Author Topic: I don't know if there are any other otakus here or am I only one/am I alone but  (Read 2027 times)

just dropping by saying hi,seeing how are you guys doing & lol I don't know if there are any other otakus or any other weebs or am I only one/am I alone on this site but sometimes I feel like laughing,I want to laugh or I want to die laughing at people who are losing their digital library when I preferred physical media over digital any day no offense to normal people who preferred digital media that are not insane & are not offended by people who preferred physical media over digital any day like me & are not swear by digital media.

Yes my favorite systems are & still are to this day as following so far & so far at the moment for Soyny's platforms they are ps2,Japanese ps2 & psp 3000,for Microsoft's platforms Xbox 360 & pc & for Nintendo's platforms gameboy advance,NES & Mini NES & for vr platforms Oculus Rift. & I will say it again that I'm a otaku,I'm a gamer,I'm a final fantasy fan/huge fan aka final fantasy nerd,I'm a hentai fan,I love hentai both vr & non-vr & I love hentai stuff too.

To end it here or at least for now yes I'm still playing ps2 & pc & I will admit it that. I buy,I still buy,I love,I still love,I play & I still play the classics,retro games,anime classics,old school anime & manga classics & yes I'm including for pc,visual novels,hentai & Japanese games. Like some of us otakus,weebs,gamers,final fantasy fan/huge fans & hentai fans I might be picky when it comes down to modern sorry & don't worry sooner or later I will get even more into pc gaming & leave consoles & console censorships :).
« Last Edit: July 11, 2020, 03:16:39 pm by eaglelord9814 »


Hi What is an otakus? I looked it up and I still have no idea.  I don't even know what a Weeb is. I looked that up too and I get no exact answer from the internet either

Maybe that answers the question on my part. You can be what you want to be in life, I won't dog you. But I guess you can tell. I don't keep up with Japanese culture

Did you mean is there anybody who plays vr platforms like Oculus Rift? that would be a better thing to ask in my opinion that way you could get more responses to your thread.

I don't use VR but I know someone might on this site might.
updated on 5-14-2024 5:30AM (EST)
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Hi What is an otakus? I looked it up and I still have no idea.  I don't even know what a Weeb is. I looked that up too and I get no exact answer from the internet either

An otaku is a fanboy, more specifically a fanboy of anime and manga. A weeb or weeaboo is one who takes their fanboyism to a completely unhealthy level of obsession. Or as an example, an Otaku may like Naruto and like to talk about it with other people; a weeb would tote a love pillow of their faovrite character around in public, would love to talk about their homoerotic fanfiction about said character, and will unironically ninja run everywhere.

Me, I slipped out of what I'd consider full otakuism a while back, but I still enjoy anime and manga and I do keep building up my manga collection bit by bit, giving it a sizable spot in my library:

And I do have quite a few nendoroids too, as I find them cute and despite being more expensive, an infinitely better collectable than the dead-eyed abominations that are Funko pops.


Thanks for the information @emporerdragon. I'm sure others didn't know either,
updated on 5-14-2024 5:30AM (EST)
MY RADIO STAION (Licensed but not a business)
64k stream ACC format sound meaning

Clearer Sound Quality for Half the internet data Usage
over 28,000 song playlist and 100 automated DJ talk and history lesions "commercial free" "No subscription needed"

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*This .gif is  funny, but quite ironic...

All kidding aside, I personally read and collected manga for a while back in the very early to mid 2000s, but I  lost interest, although I honestly wish I hadn't stopped buying Berserk. I also watched and owned a few animé shows, but again, I lost interest. Back in the day I used to go the "KaZaA" and "LimeWire" route for my fix, so, yeah... Nothing that's being produced these days has piqued my interest, on the contrary if I'm being honest, so I mostly stick with the greatest hits of yesteryear.

Anyway, what I'm trying to say is I'm very familiar with the term, but don't believe it fits or ever fitted me.

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I'm way more of a Manga fan than an anime fan, but I do really like both. Sadly the extent of my anime fandom pretty much starts in the 80s and ends at around the mid 2000s or so. I've seen a few decent newer anime, but I feel like as a genre anime has devolved into waifus and fan service, which has really ruined the quality of the genre imo. As for manga I have easily around 1000 volumes of manga, if not more. At one point I probably had 2500 volumes between my fiancee and I, but we pared that down considerably after moving a few years ago. I have a hard time fining manga that I enjoy that's been released over the past 5-years, but I do find decent ones occasionally.


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There are certain animes I like, but I'm by no means an Otaku. Most of the animes I like are late 80s to 90s stuff, totally different than most modern anime I see. Even then, though, it's only a handful of stuff I like: The Guyver, Record of Lodoss War, Street Fighter, Casshan: Robot Hunter, Ronin Warriors, Mobile Fighter G-Gundam, Dragonball Z/Dragonball Super.

I much prefer American animation. Love the 70s/80s adult animated stuff like Wizard, Fire & Ice, Heavy Metal, and Starchaser. Of course, being a comic fan I love animated comic stuff like Batman the Animated Series, X-Men, Spider-Man, Justice League, and Superman. And being a child of the 80s and 90s and I like the Saturday Morning Cartoon stuff like Ghostbusters, He-Man, Gargoyles, etc.
« Last Edit: July 23, 2020, 01:31:36 pm by burningdoom »


I don't really care for anime that much. There are only a couple shows I like.
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I've never really found the allure behind Japanese animation myself. Not a huge fan of animation of any sort outside of video games. While on the other hand my brother is a total Japanophile. Not only is he into the manga but he's been extensively researching and teaching himself to speak and read Japanese for a few years now, and he wants to travel to Japan, and I'm just like.... why? What is so great about Japan? He's always had sort of a fixation on Japan since a young age that I couldn't understand. The fascination is apparently widespread in the west. Not that I have anything against it, I just don't see the appeal.
« Last Edit: July 29, 2020, 11:37:01 am by Warmsignal »