I like playing most Nintendo 64 games with my new Retro-Bit Tribute 64 Controller for Nintendo N64 - Original Port - Red
I think that the Nintendo brand GameCube Controller is vary comfortable it hard but I say it 2nd.
I like Microsoft brand Xbox controllers next
then PlayStation 1-4 but not any wireless PlayStation 1-4 controllers. The PlayStation's 3-4 SONY brand only come in wireless as far as I can tell. and I have had a lot of tech problems with at least 2 SONY used Wireless PlayStation 3 controllers so I will not ever buy a wireless controller again.
Next would be the NES original 8-bit Nintendo Brand controllers, only on 8-bit hardware or through an emulation console those NES controllers are built like mini tanks

Then Super Nintendo controller depending on the game
SEGA genesis is my next one
Next is PC keyboard without using a mouse on games
then the Atari 2600 controllers on my Atari Flashback 8 console
than one of my least favorite is the standard Nintendo 64 style controllers
another least favorite for standard game play is using the Wii mote for un-sports like games
even worse is the Colecovision Flashback console controller
even worse is the Mattel Intellivision Flashback console controller