Author Topic: All non-gaming talk.  (Read 11311 times)

Re: All non-gaming talk.
« Reply #15 on: April 21, 2020, 03:17:38 pm »
Dear Diary Entry #5 - Just when things start going good, a boy flirts with your fiancee on social media.  Lame.   Love is a bull,  you climb on its back.  Bite into its neck and hang on for dear life until it bucks you off leaving you a concussed, broken pile of meat, bones and blood in the mud.  It doubles back around to stomp on your head a few time in anger for what once loved you and accepted you on its back under the anesthetics of love now wants nothing more than for you to die.   But like a fool, blinded with the memories of shattered dreams you climb right back on and let it kick you over and over until eventually you die.   


Re: All non-gaming talk.
« Reply #16 on: April 21, 2020, 03:28:20 pm »
Dear diary entry #4 :   Senpai has yet to notice me.  I dance under the moon light under his nose.  I guess im too much girl for him.  Marijuana killed the borochiosaurus.

Marijuana killed the borochiosaurus?

I heard video killed the radio star. Serious thought provoking stuff out there.

Re: All non-gaming talk.
« Reply #17 on: April 22, 2020, 01:56:27 am »
Dear diary entry #6 -  Today has been a meditative, thought provoking Journey finding myself through old literature. I have cleaned my room of the multiple Jugs which created a shrine of the urine that smelled that of Osama Bin Laden's anus. . My room now smells marginally better.  I have found some solace in the fact that looking back on old messages from January. I was every bit as sporadic and uncollected with my reasoning. I really had no rational thought. And I had the same kind of Semi suicidal, self-loathing misery that I do now. Looking at those times as the good times. Is confusing considering I really haven't changed much. I feel like I beat myself up a lot. Over things I have little to no control over. I'm not sure if I am finding a light at the end of this Darkness. But I will say its a start.

Life is still a slowly sinking boat.  But we can always keep wind in the sails. I feel if I am able to lift myself from these. Insecurity ashes, rip myself from the Cobblestone damp soaked streets of this foggy London misery. I think it'll do great wonders for my self-esteem moving forward in life because this is probably the most challenging obstacle to conquer. So if I conquer it. I might be able to conquer anything.

Edit 1:  Seether has yet to notice me.  He will not find the same warmth in his heart for me as he does dividends, bonds and santander stocks.   I refuse to change the current shirt I am wearing until my senpai notices me.  Just hand in hand, misquite hickory logs char as flames engulf the wood we stuffed into the fire.  Just us and the expansiveness of mother nature, so unplugged.   Millions of stars sparkle like glistening diamonds above us as we rest in a cotton blanket burrito.  But none shine as bright as my pretty princess :)    the piece of puzzle.   I am submissive to you.  Typically I love control but i'll sacrarice for your love.  Just hold me, never let me go.  And call me your baby.   Boy or girl!  I cry becauae he already rejected me telephatically.
« Last Edit: April 22, 2020, 02:06:43 am by marvelvscapcom2 »

Re: All non-gaming talk.
« Reply #18 on: April 22, 2020, 10:09:13 pm »
Dear diary entry #7:   help me.  Please god help me  :'(

Re: All non-gaming talk.
« Reply #19 on: April 23, 2020, 02:07:53 am »
Dear diary entry #8:  Most of the complications mentioned above, or in life in general have spawned due to the fact that my significant other is having her lady time. Not to be graphic on the forums, but it explains much of my worry. It wasn't my fault.  She has seemed different not because she has lost feelings. But because she is encountering hormonal changes that are making her mood swing.  It is a role of a true man to be supportive of his queen during these times. Google has stated that heating pads. And hydration are key.  I feel calm now and to be honest. I have no control over Destiny or the future.  I fear being too sweet. Some girls take that as weakness. As the old saying goes nice guys finish last.  I hope I am an exception to the rule. Because I just don't have it in my heart to be mean to her.

Re: All non-gaming talk.
« Reply #20 on: April 23, 2020, 02:10:41 am »
Dear Diary Entry #9: If Cinderella's shoe fit perfectly and that's how they determined that it was her shoe, How did it fall off in the first place. It was a perfect fit. The mind-boggling dilemma of today has been pondering on this conundrum the even renowned philosophers such as Dmitri Mendeleev would have never been able. To quite analyze the scope of its mystery and lore.


Re: All non-gaming talk.
« Reply #21 on: April 23, 2020, 09:45:11 am »
Dear Diary Entry #10: I totally forgot that Jeff Kent played on the Cleveland Indians.

Re: All non-gaming talk.
« Reply #22 on: April 23, 2020, 11:42:09 am »
Dear Diary Entry #11:  Love is like a pokemon's evolutionary chain in regards to the verbiage females use to label or convey their love.  You go from your name, just innocent small talk and cadences.  to sweetheart to eventually the sacred promised land of being called love or baby to other elaborate nick names with varying levels of creativity.    Today I was called sweetheart.  Proving that the relationship is a lifeless, cold, grey skinned soggy corpse.  I have been demoted from baby to sweetheart.  I feel emptiness.   I feel the clutches of numbness all around me.

On a side not, I need Seether in these damning times.  At this point if he called me his gamer queen.  And stocked up our RV with mocha starbucks frapuccinos for our cross country road trip to see the grand canyon id prob rest happy.  The short grows stinky.   Notice me.

Re: All non-gaming talk.
« Reply #23 on: May 06, 2020, 05:06:44 am »
Dear Diary Entry #12 -   My sacred account, where all magic lies.  My personal facebook messenger equivelant of disney land has been banned for 30 days resulting in lack of communication with the girl of my dreams  :'(  Long distance communcations have been made difficult,  my new account lacks memories and dreams.  I want to die more than I have ever wanted to die before.  And it's all because these 2 guys attacked her deceased father.  Resulting in me taking things to primal, and probably over the top lengths to seek vengeance.   

Why do I try.    Also facebook has literally no support feature,  why bother.  Can't call, can't chat.  Nothing.  theirs nothing.   I'm better off writting a message in a bottle on a dunkin donuts napkin and sending it to Indonesia in hopes some Indonesian boy will come out of a Bali resort, find it,  and bring it to some indoensian facebook headquarters in which a Zuckerberg clone android will relay my message in morse code telephatically to some sort of higher power diety in which my answers will finally be given.   until then I cry.  contemplate drinking Lysol.   And being a pitiful mess of a man.   things had just started getting good :(

Re: All non-gaming talk.
« Reply #24 on: May 06, 2020, 05:12:08 am »
Dear diary entry #4 :   Senpai has yet to notice me.  I dance under the moon light under his nose.  I guess im too much girl for him.  Marijuana killed the borochiosaurus.

Marijuana killed the borochiosaurus?

I heard video killed the radio star. Serious thought provoking stuff out there.

I love you more than you know.  More than words can ever convey Nicholas.  You have been a beacon of light in a dark dark world, the spiderman to my Gwen Stacy.  The Aladin to my Jasime. You deserve to be hand fed chocolate dipped strawberries on a tropical island, or showered with pink tulips on gondolas in venice, italy. Be presented with giant glistening crystal ice sculptures of hello kitty and heart shaped, syrup soaked pancakes with a butter square on top.  You really are a shining bermese ruby in a sea of uncultured swine, trash and depressing middle school angst.   I wish you happiness, happiness I can never find in my torn, broken, paranoid, self loathing soul.    I wish I had the answers.  I wish I could be like you guys.  But i'm not.   You're god.  You're an adonis.  You're a yolked up fire fighter in a v neck that's 3 sizes too small.   But it makes you looked swelled.   I know you can do more pull ups than me.

On a side note, seether never noticed me nor will he ever.  I will settle for Lordscott at this point.  I will settle for oldgamerz.   I will settle for anyone who will send me goodnight kissy emojis, and take all my money from me and leave me with 40k in unpaid alimony. 
« Last Edit: May 06, 2020, 05:14:06 am by marvelvscapcom2 »

Re: All non-gaming talk.
« Reply #25 on: May 06, 2020, 05:20:22 am »
Dear Diary Entry 12 -    It's amazing how love is formed, and then it's ripped, shredded and spit into your face.  I feel if I don't get 400 page likes i'll lose all I have :(   

Re: All non-gaming talk.
« Reply #26 on: May 06, 2020, 05:35:17 am »
Dear Diary Entry #13 -  Their is a man named Leo B D Boe....    If he graces these forums by a different alias or ever stumbles upon this buried text in the catacombs of vgf where nobody dares enter.  You're formally invited to the bbq.  and you're basically everything I aspire to be.   

But wish me luck everyone here.  Maybe things aren't so bad.  how much of it is in my head I'm not sure at this point.  Immense high highs,  and insanely low lows :( 

Re: All non-gaming talk.
« Reply #27 on: May 07, 2020, 06:26:58 pm »
I'm starting to think Seether is the brother in law to one of the site admins because I can't fathom why else he wasn't banned years ago.

 You started off as a chemist, And in your world you were a prodigy. But it makes sense because my comments are only hot periodically. Kind of like the periodic table, even when I'm in my own element I'm a square.  Because anything you're expecting from me today, Think the reversal of that. No jokes, no scatological plotlines. I just want to teach VG collect. How to chemically stabilized a hard-line flat. Condensed incubators, turns hydrogen and nitrogen into H2O. 3 grams of plutonium or, Five ownium copper leads placed forming a hexagon Five Points, an avulsion, we just need 337 gigawatts hand capture lightning in a bottle for the open the portal to the Wormhole of an entire Paradox of like human society.

"Fruit Roll-Ups us significantly better than Fruit by the Foot" - Jesus 23 A.D

Re: All non-gaming talk.
« Reply #28 on: May 07, 2020, 06:35:47 pm »
Just another "What would you buy if money was no object" thread, which by my count is the second time the second time he's posted it with no qualifiers but probably the 5th or 6th time he's done a "What do you like to buy" thread.  This one just got shut down right away and he's salty.

I always seen you around in the halls, past by eachother not knowing what was yet to come.  Passing paper airplane notes in class .  I bat my eyelashes at you trying to get your attention.  I'd send my friends to talk to you because I never had the courage. Standing by your locker with the Slipknot magnets on it. I never quite knew that you would capture my heart.  Until that day that you sat next to me at recess. You placed a ice cold, condensation dripping, fresh from the lunch lady's freezer, little pint of 2% chocolate milk  into my small delicate hands.  For a brief second you held my hand. Kind of felt like time was frozen for a second. You're rough coarse fingers. From a day of playing in the sand pits. I looked up at you with my glistening, reverential blue eyes. So innocent. Your emerald green eyes and my blue eyes make yellow as our Souls collide. I see fireworks in your pupils. I am your baby. , I am your ice cream girl. As you run off to play freeze tag. The chocolatey, mocha deliciousness, fill in my tummy. Such a lucky princess :)   cascaded with love

Re: All non-gaming talk.
« Reply #29 on: May 07, 2020, 06:47:53 pm »
Can anyone spot me 500 bucks till the 5th?  Landlord buggin