Hi All,
I know I am not including pictures (it is a ton of stuff), but will add pictures of specific items if asked. If you are interested in something, let me know what and we can discuss.

I know that some of them have keys and if they do, they have been used. You'd be buying a display piece

AD&D Starter Kit (+ PoD hint book and 9 game collection CD, Missing Pools of Radiance disk) Almost complete
Baldur's Gate (1+2, +expansions) Disks
Bioshock CiB
Bioshock 2 CiB
Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel! CiB
Dark Messiah CiB
Dark Sun 1+2 Disks
Demigod CiB
Deus Ex: Human Revolution CiB
Dragon Age 2 CiB
DragoN Age: Awakening CiB
Dragon Age: Origins CE CiB
Dreamfall: The Longest Journey CiB
Dungeon Siege: Gold Release (Press disks) Disks
Fallout 3 CiB
Fallout 4 CiB
Fallout Collection CiB
Guild Wars CiB
Guild Wars: Eye of the North CiB
Guild Wars: Factions CiB
Guild Wars: Nightfall CiB
Heroes III: Shadows of Death (Big box, +1, 2, 2E, 3, 3E1, 4x Chronicles disks and some manuals)
Heroes 4 (+2 expansions, in Gathering Storm box with no manual)
Heroes of Might and Magic V (+2 expansions) CiB
Icewind Dale II (+ ID1+expac disks) CiB
Jade Empire: Limited Edition CiB
Might and Magic Heroes VI CiB
Might and Magic VI, VII, VIII, IX Disks
Neverwinter Nights (incl. 2 expansions, all original boxes) CiB
Neverwinter Nights 2 (+2 expansions) CiB
Oblivion GOTY CiB
Overlord CiB
Planescape Torment Disks
Portal CiB
Rome: Total War Disks
Silver Disks
Skyrim CiB
Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided CiB
Star Wars Galaxies: Total Experience CiB
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic CiB
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2 CiB
Starcraft II: Legacy of the Void CiB
Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty CiB (I don't know where my Zerg one is.......)
Stronghold Disks
The Last Remnant CiB
The Temple of Elemental Evil CiB
The Witcher CiB
The Witcher 2 CiB
The Witcher 3 CiB
Titanfall CiB
Tomb Raider: Legend CiB
Tomb Raider: Underworld CiB
I also have empty Warcraft 3 boxes and other MMO boxes (LotRO, WAR, Wrath, DAoC)
Descent to Undermountain Disks
Pools of Radiance: Ruins of Myth Drannor disks