.  Doom release date was fine too.  Otherwise, boy, that was not a good time for me.


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Re: The General E3 2019 Discussion Thread
« Reply #36 on: June 09, 2019, 10:02:45 pm »
Bethesda's conference was boring.
I might check out Elder Scrolls Blade when it hits the switch
Ghostwire: Tokyo has me intrigued but it didn't see gameplay
Doom Eternal was the highlight of it all
Sadly I'm not excited about the Wolfenstein games
But it was a lot of mobile and just game updates

Overall for today so far
i agree with bikingjahuty giving microsoft a C
Bethesda: I'm going to be generous with a D-

Now for Devolver's mock conference with should at least be entertaining to watch

EDIT: Devolver's was good spoofed on Direct
Fall guys seem like it could be a fun time killer
Carrion looks fucking brutal and awesome
Not 100% sure if real or just them having fun but enter the gungeon house of the gundead a lightgun arcade game looks great
The messenger is getting tropical DLC FOR FREE
My Friend Pedro is so close to release I can't wait for that one
Overall B+ because that's what was needed
« Last Edit: June 09, 2019, 10:30:55 pm by redblaze57 »

Re: The General E3 2019 Discussion Thread
« Reply #37 on: June 09, 2019, 10:26:36 pm »
Devolver Digital was fun as usual.  Nothing much game wise that interested me except for The Messenger DLC.  Nothing on Metal Wolf Chaos XD was weird.

Overall, a pretty underwhelming day for E3 for me.  We mostly just got a bunch of release date info, which is always good, but there was not much hyping me up.  Tomorrow is primarily about Square-Enix as I'm not expecting much from Ubisoft or the PC game show, and then Nintendo on Tuesday.  Square is revealing Avengers, we'll get more stuff on Final Fantasy VII (Apparently the release date was leaked ahead of the FF7 concert they are doing right now, but I'll leave that out for now), and I'm sure we'll see a few more goodies.

*EDIT* Never mind, they confirmed March 3 2020 for the release of FF7R.  This is also likely for just the first part, not the full game, but the trailer was just a tease for tomorrow.
« Last Edit: June 09, 2019, 11:30:56 pm by kamikazekeeg »

Re: The General E3 2019 Discussion Thread
« Reply #38 on: June 09, 2019, 11:55:27 pm »
Bethesda's 2019 Conference: C-

Just as I predicted, Bethesda played it ultra safe and primarily talked about their main upcoming games, Doom Eternal and both Wolfenstein games, and some content for their existing games. The best was the pathetic attempt at reviving interest in Fallout 76 by adding content, including what else, a Battle Royal Mode *roles eyes heavily* and making the game free for a week. Someone please tell Bethesda that ship sank a while back. And of course there were the many mobile games they've shoved down people's throats every E3 for the past three years, with even more new, lame mobile games around the corner. While none of this stuff interested me, there is one game I really want to discuss; Doom Eternal.

I absolutely LOVED Doom 2016; I've played through the whole thing twice and can confidently say it's the best FPS I've ever played and is one of my favorite games of all time. I am completely serious. However, when Doom Eternal was first announced there was something about its gameplay and just overall feel that didn't quite feel or look like a Doom game. Those feelings were validated even more by the additional content they showed off at their conference tonight. I guess having a heaven setting is original for this series, however it just feels wildly out of place in this franchise. On top of that, all the platforming, acrobatics, and grappling hook gameplay was just sort of unnecessary imo. After all was said and done tonight, I actually wanted the game less and didn't really care that much that it was coming out the end of this year. It is possible that my feelings might change before it actually drops, but at the moment my hype has really cooled off, and I honestly could see myself waiting for a $30 or more price cut before purchasing this one.

My favorite part of the conference was the reveal of Ghostwire Tokyo. Even though we just got a trailer and there is currently no info on actual gameplay or anything else, the fact that Shinji Mikami is working on this gives me faith in its quality. I also really liked the concept and art style in the trailer too. I actually got pretty excited about this game, and it reminded me how much I miss when this would happen to me at E3s past. But for what it is I'll definitely anticipate more on this game!

One more thing I wanted to bring up was Bethesda making a deliberate point to show off their cloud streaming tech Orion. I don't think it's any accident they're mentioning this now, as they certainly have the scoop on Sony's and MS's new consoles and how they will deliver games. While I do see game streaming as being an option for these devices rather than their primary mode of playing games, I see this as where gaming is inevitably headed, especially since the tech is at the point where you can play a very hardware intensive game on a lightweight device like a phone or tablet. The game is running on an ultra powerful server in a datacenter so there is no need for your device to be as powerful, or even relatively close. This really puts a damper on my hope for the future of gaming and how involved I will be in that future.

So yeah, this conference left me in a worse place then it started, and if not for Ghostwire, Doom Eternal (I guess...), and Wolfenstein Youngblood this conference would have been terrible, but it was at least passable on those grounds, if only barely.

Re: The General E3 2019 Discussion Thread
« Reply #39 on: June 10, 2019, 02:53:54 am »
I was a bit underwhelmed with E3 today, but that was maybe because of the leaks beforehand. I felt I knew everything that was coming in the Microsoft conference.

The highlights for me so far, ranked with best at top:

Deathloop - I love Arkane so a new IP makes me happy
Elden Ring - Although the reveal was leaked, I am still excited for this
Cyberpunk + Keanu Reeves - That was a cool E3 moment
Tales of Arise - Looks very good
Ghostwire: Tokyo - Good trailer
Star Wars Fallen Order - Looks way better than I expected, still expect EA to ruin it somehow
Spiritfarer - I really liked the art style
12 Minutes - Looks okay

That's about it! Not great tbh.

I really expected a LOT more from Microsoft. I think they have missed an unbelievable opportunity to gain some ground over Sony heading into 2020.

It was a bit depressing to see their continual banging the drum for Game Pass. That is now an amazing deal, but I can't see more than a few of those games getting physical releases.

« Last Edit: June 10, 2019, 10:20:05 am by jared »

Re: The General E3 2019 Discussion Thread
« Reply #40 on: June 10, 2019, 04:40:00 am »
Final Fantasy VII Remake has a release date!:

The biggest let down for me this E3 is the lacking of any CAPCOM Presence... at all! The past few years have just been getting better and better, so I'm surprised to hear nothing from them.


Re: The General E3 2019 Discussion Thread
« Reply #41 on: June 10, 2019, 08:09:29 am »
The Tales of Arise trailer got me excited. I'm already all in.

Re: The General E3 2019 Discussion Thread
« Reply #42 on: June 10, 2019, 08:59:01 am »
I don't want to say Microsoft did good, but I went and immediately spent about $60 at the end of the conference to reup my gold and convert it to GPU, so they had to have done something right.

I'm mildly excited for a lot of things coming from Microsoft and hearing about how they found a way to use SSD tech as virtual memory really intrigues me.  Next gen sounds like it's going to be pretty amazing technology wise, but I'm with some speculators who don't understand how it's viable.  They can't charge $800 for a console.  It can't be cost effective to sell it for $400 or less.  Personally, my expectation is that they will expect to subsidize the cost of the systems by in a word forcing you to subscribe to their services.  A la, no disc drive, digital only and subscription based content.  Sony saying PS5 will be BC with PS4 doesn't necessarily imply that it will use PS4 discs, it could simply allow you to use your PS4 downloads.  I'm cautiously pessimistic about the whole thing.  I don't expect any real news before May 2020.

As for Bethesda, I went in expecting a lot of stuff about mobile games and MMO games, so I was bored through a lot of the conference.  They didn't really have much about Rage 2's DLC other than that one trailer.  I don't care about watching Doom Eternal stuff, I know it'll be good.  Ghostwire intrigued me, but it didn't really show anything about the gameplay, so cautiously pessimistic as well.  No interest in Deathloop, I actually zoned out during that part because it bored me so much.  Orion was intriguing to me.  If this is MS, Sony, and Google's broad answer to how they'll combat the US's not even top 10 worldwide ranking in internet infrastructure, this could be interesting.  Optimizing game engines for cloud streaming is kind of genius.  It sounds obvious when put so bluntly, but changing the way the game is rendered and the background stuff is processed such that you can either send things in compressed chunks or saving bandwidth by sending like data once with a set of instructions on what to do with the like data could potentially turn a 100MB downstream to a 10MB downstream.  The question still remains how input lag will be handled.  But as a developer I'm super curious about Orion.

Devolver was a hot mess as always... and they didn't even announce anything about Metal Wolf Chaos.

EDIT: Apparently both Sony and Microsoft confirmed disc drives for Scarlett and PS5.
« Last Edit: June 10, 2019, 11:29:02 am by ignition365 »

Re: The General E3 2019 Discussion Thread
« Reply #43 on: June 10, 2019, 05:16:27 pm »
Ubisoft's was okay, much like Microsoft, it all felt pretty well paced and while I wasn't really blown away by anything, I'll take a consistently alright show over a bad one and it at least was way better than Bethesda and that annoying ass audience.

Only thing that stood out at the show was Watchdogs Legion, with the London setting and being able to recruit all sorts of different people.  It's unfortunately placed between Final Fantasy 7 and Cyberpunk next year, so I won't be playing it lol

Square Enix is tonight and hoping for good stuff there.

Re: The General E3 2019 Discussion Thread
« Reply #44 on: June 10, 2019, 05:20:00 pm »
Watch Dogs Legion looks pretty damn good, but the rest of that conference was really very disappointing.

I'm not sure Ubisoft need their own conference every year tbh.