Author Topic: Game collecting addiction  (Read 5367 times)


Game collecting addiction
« on: October 09, 2019, 01:14:43 pm »
Have you ever been addicted to game collecting to a point where it was unhealthy, or financially reckless? How overboard did you go, and how were you able to stop yourself?

Lately I've been on somewhat of a game collecting binge. I've been buying up games left and right without much restraint. Granted they are all games that I think I really want to have, but I'm simply buying so many of them so fast it's alarming. I've spent hundreds and hundreds in the past few weeks. Subconsciously I think I'm trying to make up for the year or so I didn't buy any games. I'm just so tired of not having certain titles, and just thinking "some day". I'd rather have them all now.

I think that if I keep rage-buying I'll actually reach an end goal and feel satisfied, but with collecting games I don't think that's truly possible. There's just too many, and interests shift and change over time. You want to be done, but you never really want to be done. Then there's always the fear that what's affordable today might not be affordable tomorrow. Sometimes you will come to your senses and realize how silly all of this actually is. It's just pieces of plastic with names printed on them. Every single one of them could be downloaded onto a hard drive or multi-cart and played for free if playing the game is actually the end goal. Games aren't even something unique or exclusive to collect. They can be had elsewhere for less, or no money at all. It's just plastic with stickers on them. What's the big deal?

But I digress. Has your game collecting ever gotten completely out of hand? How bad did it get? What made you snap back to reality?

Re: Game collecting addiction
« Reply #1 on: October 09, 2019, 01:34:11 pm »

I think you need professional help.

Re: Game collecting addiction
« Reply #2 on: October 09, 2019, 01:40:03 pm »
For sure.  Never to the point of financial ruin, but I've had months where I spent so much I had to dip a lot into savings because I was reckless in my purchases.  I was downright stupid in 2014-2015.  I had just found out about Facebook groups and I had a job that paid well and 0 expenses.  I literally dumped every pay check into buying games.  THOUSANDS of dollars a month on games.  I managed to still save up enough money at the time to buy a house putting in at least 20% equity up front in 2015, so it wasn't ALL of my money, but I definitely should've had more than that 20% saved up with how much I was making.

In July 2017 I started tracking my online purchases, this didn't and never has included local purchases like flea markets, thrift stores, gamestops, local game shops, etc.  First month I tracked, I spent $1,200... again not including local purchases.  I've only had 3 months like that since, so 4 months with over $1k in purchases since June 2017.  Mind you I track sales too, so I know I've had months where I spent over $1k, but I sold enough that my out of pocket was under $1k... and I've had a lot of months near that.

Limited print games ruin my wallet a lot of months.

Re: Game collecting addiction
« Reply #3 on: October 09, 2019, 01:53:32 pm »
I've probably spent a couple thousand on empty boxes the past year or two... not games... boxes. Got a little out of control a few months ago, bought a couple of lots off eBay, which of course had a few boxes for games I didn't already own so I had to buy those too. Ended up spending about $2000 in 60 days.

I can't speak for anyone else here but I know why I did it. I was pretty heavily depressed, so I spent a shit ton of money trying to find happiness in my game collection. So to try and avoid this I play mental games with myself. In the past few months, I've tried to restrict my spending to a specific amount per week to keep myself from letting it get out of hand. Not just on eBay, on everything, food, gas, games, all of it. Once in awhile, I'll splurge on a new console or a game I've been wanting to add. But for the most part, I find it easy if I'm close to my weekly limit to tell myself "2 more days and if it's still there I'll get it."

That said, I am not disappointed with how my NES collection looks today. I'm completing 3-5 games a week as the boxes I need become available. Looking for help with data entry and creating content(news/reviews).


Re: Game collecting addiction
« Reply #4 on: October 09, 2019, 03:48:04 pm »
No, it's never gotten out of hand. In fact, it's gotten more tame over this last year.  Hell, I cancelled a few pre-orders.

Other than Spirit Hunters: NG, I haven't spent money on anything game related in a couple of months. I've traded in a bunch of stuff (which was therapeutic in its own right) and used the credit to get a couple of things that slipped my radar over the years, but my wallet didn't suffer for it.

I've resigned myself to the idea that there will always be stuff in my backlog to not only play, but to replay. Doing a replay of something sounds more appealing than scooping up the next big thing. Speaking of, the next game I plan on buying is the Mega Man Zero/ZX Collection. That doesn't come out until January.

If by chance I miss out on a game from something like LRG or just a small print run, then oh well. I'll play and enjoy something else.


Re: Game collecting addiction
« Reply #5 on: October 09, 2019, 06:53:53 pm »
Have you ever been addicted to game collecting to a point where it was unhealthy, or financially reckless? How overboard did you go, and how were you able to stop yourself?

Lately I've been on somewhat of a game collecting binge. I've been buying up games left and right without much restraint. Granted they are all games that I think I really want to have, but I'm simply buying so many of them so fast it's alarming. I've spent hundreds and hundreds in the past few weeks. Subconsciously I think I'm trying to make up for the year or so I didn't buy any games. I'm just so tired of not having certain titles, and just thinking "some day". I'd rather have them all now.

Like most things in life, it's never that clean cut. I've never gone so far as to collect in an unhealthy way, but there have been periods when I've been buying up titles which are cheap because the older generation of consoles is getting shown the door at retailers, or when a system's old enough for all of its prices to drop before they inevitable shoot back up within a year or two.

Your priorities in collecting and taste in games can change, dramatically, the reality of what is available now and what was available five years ago are different.

I bought a lot of games in the .. whichever generation it was that contained the PS2/XBOX/GC. Anything that was non-sport/racing for the GC, over time, since it was a system I prioritized collecting for, anything PS2 exclusive that was Japanese/quirky/obscure, over time, as well as any non-racing/sports for the OG XBOX since they were pence when the game shops were clearing them (GC was already dried up at that point, PS2 games remained relevant for years afterwards). Did something very similar for the 360 (main console of that era) and picked up PS3 exclusives (much smaller collection, PS3 was garbage for exclusives in comparison with the PS1/PS2). I thought that was 'it', the 360 would be my mainstay. I was wrong.

The Xbox 360 and PS3 didn't have a lot of variety in games, so many 'wander around 3D landscapes hitting/shooting things and opening doors' kind of games. This became extremely apparent when the PS4 picked up steam - so many different quirky and niche titles. The 360/PS3 do what they do well, but there's no need to keep loads of identikit games, so I've cleared stacks of them out and just kept the cream, ditto with the previous generation. Over the past day or two it's dawned that I'm really not bothered about the Vita (nice system, not enough exclusives, of those too many of them are 2/5 in quality) or the PSP (some nice exclusives, but also a lot of blocky garbage which has been done better on the PS2). So they're going altogether.

I'm not buying half as many games now, haven't the cash with a little one to feed and clothe, but I'm actually playing the good ones that I've kept from previous generations, bottoming my PS4 collection in terms of beating the games and enjoying the cheap-as-chips PC games from the past couple of decades floating around charity shops etc. My priorities have changed, but my interest in maintaining my games collection has not, just different types of games and more focus on the best of each type.


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Re: Game collecting addiction
« Reply #6 on: October 09, 2019, 06:54:06 pm »
I have felt that I have crossed a line in the past with my spending and I'll get buyers remorse. Not often but it has happened so I'll stop buying for awhile.


Re: Game collecting addiction
« Reply #7 on: October 09, 2019, 07:02:52 pm »

I think you need professional help.
I think you do too, for other reasons.

On topic though, yes, I have been in similar shoes as you, in 2017 I was buying left and right, spending probably half of my income on games. Two years ago, (I believe I even made a post here about it) I pretty much took everything I had, put it in storage, and didn't come back to this site for I think three months or so. It pretty much reached a head for me when I was buying for no reason other than "ooh, this is rare or ooh, this is cool" and I was about to pull the trigger on The Croods for Wii U. Thankfully, I didn't. I sort of went into a funk after that, not even wanted to look at the stuff I had amassed for no reason other than to just have more stuff. Since I returned to the hobby, I've been buying less and less. Hell, I just canceled my Luigi's Mansion preorder because it's not something I intend to play day one, and maybe down the line when I do want to play it, I can get it nice and cheap. Also, I've been slowly selling things I don't want or will never use. My goal was to never come back to the hobby, but when I found that I could do it in moderation, it became fun for me again. Also, not buying every Limited Run Games release has helped a lot too.

Honestly though, if I had the mindset that I could actually quit this hobby and sell everything off without remorse, I'd likely do it, but for now, I guess there are truly worse vices to have.
"I collect vidya games and vidya game accessories, I tell you what."

Re: Game collecting addiction
« Reply #8 on: October 09, 2019, 07:36:21 pm »
No its a hobby that pays for itself.


Re: Game collecting addiction
« Reply #9 on: October 09, 2019, 07:41:56 pm »

I think you need professional help.
I think you do too, for other reasons.

On topic though, yes, I have been in similar shoes as you, in 2017 I was buying left and right, spending probably half of my income on games. Two years ago, (I believe I even made a post here about it) I pretty much took everything I had, put it in storage, and didn't come back to this site for I think three months or so. It pretty much reached a head for me when I was buying for no reason other than "ooh, this is rare or ooh, this is cool" and I was about to pull the trigger on The Croods for Wii U. Thankfully, I didn't. I sort of went into a funk after that, not even wanted to look at the stuff I had amassed for no reason other than to just have more stuff. Since I returned to the hobby, I've been buying less and less. Hell, I just canceled my Luigi's Mansion preorder because it's not something I intend to play day one, and maybe down the line when I do want to play it, I can get it nice and cheap. Also, I've been slowly selling things I don't want or will never use. My goal was to never come back to the hobby, but when I found that I could do it in moderation, it became fun for me again. Also, not buying every Limited Run Games release has helped a lot too.

Honestly though, if I had the mindset that I could actually quit this hobby and sell everything off without remorse, I'd likely do it, but for now, I guess there are truly worse vices to have.

Ah yes, the complete collection Wii U fever. I caught that too, once. I pulled through. Realized how dumb it was that I wanted all the trash and the Hello Kitty games, and then I removed most of that junk from my Wii U collection. No sane person needs that. It was the fever talking.

I think I'm just going through a withdraw period. Haven't had my fix in a while.

Re: Game collecting addiction
« Reply #10 on: October 09, 2019, 08:03:02 pm »
Buy whatever makes you the most happy, currently,

I am not into collecting retro video games to gain more money than what I paid for them.

I do have buyer remorse when I spend a lot on games. But I'll admit to being paranoid that someday some rich person is going to buy up all my local stores, and driving up all the prices for high amounts. I buy video games to hopefully play them in the future when retro games become a rich mans only hobby.

It makes me mad when I hear stories of people buying the same game more then once unless they are trying to get a better copy in order to play it.

I saw one of my favorite games going for $2 USD but I passed because I left the game for someone else to enjoy since I already have 2 copies.

and I think the world will have more robberies targeted on collectors when everything goes digital so,

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Re: Game collecting addiction
« Reply #11 on: October 09, 2019, 08:13:02 pm »
Back when I had my first full time job and still lived at home, I spent thousands on just about anything I could get my hands on. I would look forward to out of town work, so I could hit up new stores. A few times my luggage was so stuffed, I needed a backback for carry on. My coworkers were going out for drinks and I was heading to Toys r us, KB and Target lol.

I don’t feel like I missed out. I did have some “what the hell am I doing” moments, like when I came home with Brats or Miss Spiders Tea Party.

The games will always be there though. No need to try and buy them all at once. You may even save a lot by waiting.


PRO Supporter

Re: Game collecting addiction
« Reply #12 on: October 10, 2019, 12:33:58 am »
I understand the feeling of game collection addiction, I often use collecting as a stress release and sometimes my buying will get out of hand.  I've had a very stressful last three years in law school, and even got a part time job during school partially so I could keep game collecting.  The rush I get from a good deal or winning a bid on eBay is better than any drug I've ever tried. I've been collecting off and on since I was 12 years old, but I really ramped up my collecting habits starting in 2014-2015.  I've had a lot of recent life changes, and while I would love to continue the massive growth of my game collection, I also need to come to terms with reality. I am now married, and so I also cannot just think about spending money on myself and my interests as well.  We want to buy a house in the next few years and also have children.  I don't see myself selling off the collection anytime soon, but I will definitely be reducing the amount of games I buy.  Got the Portland expo coming up though, and I still plan to go hard for that!

Re: Game collecting addiction
« Reply #13 on: October 10, 2019, 01:05:22 am »
Only once, and that was way back in 2004, after I got my first job. Having a non-allowance cash flow coming in for the first time in my life made me a bit too spend happy, and I'd be blowing the entire paycheck on games and other stuff. Accidentally overdrafting my account a couple times was what got me to reel back.

Now, I've found a better balance and control (though part of me suspects that's just because I make so much more than the me of 15 years ago), and while I keep adding to my collections, I'm pretty much where I should be financially.


Re: Game collecting addiction
« Reply #14 on: October 10, 2019, 06:00:45 am »
Things work in cycles. Extreme collectors become extreme sellers/purgers I noticed quite often. No restraint in buying and no restrain in throwing it away almost as rapidly, or "giving up the hobby" a more conservative wording.

Maybe there's solace in that people collect or get addicted to worse things out there.