Author Topic: Error Listings and rejected edits 2021  (Read 86342 times)


Re: Error Listings and rejected edits 2021
« Reply #630 on: August 31, 2021, 01:48:13 am »

Created this entry and after submitting I noticed a typo. I went to edit said typo and when I checked my edits, I noticed it had been rejected. Then I checked the entry and see completely different (and lacking) info. Disc Item Number is gone and details about what's included are also absent like the number of pages of the artbook.  ???


Re: Error Listings and rejected edits 2021
« Reply #631 on: August 31, 2021, 12:33:52 pm »

Created this entry and after submitting I noticed a typo. I went to edit said typo and when I checked my edits, I noticed it had been rejected. Then I checked the entry and see completely different (and lacking) info. Disc Item Number is gone and details about what's included are also absent like the number of pages of the artbook.  ???

When an item within the database has multiple packaging layers such as many Collector's Edition items do, I disregard information that is found within sub-layer items, such as what is inside a game case. At the same time, the entry isn't for the game—it's for the collector's edition package as a whole. More detailed descriptions can be added to entries that are representative of that particular item itself. So, in this instance, if an entry was to be created for Akiba's Trip: Hellbound & Debriefed the game itself, adding information as to what's inside (disc item numbers, Let's Visit booklet, reversible cover art) would be acceptable. To me, this helps prevent multiple entries being provided the same information. I don't necessarily think that this approach to stylization is spelled out in the style guide, or if it is an unwritten rule, or if it is just my matter of thinking. If it isn't ideal, then I'll let tripredacus give their word on it, and a subsequent edit can be made.

As far as adding different information to the 10th Anniversary Edition entry, I added more specific information such as actual item names while being concise with my wording. Additionally, I disregarded all mentions to the ItemName title itself, as the style guide explains. Information in the Description field does not need to repeat information that is found in other fields.

Information Duplication and Things to Avoid
Information that exists on the entry in another field should not also be put into description. Examples:
- do not refer to the item by its title, as this is present in the Item Name


Re: Error Listings and rejected edits 2021
« Reply #632 on: September 01, 2021, 10:51:39 am »
The part about not re-using information is to prevent things like using the name from the title (not necessarily the name of the game) in the description. It was specifically to combat people using a Desc like so:

"Akiba's Trip: Hellbound & Debriefed 10th Anniversary Edition includes an original soundtrack..."

Or to put into Description the barcode, or item number, release date/etc that is put into the other fields already. It is OK to put in a Dev or Pub if they are not options in the dropdown.

For this one, the Includes is a good start but
- "sealed game" doesn't help anyone. Here you can put in the name of the game as well as the item number or barcode on it. If you want to put in the item number from the disc then it can be done on this line OR above the includes list.
- remove the term "exclusive" from the Artbook item unless this is actually in the name. Now, in this line item it is OK to put how many pages there are if you want.
- if the item contains a soundtrack CD and we know the name of it, use the name of the CD, if not then it should be put as "soundtrack CD". Terms like "Original Soundtrack" is obviously copied from the marketing material and we should not be using that.

There are some considerations to have where you need not always put every bit of info in a Description for items included inside of a set, especially for items that have or can have their own entries.

- If the Game inside is also available separately, then it is better to put things like what paperwork is inside it, or the disc item number onto that entry instead.
- the artbook is allowed a separate entry in the books section, so the info like how many pages are in it should be on that entry for sure and whatever other details.
- same goes for an audio CD, they can get entries made in the Swag Soundtrack section where you can put in anything even IFPI numbers if you want.

For these, you just want to make sure that the description in the LE Includes section has enough identifying info so that you could find the other entries if you looked for them. This is why using the generic terms like "game name" or "artbook" or "original soundtrack" is not a good idea. Maybe someday we can link things together to make it easier to know exactly what those things are.
« Last Edit: September 01, 2021, 10:53:10 am by tripredacus »

Re: Error Listings and rejected edits 2021
« Reply #633 on: September 11, 2021, 10:33:33 am »
I'm pretty sure this isn't actually the cover for Catherine on PS3, so I believe it should be changed:


Re: Error Listings and rejected edits 2021
« Reply #634 on: September 11, 2021, 12:10:29 pm »
I'm pretty sure this isn't actually the cover for Catherine on PS3, so I believe it should be changed:

This is the cover—or the alternate cover, anyway. You can find an online listing for it here. It was offered as a less explicit version for "sensitive shoppers," as Atlus is on record saying.
« Last Edit: September 11, 2021, 02:08:21 pm by dhaabi »

Re: Error Listings and rejected edits 2021
« Reply #635 on: September 11, 2021, 03:27:14 pm »
I'm pretty sure this isn't actually the cover for Catherine on PS3, so I believe it should be changed:

This is the cover—or the alternate cover, anyway. You can find an online listing for it here. It was offered as a less explicit version for "sensitive shoppers," as Atlus is on record saying.

Ah, fair enough.

Re: Error Listings and rejected edits 2021
« Reply #636 on: September 18, 2021, 09:34:19 am »
Why did Sneak King ( move platforms from Xbox 360 to Xbox? It was Xbox 360 for a long time, and that my vote for its location as:

  • Sneak King released one year into the Xbox 360 lifecycle
  • compatibility is listed for Xbox 360 before original Xbox on the box art
  • both Burger King and Microsoft advertised it for the new 360 console

If folks want an Xbox version listed, entries for both platforms should exist. Then last - whoever initiated this, missed the other 67% of King Games in this situation - Big Bumpin' ( and PocketBike Racer (

Please move Sneak King back to Xbox 360 platform. Thank you

Re: Error Listings and rejected edits 2021
« Reply #637 on: September 18, 2021, 09:40:11 am »,11413.0.html

Co-branded games go into the category of the oldest console.


Re: Error Listings and rejected edits 2021
« Reply #638 on: September 18, 2021, 12:41:29 pm »
As Cartagia has mentioned, there was a recent community discussion and later poll to determine how co-branded items should be categorized.

whoever initiated this, missed the other 67% of King Games in this situation - Big Bumpin' ( and PocketBike Racer (

Big Bumpin' and PocketBike Racer have both been moved to Xbox [NA].

Re: Error Listings and rejected edits 2021
« Reply #639 on: September 18, 2021, 06:25:07 pm »
I wanted to know why my box text addition to Wrath of the Black Manta was rejected?  :'(


Re: Error Listings and rejected edits 2021
« Reply #640 on: September 18, 2021, 06:42:47 pm »
I wanted to know why my box text addition to Wrath of the Black Manta was rejected?  :'(

The submitted text included trademark symbols which should be omitted, as outlined in the Box Text post of the Advanced Style Guide. If the text is submitted without these symbols, it can be approved.

Box Text
trade symbols
In general, you should not use trade symbols such as ®, ©, ℠ or ™ in the Box Text.
The only times that this should be used is when a variation is present and these types of symbols are part of the variation.

Re: Error Listings and rejected edits 2021
« Reply #641 on: September 21, 2021, 11:49:01 am »,11413.0.html

Co-branded games go into the category of the oldest console.

Thanks the explanation and pointing me to the discussion, but ugh, no...... Let each user decide how they want the data represented in their collection.

Re: Error Listings and rejected edits 2021
« Reply #642 on: September 25, 2021, 11:15:32 am »
Say, I was wondering why my edit to this cover of Wind Waker HD was rejected:
The one currently up doesn't look to be very high quality, and while my edit wasn't of the greatest quality either, I thought it still looked sharper than the one currently up, for the lack of a better term.


Re: Error Listings and rejected edits 2021
« Reply #643 on: September 26, 2021, 11:50:50 am »
Say, I was wondering why my edit to this cover of Wind Waker HD was rejected:
The one currently up doesn't look to be very high quality, and while my edit wasn't of the greatest quality either, I thought it still looked sharper than the one currently up, for the lack of a better term.

Your edit was rejected due to the proposed artwork being incorrect—not due to its quality. The artwork you proposed is for an item already within the database located here.


Re: Error Listings and rejected edits 2021
« Reply #644 on: September 30, 2021, 12:04:30 pm »